This is a great thing in theory. In practice I've had to leave too many missions because it paired me up with a bunch of vitas.
edit: top of page vita control scheme

This is a great thing in theory. In practice I've had to leave too many missions because it paired me up with a bunch of vitas.
yeah played both beta thought the game was alright. Bought and reach level 30 in the final game, it's a lot funnier than I thought when I play tho the game with friends.!But as mention below vvv end game is just a loot hunt.Well, I didn't bite on the Division. I watched hours and hours of streams, and and it just didn't click for me. Sooooooooooo
I spent the weekend taking my Warlock from lvl 25- 40 and his light up to 305.
Question because because its been so long. My Titian is 319 light!
At light 305 what do I spend my time doing?
yeah prob get a fewI've reached Division's End Game and it's exactly what I thought. Once you beat all the story missions, there are 3 dailies, which are 3 of those story missions that earn you the end game credit, like Legendary Marks. Nothing much else to do now except wait for new content. I can get the highest end drops but no purpose for them really ATM. I can turn into a casual now (until new content is released next month).
I'm down to run a card of Trials in about 2-3 hours.
So does Blops 3.Division has fake Xur and fake strange coins!
Why, exactly, did anyone think it would be any different?
The new content is one raid.
As for the Division... In the next update is one raid and a new gear system that is similar to the Light system of Destiny. As well as three DLCs in one year compared to one (yeah, still shocked, not used to this xD)... Also, leveling the Dark Zone to level 50 is also people tend to forget. And there are two daily Challenging missions (think of it as two Nightfalls per day with a guaranteed exotic) that take hours to complete. Also, two Hard dailies that are cakewalk in comparisson. There will be more end game content than Destiny as of now (Y1 was different)
The Division is a perfect game for the Vita, no twitch reaction required.FTFY
So does Blops 3.
I've reached Division's End Game and it's exactly what I thought. Once you beat all the story missions, there are 3 dailies, which are 3 of those story missions that earn you the end game credit, like Legendary Marks. Nothing much else to do now except wait for new content. I can get the highest end drops but no purpose for them really ATM. I can turn into a casual now (until new content is released next month).
I'm down to run a card of Trials in about 2-3 hours.
The Division is a perfect game for the Vita, no twitch reaction required.
The recoil of the weapons is very hard to control w/ the vita sticks, though I've only played it once on Vita. I'll get better.
This is a great thing in theory. In practice I've had to leave too many missions because it paired me up with a bunch of potatoes.
Well guys. I bit the bullet and got the division. All i can say is that i hope new destiny content is comming soon. I have no desire end game and it really sucks playing solo.
But it has matchmaking you say?
The most convoluted mm ever you mean.
I go to a mission i want to do. Click to matchmake. Its spins for about 5 minutes and then says an agent joined my team! Nice
Where are they?
I can't seem to find them. I wait for them to load in or something. Nope. They just aint there.
Another thing is side mission grinding to just get high enough in level for the next mission.
Destinys systems are so much better
VoidFang Vestments
Shattered Vault cloak 4ever convinced T-44 to get it?
Does the Bond or the Chest change the cloak?
No, he unequivocally stated he isn't getting it. So I got it anyway.
I agree, just stating my experience with it has been sub par.That happens in MM in every game. But all the same having options = GOOD.
No, he unequivocally stated he isn't getting it. So I got it anyway.
Let's play some Division Brah!, I'll even accept you on the Vita.
BTW, will my services be needed tomorrow night for the Raid?
I agree, just stating my experience with it has been sub par.
Ah, cool. Let me know if you want to play sometime this week. I'm taking it slow, currently at level 14.
ha, sounds good. standby as far as the raid. I'll get a headcount. There's really nothing I need from WP challenge, so if we're full you can have my spot and I'll hang out in the party chat.
Ah, cool. Let me know if you want to play sometime this week. I'm taking it slow, currently at level 14.
Well guys. I bit the bullet and got the division. All i can say is that i hope new destiny content is comming soon. I have no desire end game and it really sucks playing solo.
But it has matchmaking you say?
The most convoluted mm ever you mean.
I go to a mission i want to do. Click to matchmake. Its spins for about 5 minutes and then says an agent joined my team! Nice
Where are they?
I can't seem to find them. I wait for them to load in or something. Nope. They just aint there.
Another thing is side mission grinding to just get high enough in level for the next mission.
Destinys systems are so much better
I don't need anything from WP either, just if I'm going to run it, it would only be because you guys need someone, otherwise, back to Division I go. Either way I'll probably pop in and talk shit, oh and have you guys let me jump in and grab the Pistons Chest.
It seems that way, but I don't know. Bungie couldn't even be bothered to add the PS exclusive maps into IB or strikes into PS NFs.
Looks like we are still at the same place in the game, hit me up if you're going to be online tonight.
I bet you anything this was a conscious decision by the team because they didn't want the numbers to mess with some metrics or something stupid.
Plus, this actually leads more to what I was saying before about Bungie moving away from maps/strikes as exclusive content, and instead using gear. Thus, Bungie doesn't ever have to make console specific exceptions for matchmaking, and can just make everything once/globally.
Wait, what? On a warlock the chest piece "is" the cloak. Maybe I misinterpreted your question.
My favorite warlock chest piece/coat thing is Voidfang. I think it has a really nice look.
Shaders change it which is nice.
Bonds changing the look of other pieces? Not sure I follow.
If the info from Kotaku is correct then they need a major tool upgrade in order to put out the sort of volume of quality content the playerbase expects. Let's hope for Destiny 2.So my one hope is this: Taken King took a year to make with the team split between that & TDB/HoW. This year there've been no expansions or anything other than so pitiful Microtranscation event. I know they were cranking hard on the sequel, but hopefully we'll get something at least as good as Taken King and better post-launch support. Because post-launch material can't be built post-launch as this year plainly demonstrates.
I don't want to encourage more time-gating, but how great would the Taken War be as a monthly quest? Like each month a new planet. Ending about now with Fear's Embrace?
Cynically, well, we have 2 years of Bungie just dumping the game at launch and practically setting it on auto-pilot...
So my one hope is this: Taken King took a year to make with the team split between that & TDB/HoW. This year there've been no expansions or anything other than so pitiful Microtranscation event. I know they were cranking hard on the sequel, but hopefully we'll get something at least as good as Taken King and better post-launch support. Because post-launch material can't be built post-launch as this year plainly demonstrates.
I don't want to encourage more time-gating, but how great would the Taken War be as a monthly quest? Like each month a new planet. Ending about now with Fear's Embrace?
Cynically, well, we have 2 years of Bungie just dumping the game at launch and practically setting it on auto-pilot...
It's crazy how Bungie did originally have a PVE event set up to come around as often as IB with Queen's Wrath, but just completely ditched it. The Supremacy was the only Queen weapon ever offered.
How are they moving away from it when their last expansion featured both an exclusive map and strike?
It's crazy how Bungie did originally have a PVE event set up to come around as often as IB with Queen's Wrath, but just completely ditched it. The Supremacy was the only Queen weapon ever offered.
Well, it's sad that they haven't been able to come up with a viable alternative, but not crazy that they ditched Queen's Wrath. "Grind some missions for a ticket so you can run a normal version of a story mission and cross your fingers for a drop" definitely didn't work.
The same thing was happening to me as well. But there was something I did not notice until a couple of MM. An option to join someone else session prompts you to push R3. So you can wait for someone to join you or join someone else.
I'm talking about how this winter we got Iron Banner exclusive gear and drops.
Actually, that's not necessarily any sort of indicator. It was probably just a stopgap solution - the agreement with Sony likely
calls for Playstation exclusive DLC content since both TDB and HoW had it. The Iron Banner gear was probably just seen as a way to meet this winter's requirement since there was no more substantial content to be offered.
Bungie bounty's up as usual its chat thats providing all the fun
It's kind of weird being called a Bungie bounty...considering you have to play against non-Bungie players. I guess that's how you make the emblem that much more elusive.
When I join games in MM I press the R3 or L3 to join the game and eventually another prompt comes up to teleport to the mission.Does it teleport you to thier location?
Ive joined friends games and it loads me in so far away sometimes
When I join games in MM I press the R3 or L3 to join the game and eventually another prompt comes up to teleport to the mission.
Probably be a lot easier for you to just bring your vitaGoing to be going to Ireland next week and wondering if it's worth me bringing my PS4 along to play Destiny or is remote play with a Vita good enough? Just looking to login and casually knockout the daily missions and see Xur.
Re: matchmaking, I did a three hour long challenge mission with a team of randoms that was as hard as (I might even dare to say harder than) anything I've done in Destiny. Worst case, matchmaking allows you opportunities to get familiar with the mechanics of a level (strike, raid) for when you do have a chance to run it with pals.
I used to be anti-matchmaking, but doing it in the Division has changed my mind. Three days at max level and here is my haul, ALL with randoms:
Probably be a lot easier for you to just bring your vita
Lighter mechanics, but more coordinated teamplay as far as kiting enemies, timing buffs, and doling out heals.Are there mechanics to any of these fights? I just can't imagine running Skolas, Crota, etc. w/ random matchmade teammates who may or may not have a mic, not to mention the right gear.
Lighter mechanics, but more coordinated teamplay as far as kiting enemies, timing buffs, and doling out heals.
It's a more grueling firefight than most in Destiny with lighter mechanics (which I find more fun anyhow).
The three hour DC from yesterday required drawing aggro, focus firing rushers, timing crit and defense buffs, and a shitload of teamwork.Interesting. Guess I need to hit level 30 and see for myself.