Feels good, man.With Counterbalance + Braced Frame + Persistence that thing is a freaking laser beam once you get the feel for it.

I knew mine was good, didn't realize it was the "God roll"
Feels good, man.With Counterbalance + Braced Frame + Persistence that thing is a freaking laser beam once you get the feel for it.
If you meant LDR 5001, Vanguard rank ups. Meaning Strikes (what) or Patrol beacons (year) or V bounties (is this)How do I get the new version of the orange year 1 sniper again? I want one.
If you meant LDR 5001, Vanguard rank ups. Meaning Strikes (what) or Patrol beacons (what year is this).
I wish there were a Rank 25 Vanguard Exotic Class Item which let me make V rep while playing Crucible. The dream...
Shaxx is also a troll. I ranked up on the card and he dropped a Longbow on me with:
Partial Refund
What am I supposed to do with this nonsense? I should just start trying to snipe I guess.
I'm doing the nightfall if anyone wants in. Listening to thrones theories though so no voice chat.
Big ups to Gunnerz, Macello, Wicked, Fig, and Phaethon for the excellent raid!
We went Leeroy Jenkins on that bitch. Phaethon the REAL MVP.
OT 41 | Killed by Leeroy Jenkinsor Gofundme
I'm having the same problem with that quest. It's either bugged, or we were supposed to do it during SRL.I started Destiny back up this weekend, and that was clearly a mistake since I'm running into bugged quests that won't complete.
"With Finesse and Speed" gets to the final turn-in and there is no quest reward to select, and thus I can't turn it in.
Yeah definitely agree about blast radius being the most important stat, especially after the G&H nerf. Velocity is nice but in practice I don't notice much difference between getting a kill or not.
That said, Legendary RLs are a moot point for me currently since I always run Truth. Exotic primaries feel so lackluster right now, I'm not crazy about any of them. I feel like a god rolled PDX45/Hawksaw and CB Doctrine are the best primaries flat out, and freeing up your exotic slot for Truth is just a bonus. Kind of a bummer tbh.
Are you using Braced Frame? Also, remember the importance of Persistence. With a 54 mag you can start pre-firing before engaging the enemy and still have plenty of bullets for one or even two kills. With Counterbalance + Braced Frame + Persistence that thing is a freaking laser beam once you get the feel for it.
LOL. ElitistOh god. I can't grind strikes like some kind of savage.
I'm having the same problem with that quest. It's either bugged, or we were supposed to do it during SRL.
I started Destiny back up this weekend, and that was clearly a mistake since I'm running into bugged quests that won't complete.
"With Finesse and Speed" gets to the final turn-in and there is no quest reward to select, and thus I can't turn it in.
Any IB trains going on?
Lets start one.
Join on PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for IB train
Lets start one.
Join on PSN: DirtyAquaticApe for IB train
Yep... I'm SO used to the PR (been using Nirwen's a lot), I'm sure I just need to get used to the AR feel again. I have the vendor Hawksaw, too, and I've been using that a little bit. I share my account with my son and he's been using the doctrine and struggling (he's pretty newb at PvP, though).
Every once in a while, I get completely shredded by someone with a doctrine, though, so I know it can be awesome.
Room for 3 on this 3 man train. Will wait in orbit a bit after this match.
I think the Black Spindle mission was the coolest thing to discover and do in Destiny.
I am not a good sniper.
Edit: Which sniper has the most AA of the high impact tiers? 1K?
Longbow and zen meteor have more AA. Longbow has 68 and zen meteor has 80, while 1k only has 56. Don't know if there's any others.I am not a good sniper.
Edit: Which sniper has the most AA of the high impact tiers? 1K?
I am not a good sniper.
Edit: Which sniper has the most AA of the high impact tiers? 1K?
Question for PS4 users, how often do you buy new DS4 controllers?
Mine seem to be lasting about 1 year from "heavy" use -- especially the L1 button because mashing it furiously to Titan skate. I suppose one a year isn't too bad considering?
Just bought my 3rd one today. I had a Day 1 PS4 too.
Please stop posting negativity about the GoFundMe in the thread. If you have a problem with me, send me a PM. If you have a problem with Neo, send me a PM. Keep that garbage out of the thread, enough is enough.
Defiance of Yasmin is a scrub level sniper. The AA on it is rediculous. I get headshots when I don't think I should be.I am not a good sniper.
Edit: Which sniper has the most AA of the high impact tiers? 1K?
This is most likely referring to my post. I won't try to explain myself, but I do want to say again that my post wasn't intended to be negative but it did come out the wrong way and what I intended to say got garbled. This is what I agreed with yesterday about the whole thing. Hope there are no hard feelings.
Hey Drizz I sent you a message but will post this here too - I have to crash as I have to be up really early to go to NYC for work this week. My offspring (Josh) would like to get a spindle, but doesn't have one yet. He's over 310 now.
I am lame because I would help but have to put other kiddo in bed and then crash myself.
If peeps might be able to help him I would be most grateful. If not I totally understand.
His PSN is SunfirePrime
Looking for some IB