how do i always manage to miss IHL games by like 2 minutes axecrying.gif
spectate the game, and yell at someone if they are not setting the dotaTV delay to 10s
Everything time related with this league will be PST.
I'm horrible, and actually don't even know how to JOIN the IHL when they start them haha. But I haven't had time to look into it...
Abandoning IH games will not be tolerated.
Player conduct:
1. Very simple—no flaming. Remember that this is a casual league. Friendly jabs, inside jokes, constructive criticism, or relaxed/harmless/jokey trash talk is fine. “Come on man, you gotta hit that stun.” ← This is not flaming. “Come on you fucking tard, hit your fucking stuns holy shit I’d rather play with a monkey than you, FUCK.” ←This is flaming, just so we’re clear.
2. If you cannot follow rule one for whatever reason, you’re going to get 2 chances to reform. If multiple people have brought up complaints against you on two separate occasions, and you’ve been warned by an admin two consecutive times; you will be removed from the league on the third occurrence. Three strikes, and you’re out.
3. Constructive criticism in private/within teams is fine and encouraged. Please don’t misconstrue some stern (but useful) criticism with flaming. Part of the potential benefit of this league is that lower level players can actually learn from some of the higher level players. We’re all here to have fun and get better.
4. All players must have a public steam profile and dotabuff at all times during IHL. Players must use the same steam account that they signed up with when playing in IHL games.
5. Your in game name must match the “Player Name” that you signed up with.
6. Admins reserve the right to remove anyone from the league for any particular reason at any point in the season, but most notably, for smurfing or lying about steam accounts/dotabuff. Just don’t try to smurf, it’s not worth the trouble.
how do i always manage to miss IHL games by like 2 minutes axecrying.gif
Yeah I might have to bail on this. The skill level is way beyond anything I can enjoy and the people who I was playing with just got irritated at my mistakes. That's not fun for me.
No, theEarthshaker. I was just way in over my head. My team were mostly fine, nobody got angry at me or whatever but it can't have been fun for them to watch me play so badly.godawful
Yeah I might have to bail on this. The skill level is way beyond anything I can enjoy and the people who I was playing with just got irritated at my mistakes. That's not fun for me.
Yeah I might have to bail on this. The skill level is way beyond anything I can enjoy and the people who I was playing with just got irritated at my mistakes. That's not fun for me.
No, theEarthshaker. I was just way in over my head. My team were mostly fine, nobody got angry at me or whatever but it can't have been fun for them to watch me play so badly.godawful
I watched that game. You did fine. You got some good echos off!
I would strongly discourage you from bailing.
You will learn so much by the end of this it will totally be worth it.
Stick with it and you'll be great !![]()
I watched that game. You did fine. You got some good echos off!
I would strongly discourage you from bailing.
You will learn so much by the end of this it will totally be worth it.
Stick with it and you'll be great !![]()
i agree, stick with the in house games for the next 2 weeks or so before you make up your mind. ive met a lot of great people through this community.
ilnadmy said:Yeah this is why I'm deciding not to sign up haha. I would do it mainly because I think an in-house league would be fun to partake in, but I can't imagine the rest of my team would be enjoying themselves...
We should get a complete noob IHL going.
I love the idea of the league, we'll see whether or not I'm cut out for it.
Yup. This feels wayyyyyy too intimidating for me. I wish I had the stones to play, but I don't think I could handle it. I'm just terrible.Yeah this is why I'm deciding not to sign up haha. I would do it mainly because I think an in-house league would be fun to partake in, but I can't imagine the rest of my team would be enjoying themselves...
We should get a complete noob IHL going.
Additional comments: Posting this on behalf on a friend who's a GAF lurker. Let me know if there's an issue.
Can I be in the league?
Player name:sanjurotsubaki
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):?
MMR bracket (if available): ?
Preferred role(s): ?
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): No
Additional comments: What?!
no in houses tonight?
Is this serious, or no?
Yup. This feels wayyyyyy too intimidating for me. I wish I had the stones to play, but I don't think I could handle it. I'm just terrible.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Yes. This is serious.
fill it out properly
I'm trying. Maybe you could help me.
Who the fuck do you think you are?
Yes. This is serious.
Wow. Calm down.
how much doto have you played?
need to gauge how much i need to help you with the application
Wow. Calm down.