More like Madouu 100% Jakiro win rate.
Strike 1
Player name: Conceptor
Steam profile:
Dotabuff link:
MMR bracket: 3.3k solo
Preferred role(s): 1-5
Additional Comments: Nada.
Player name: L O S T
Steam profile:
Dotabuff profile:
MMR bracket: 3.8-4k
Preferred role: 1, 2
Additional comments: GAF lurker/friend of mine. USE only atm.
PM me:
-With any issues, or questions.
-If I missed you
-If you update your Registration information
You are not arbiter of strikes
Understood, hope everything works out.I originally said I would like to be a captain, but some unfortunate life event with a close family member is going to make me unreliable to captain. I still want to participate but I will not be able to put in the time and effort to be a captain this time.
strike 2
So, it looks like we will have 16+ teams (Looks like it will be 18-20, unless we have a bunch of no shows), are we making any changes to the format? Maybe from 1 BO2 to 2 Bo1s? Groups? The format in the OP doesn't really have enough time for that many teams.
So, it looks like we will have 16+ teams (Looks like it will be 18-20, unless we have a bunch of no shows), are we making any changes to the format? Maybe from 1 BO2 to 2 Bo1s? Groups? The format in the OP doesn't really have enough time for that many teams.
We're not going to have 18-20 teams. We only have as many teams as we have captains, which right now... is about ~13-14, provided nobody no shows. My goal was for 16 captains, two divisions of 8 where every team plays every other team in their division one time. Top 6 in each division advance, and top 2 get first round byes. 12 is about the bare minimum number of captains that I'd like, but again, that's out of my control.
So we need more captains! Sign up as captain or amend your initial "N" by posting here, otherwise, a lot of people are going to go undrafted and there's really nothing we can do about it.
Think people are confused since there appear to be some 16 captains in the spreadsheet, and yet you're asking for multiple additional captains.
Well, that was a terrible showing last night. I got incredibly frustrated and let it show a little too much. Finally trying to switch item keys from Z through N up to the number keys and swap unit control down to where items were. I have never played offlane tide and with the moving around of my keys I had asked to play the #5. Still shouldnt have let myself get that frustrated.
If you would like to captain and know that you cannot make the draft date, you can notify us ahead of time and provide us with a draft board (5 potential picks per round, 8 rounds). An admin will then draft for you based on your draft board. If every player on your draft board is gone in a particular round, said appointed admin will make a judgement call, and draft you who they think is best and available (or who they think fits your team best).
I hope my captain doesn't try to make me play any of the 104 heroes in this game I don't know anything about 🌝
I just hope I end up with a Puppey, and not a PPD.
I don't even know what this means
Might be hard to do this with my schedule, but I'll give it my best.
Player name: dave is ok
Steam profile:
MMR bracket: 3k-ish
Preferred role: Support
Are you interested in Captaining?: No
Additional comments: US East | Eastern Standard Time
Okay, after reading the rules and realizing I wouldn't have to adhere to tight schedules I'm up for joining.
Player name: Hayvic
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):
MMR bracket (if available): 3K
Preferred role(s): Any
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): N
Additional comments: Not sure if I can play many games, having a 3 hour commute sucks.
EDIT: Jesus christ, my winrate on axe, windranger and shadow demon is quite embarrassing. Don't judge!
Player name: BlueBadger
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):
MMR bracket (if available): 3400
Preferred role(s): Any
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): N
Additional comments:
Player name: EmptyCanO'wupass
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):
MMR bracket (if available): I dunno, man.
Preferred role(s): Carry or Mid (but I'll do whatever)
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): Sure
Additional comments: I will always first pick Tusk.
Player name: nsquote
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):
MMR bracket (if available): ~2500 party mmr, because post surgery calibration is a good idea
Preferred role(s): farming core, utility core, 4 support
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): n
Additional comments: ugc glod level feet shooting specialist
I hope my captain doesn't try to make me play any of the 104 heroes in this game I don't know anything about 🌝
Player name: mastershake
Steam profile (link):
Dotabuff (link):
MMR bracket (if available): 3200 solo / 3200 party (only played calibration games)
Preferred role(s): 1, 2, or 3
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): Nein
Additional comments: 2 time Madden GAF Grudge Match Champion - Also, won't be able to commit fully until school ends in late April/Early MayPls someone pick me I dont want to miss out on all the summer inhouse fun!
Not a party til Bob joins
where dat trasher at
A VALID AND UP TO DATE DOTABUFF/STEAM-PROFILE LINK IS MANDATORY FOR PLAYING IN IHL2. If your dotabuff profile does not show, make sure you go into your dota in game options and check "Expose Public Match Data." Your dotabuff should then update after playing a game. Also, your steam profile must be PUBLIC (aka viewable). These two are required to prevent smurfing/abuse.
I dont mind being a captain, I have enough free time for the extra work it takes, but I havent been drafting since 6.81. I'm not at all comfortable drafting right now.
I dont mind being a captain, I have enough free time for the extra work it takes, but I havent been drafting since 6.81. I'm not at all comfortable drafting right now.
Run your drafts like me, just have your entire team have input/argue during the draft. And let the infighting start early. What could go wrong.
This is really the best way.