u want some pepper w/ that salt![]()
so is registration closed now
so is registration closed now
Amazing! I can't see why they wouldn't ticket it. I've seen some really small events before. Exciting!I've already applied for a ticket, just waiting on our logo, and then it's all up to Valve. We'll also probably have plenty of community streamers.
Player namehoenix Wright
Steam profile (link): http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198044345030
Dotabuff (link):http://www.dotabuff.com/players/84079302
MMR bracket (if available): I've been between 3.3k and 3.5k for the last month.
Preferred role(s): Anything.
Are you interested in Captaining? (y/n): n
Additional comments:
I'll adjust it.Played lot of ranked lately and went from 3.4 to 3.6, not sure if it matters
Finished my most difficult final today, so wanted to take some time to update the rules a little--one rule in particular. I've been getting some complaints about a bit of flaming going on in inhouses. Friendly jabs, inside jokes, constructive criticism, or relaxed/harmless/jokey trash talk is fine. Constantly yelling and screaming at someone, hurling slurs/insults, or telling them "how shitty and awful" they are is just completely unacceptable.
So I've updated the flaming rules to be a little more specific; I'm going to implement a three strikes and you're out policy. If several people complain about a particular person flaming, said person will be warned. That's one strike. If this cycle occurs another two times with the same person involved, said person will be removed from the league. This is a casual league and everyone should feel welcome, so please report incidents of excessive hostility or flaming so we can stomp it out before the season actually begins.
Also, feel free to mute someone who is flaming in inhouses. Just because they might be a gaffer, does not mean you have to take their abuse. Mute them, report the incident to an admin with a log or someone to corroborate your accusation, and then just move on and continue to enjoy inhouses.
Will you add me? Both profiles should be set to public now.
Man... who flames in such a setting. Chill, folks.
I can think of 1.09 people who flame in in-houses.
Finished my most difficult final today, so wanted to take some time to update the rules a little--one rule in particular. I've been getting some complaints about a bit of flaming going on in inhouses. Friendly jabs, inside jokes, constructive criticism, or relaxed/harmless/jokey trash talk is fine. Constantly yelling and screaming at someone, hurling slurs/insults, or telling them "how shitty and awful" they are is just completely unacceptable.
So I've updated the flaming rules to be a little more specific; I'm going to implement a three strikes and you're out policy. If several people complain about a particular person flaming, said person will be warned. That's one strike. If this cycle happens again with the same person involved, said person will get their second warning. There will be no third warning--the next occurrence means removal from the league. This is a casual league and everyone should feel welcome, so please report incidents of excessive hostility or flaming so we can stomp it out before the season actually begins.
Also, feel free to mute someone who is flaming in inhouses. Just because they might be a gaffer, does not mean you have to take their abuse. Mute them, (and then if you so choose) report the incident to an admin, with a log or someone to corroborate your accusation, and then just move on and continue to enjoy inhouses.
Honestly the only thing I cant stand about these inhouses is euros playing at ungodly hours and wasting everyones' time cuz they have the reaction speeds of a deflated football because "im tired". I'll just sit out if euros are on my team past a certain time point.
I honestly just joined in because it seemed to me like that last spot wasn't getting filled so I just took it to get them started and as a result in my last 2 games I really played badly (lots of misclicks and slow reactions as you said, even worse than I would normally, even though in general my mouse precision is still pretty bad regardless of how fresh I am).
Part of it was because I was tired but also because I haven't played dota lately so the combo was pretty brutal. Not being that good to begin with helped compound the issue of course.
Now maybe I should've just not joined at all because it was a waste of time anyway and the possibility of not having a game there would've been better, I can't really argue with that sentiment and if that is the general opinion I'll just leave the spot open next time, I can understand that.
I honestly just joined in because it seemed to me like that last spot wasn't getting filled so I just took it to get them started and as a result in my last 2 games I really played badly (lots of misclicks and slow reactions as you said, even worse than I would normally, even though in general my mouse precision is still pretty bad regardless of how fresh I am).Honestly the only thing I cant stand about these inhouses is euros playing at ungodly hours and wasting everyones' time cuz they have the reaction speeds of a deflated football because "im tired". I'll just sit out if euros are on my team past a certain time point.
And freakinchair cuz he's dunnings master 9001
Created a inhouse game if anyone wants to join. pw: neogaf
5+ more playerrs
Change that pw to 'ihl' and you might get a few more people. Trying to get everyone used to the using the same, new password - 'ihl'.
nah im just PJSalt and had a buncha papers to do. We almost pulled through tho.
Also I don't play as much Storm as I'd like, he's just one of those heroes where if you get a good start and can find stragglers the game becomes horrible, like that one game vs a QoP (I don't remember who was playing it). Yall need to ban brood tho that hero's cancerific
I feel like I started doing better later, but the whole team kind of did so probably it's just an illusion.nah im just PJSalt and had a buncha papers to do. We almost pulled through tho.
nah im just PJSalt and had a buncha papers to do. We almost pulled through tho.
Also I don't play as much Storm as I'd like, he's just one of those heroes where if you get a good start and can find stragglers the game becomes horrible, like that one game vs a QoP (I don't remember who was playing it). Yall need to ban brood tho that hero's cancerific
Just a note about captains, we're short a few so if anyone wants to step up and be a captain, please speak up! Remember the fewer captains we have, the more undrafted players we have.
Also to those who signed up as captains, please make sure you can absolutely make the official draft time on Friday, April 3rd @ 6:30 PM PST. If we have captains that don't show up, that also leads to more undrafted players and wonky situations (i.e. an odd number of teams resulting in one team getting a bye per week--which we don't want).
I'm going to make a more formal announcement about captains after signups close, but decided to post this PSA little earlier to give people more of a heads up.
Can I be a captain Anbokr?
Or is everyone I want on a team?![]()
I know the pre pre season stuff hasn't officially started yet, but I kinda wish we already knew who the captains were going to be so that I could know who not to think about drafting while watching in houses.
There are green rows in the Spreadsheet of tentative captains.
I feel like I started doing better later, but the whole team kind of did so probably it's just an illusion.
Well..until the Magnus swap that is, man that was one ugly thing. I just shook my head.
Other than that I do tend to be too conservative with my hp in lane unless it's a really lopsided matchup (or I perceive it as such, that is).
Should I have just been further up whenever our wave was there and right clicked the viper? How do I deal with the orb attacks and the range difference, do I just make sure I have plenty of regen so I can eat the right clicks so that the carry doesn't?
For the low low price of $500, you too can be a captain! Teams haven't been drafted yet.2800 mmr
stevewinwood 100% wr in ihl
Finished my most difficult final today, so wanted to take some time to update the rules a little--one rule in particular. I've been getting some complaints about a bit of flaming going on in inhouses. Friendly jabs, inside jokes, constructive criticism, or relaxed/harmless/jokey trash talk is fine. Constantly yelling and screaming at someone, hurling slurs/insults, or telling them "how shitty and awful" they are is just completely unacceptable.
So I've updated the flaming rules to be a little more specific; I'm going to implement a three strikes and you're out policy. If several people complain about a particular person flaming, said person will be warned. That's one strike. If this cycle happens again with the same person involved, said person will get their second warning. There will be no third warning--the next occurrence means removal from the league. This is a casual league and everyone should feel welcome, so please report incidents of excessive hostility or flaming so we can stomp it out before the season actually begins.
Also, feel free to mute someone who is flaming in inhouses. Just because they might be a gaffer, does not mean you have to take their abuse. Mute them, (and then if you so choose) report the incident to an admin, with a log or someone to corroborate your accusation, and then just move on and continue to enjoy inhouses.