unfortunately, no
If you have awakened Fattenks you'll have a really easy time. He is just a demi god Broly with much lower cost.
unfortunately, no
It's so beautiful! My precious...
Have like 10 open spots in my friends list. Looking for active gaf players. I run maxed SV/Godtenks as main leads, Mageta for friends on WT, Chilled on LR Goku.
Rank 284
Finally! Was so sick of seeing him un-dokkaned. And my first fully maxed out TUR too. Life is good.
The 5 extra stones gave me over 30 so I pulled.
Got absolute shit dupe SRsand then at the end GOGETA!!!!!!!!!! Thank you jesus.
It's already been answered, but definitely aim for Super Vegito, Gotenks, or Gogeta (in that order). It'll be well worth it!Noob Question,
if i were to start the game at this point....what characters should i go for on a Reroll ? And on which Banner should i pull ? There are like 4-5 actives with a bunch of SSJ units and its hard to figure out the right/best Banner.
Is right now a good time to jump in or will there be a good upcoming event with better potential pulls for new players ?
Pulled some more with my paycheck
Vegito, Vegito, Super Saiyan Gotenks, Gogeta dupe
Are you telling me something Bamco?
No SV :/
It's so beautiful! My precious...
Congrats, you two.Yeaaaaaahhhh boooooiiiizzzzz!!!!
Finally! Was so sick of seeing him un-dokkaned. And my first fully maxed out TUR too. Life is good.
I kept not paying attention vs Skinnytanks with a prettt solid team and wound up not being able to Awaken him this go round making my fight vs SSBKK that much harder
I just want to take this moment to call out KV for being a little bitch. I have no idea why the hell this guy is giving me so much trouble when I already have 16 and Chilled TUR at SA15. I had a mono PHY team but it just takes forever and so many items so I've reverted to double SV and the saibamen since it's actually more effective.
Exactly what I've been doing, but also made an extra Facebook account to link and unlink so I get those extra 5 stones too!For Rerolling:
Today you start with 47 stones. Drop 20 on the Xmas banner, sell the garbage SRs to Baba, unlock her inventory once and buy an item once and you will be at 30 stones letting you do a full round on the Xmas banner.
Now I can stop wasting stones whenever Gogeta banners come along![]()
That's how I feel now that I have Super Vegito. All I need is SS3 Gotenks, and maybe Buuhan.Congrats!
Lol Neogaf is now filled with Aladdin on Broadway ads for me.
That's how I feel now that I have Super Vegito. All I need is SS3 Gotenks, and maybe Buuhan.
STR is better for blocking and also stunning, but is weak as fuck for damage. TEQ is better for damage but that's about it.One more medal and I have SS3 Vegeta dokkaned.
Which should I do first? STR or TEQ?
STR is way more versatile. Much better links aside from being a stunner and a timed tank.One more medal and I have SS3 Vegeta dokkaned.
Which should I do first? STR or TEQ?
From another thread - but thanks again Chrono, i got Gogeta and Vegito, assuming those are the versions you meant. I honestly dont know...Gotenks i have boost all units but the one you meant seems to be more of a TEQ lead - kinda difficult to figure out ...but Vegito is AGL that should be the right one.Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:
This is another great gatcha game. Thankfully, the rates for SSR have iproved quite a bit over the year, although you do still hit the occasional banner where rates are low. After you settle into your account (if you choose to start), when a new banner hits I'd personally wait for stats to be released before you pull. They can vary quite a bit, so it's usually best to see what they are before you spend your Dragon Stones. Thankfully, Dragon Stones are pretty plentiful, especially for new players. There's a lot of content/events to work through, and Bandai Namco are pretty nice about giving them out for daily logins/celebrations.
If you do re-roll for a character, right now is the best time to do it. We have a Christmas banner that has three of the God Leads currently available in the game, those being Super Vegito, SSJ3 Gotenks, and Gogeta. All three are amazing characters and can only be pulled on banners that feature them. The Dokkan Awaken materials might be a little difficult to those just starting out, but they are absolutely worth re-rolling for. In order, I'd go SV --> Gotenks --> Gogeta, but either of them are fine for just starting out. Gogeta might be the more "beginner-friendly", since his leader skill doesn't have a type restriction so you can use him for any/all of your characters (bonus points if they have links that go well with him), but for type-specific teams (which is the current meta for endgame content in Japan, due to the HP/ATK/DEF. they provide) Super Vegito and Gotenks are GODLY. It'll take a bit longer to get the AGL/TEQ team members to fill out your roster, but even with the free strike characters, Super Vegito and Gotenks still do amazing things. It just goes to show how powerful they are.
If I were you, I'd take advantage of the banner right now and re-roll for Super Vegito. He's the absolute best character currently in the Global version (and still remains there in the Japanese release), and can find himself on many teams thanks to his special as well as passive (reduce normal attacks by 70% and counter).
Best of luck to you!
You're correct, it's a beginners pull where you are guaranteed an SSR. Tehy aren't top tier, but good enough to get you started (and with a low team cost).
My AGL team is shaping up quite nicely. Can't wait to Dokkan Awaken Ultimate Gohan, and then hopefully replace Goten with Rose Black Goku when he releases. It'll be quite the monster of a team. What could make it better; any advice?
There's still no TUR level Super Sealer on the horizon, huh?
The firs 4 pulls were trash but the 7 for 30 stones were really good.
I got Gogeta who according to Chrono is perfect for beginners and two more SSR. Ready to jump in...well i already played a bit. I still dont quite understand the battle system but i will work my way into it. No reason for more rerolls right ? Took me like 10 attempts or so and this is the first time Gogeta showed up.
Also with the units i already have their any reason to continue pulling right now or should i play the game regularly for now until future banners and power creep make it necessary ?
The stuff Baba is selling on the Maps...should i just buy all of it or is it not worth the Money ?
What happens if you gather all Dragonballs and can summon Shenlong (there is an option on the Homescreen) ?
In general is their anything time-limited going on right now that i should focus on before doing the standard Story Missions ?
On "Event" there are a bunch of extra Story "Missions" where you can unlock or get new units - will they always be there or do i have to run them before they leave the rotation ?
Would be cool if some of you could add me - my ID is: 248 546 4171
I will add myself to the GAF list and add people there - but since im low rank probably better for people who have a slot to just add me since i wont bring much to the table with low level units.
From another thread - but thanks again Chrono, i got Gogeta and Vegito, assuming those are the versions you meant. I honestly dont know...Gotenks i have boost all units but the one you meant seems to be more of a TEQ lead - kinda difficult to figure out ...but Vegito is AGL that should be the right one.
Okay thanks thats good to know - is their a limit on how long i have access to this Starter pull ? Dont know if i should just go for it on my new account and or how rare Dragon Stones will be.
So... It seems I have reached the "no more quests to farm for dragon stones" point. What do I do now ?
Dump Vegeta instead of goten. Goten's sa can be easily upped with awakened Sr gotens.My AGL team is shaping up quite nicely. Can't wait to Dokkan Awaken Ultimate Gohan, and then hopefully replace Goten with Rose Black Goku when he releases. It'll be quite the monster of a team. What could make it better; any advice?
There's still no TUR level Super Sealer on the horizon, huh?
Oh man, you're set! Gogeta and Vegito, both amazing leaders and TUR (Transcended UR). Gogeta won't find much use on your Vegito teams, since he's not an AGL-type, but Vegito will absolutely find use in your Gogeta set-up's. He's just too damn useful. Congrats on the re-roll, you have one hell of a start.The firs 4 pulls were trash but the 7 for 30 stones were really good.
I got Gogeta who according to Chrono is perfect for beginners and two more SSR. Ready to jump in...well i already played a bit. I still dont quite understand the battle system but i will work my way into it. No reason for more rerolls right ? Took me like 10 attempts or so and this is the first time Gogeta showed up.
Also with the units i already have their any reason to continue pulling right now or should i play the game regularly for now until future banners and power creep make it necessary ?
The stuff Baba is selling on the Maps...should i just buy all of it or is it not worth the Money ?
What happens if you gather all Dragonballs and can summon Shenlong (there is an option on the Homescreen) ?
In general is their anything time-limited going on right now that i should focus on before doing the standard Story Missions ?
On "Event" there are a bunch of extra Story "Missions" where you can unlock or get new units - will they always be there or do i have to run them before they leave the rotation ?
Would be cool if some of you could add me - my ID is: 248 546 4171
I will add myself to the GAF list and add people there - but since im low rank probably better for people who have a slot to just add me since i wont bring much to the table with low level units.
From another thread - but thanks again Chrono, i got Gogeta and Vegito, assuming those are the versions you meant. I honestly dont know...Gotenks i have boost all units but the one you meant seems to be more of a TEQ lead - kinda difficult to figure out ...but Vegito is AGL that should be the right one.
Okay thanks thats good to know - is their a limit on how long i have access to this Starter pull ? Dont know if i should just go for it on my new account and or how rare Dragon Stones will be.
The firs 4 pulls were trash but the 7 for 30 stones were really good.
You'll pick up the game over time. You did good and there is no need to reroll. Make sure to Dokkan Gogeta and do the events before you do the quests since the events are limited time. Use the quests to level up your experience bar so that your stamina refills for free and your cost limit goes up. There is x3 exp rate right now so use up your stamina to the edge and then take a Zhard quest to level up and refill your bar
Alright thanks - yeah i plan on focusing on the Story Missions first to get more familiar with the game. Wasnt planning on doing more pulls, did you went all out on this Banner ?Damn cwssk, that is a nice account to start with.
Try to go through story for more gems, pulling on ssbkk banner is no a bad idea, as you will need more agi sub.
The xmas banner is also nice as it is guaranteed banner with high chance of dupe(and of coz godtenks)
The candy bar and roshi is nice to level up too.
Once You have a team of ZAwakenen Agi team, getting Gogeta medals should be easy.
You should buy each copy of those baba shop xmas exclusive.
SSR Agi Goku GT is not bad.
At lower level 3x story exp, it is possible to play the game forever till rank 200+.
So make use of that to gather as many things possible before leveling up to get those free stamina refill.
Do the training with roshi mission 3x a day for easy exp shell and 2 xmas medal.
Oh man, you're set! Gogeta and Vegito, both amazing leaders and TUR (Transcended UR). Gogeta won't find much use on your Vegito teams, since he's not an AGL-type, but Vegito will absolutely find use in your Gogeta set-up's. He's just too damn useful. Congrats on the re-roll, you have one hell of a start.
Fantastic pull there, great way to start out. You probably won't be able to awaken ("evolve" to a superior version) any of them right now, but it will come in time. Don't be sad if you can't beat hard content right away, you're not supposed to. Just keep building up your team.
One thing you should be aware of: the concept of dupes and Special Attacks. You probably won't need to bother with it too much right now, since you likely won't have many duplicates.
SA is commonly refered to as "Super", it's the powerful attack characters do when they fill their Ki bar in battle. The SA level starts at 1 and can go to 10 (and in some cases, above 10). They way you increase it is by training the same characters together, or characters such as Elder Kai and the Santa Roshi you probably got with these Xmas pulls. You should start feeding these to Super Vegito and Gogeta. You'll know you're doing it right if it says "100%" over a character on the training screen.
This brings us to farmable characters. When you see "Strike" events, that character can drop unlimited times (although the drop rate isn't great), so ideally you should max his SA every time (plus dokkan awaken him after that, but it's a bit early to think about it).
But I would suggest focusing on Story missions at this point to grab more stones and Rank up with the experience.
That is a good beginner Goku Pull, fit in SVegitto team as he give 2ki to team at >50% hp.Alright thanks - yeah i plan on focusing on the Story Missions first to get more familiar with the game. Wasnt planning on doing more pulls, did you went all out on this Banner ?
I will have look into the Baba Shop units and how to buy them. Is there any way to farm X-Mas coins...or how do i even get them ..or how do i even get them, i have 2 so far dont even know how i got them.
...So, am I doing this right?
...Many timelines were disturbed to make this team.
No, Strike events are just regular dungeons. Dokkan Events are raids.
That is a good beginner Goku Pull, fit in SVegitto team as he give 2ki to team at >50% hp.
You can dokkan awaken him when the medal come back.
I do think you should pull at that xmas banner.
GSSR is rare.
GSSR with roshi and training item is rarer.
GSSR with chance for god lead! First time in dokkan.
Even japan didnt get that.
Getting dupe of those gods unit are alright. When the dupe system come, we will be able to get higher stats for those units(dont feed them, just keep them till then)
Think you get 2 xmas medal from login
4 from 10 stage
2 from roshi training
2 from buying baba item(buy those orb changing item(puar/oolong) or gregory medals)
2 from training a character
For SV team,
The crucial one is actually a sealer.
Agi sealer currently is from gacha pool of WTournament.(Murasaki INCREDIBLE NINJA SKILL!!)
But PHY Gotenks work nicely! As he link super well with SV.
So you can focus on getting high damage AGI units.
Some farmable SSR now is
Strike Pikkon,Vegeta
SSJ Angel Vegeta from his dokkan stage
Xmas GT Goku
Baba shop "treasure" Cooler
Some other farmable SSR
Baby Vegeta from GT event
Whis from heroes event(he is really really good in SV)
Strike are changing daily nowadays, so you can alway farm them later on.
Dokkan event(Gogeta SV etc) are more monthly event or more. So focus on those first.
Story event like the current GT/Saiyaman are really rare too.
You can farm stage 7 zhard of GT event for tokens to buy The 2 elder kai.
Okay just used some of the Exp Items i got from Muten-Roshi and got my 3 main SSR to level +70 really nice.
What does the general upgrade path looks like fro a SSR Unit ?
Is the Chance to level up a Super per dupe 100% or is it like in other games like OPTC or PaD were it only has a chance to level up ? But as you said...i wont have any dupes anytime soon but its good to know.
And i guess Strike Events are like Raids in OPTC ?
Dump Vegeta instead of goten. Goten's sa can be easily upped with awakened Sr gotens.
Most SSRs' natural progression is up to level 80. Then you "normal-Awaken" them to UR, which will let them be trained until level 100 (be careful in the beginning though, because their Cost will increase when you awaken them and you might not be able to fit all of them in your team, since your Team Cost will be low).
There are also special characters that transcend the UR limit, (TURs), which have Dokkan-Awakenings from a lvl 100 UR into a slightly different lvl 120 card (which will have to be trained from 0 all over again). The medals you need for this special Dokkan-awakening are from the harder Dokkan Events (what you probably know as Raids from other games). It will be almost impossible for you to do them right now, but there's no rush, you'll get there.
As for what to do with your stones, and as other people said, I definitely suggest spending them on this Xmas Banner, which is one of the best we've ever had. At least for the 3 special "cycles":
With 5 Stones you get a random character and a great training item.
With 15 Stones you get 3 random characters and a FANTASTIC item to increase the Super Attack of your Gogeta or Super Vegito. These are very rare and often expensive when they do come along.
With 30 stones you get 7 random characters and at least one of them is a guaranteed SSR, with chances of being the other God Lead SS3 Gotenks. (I doubt you'll be as lucky as your first pull with those top 3 characters, but it's still a good choice for pulling)
This can be done 3 times. After that, it will become a normal "5 stones per single summon, 50 stones per multi-summon" banner and you can probably stop pulling.
On the 31st / 1st of January, another God Lead (Buu with Absorbed Gohan) will come, this time for INT (purple) cards, so you can try your luck there if you want.
Also don't forget to get the dragon balls from Story missions and wish for more character spaces, and ocasionally spend a stone or 2 increasing your space, since you'll be running out soon.
Also, also, don't immediately throw away R or SR cards - some of them might be useful. Keep all that have useful skills or passives, like Stun, Seal, +ki, -30 or -50% enemy damage, lower enemy Attack or Defense.
You can also keep cards that have good links with your better ones (like Prepared for Battle, Shocking Speed, Over in a Flash, mainly stuff that gives Ki). When starting out, this can be good to fill out teams while you're building towards a better one.
Thanks alot, this helps me quite a bit i know how to tackle the early part now. I really have no business at all farming Dokkan Events or material now lol. Even regular Awakening will be too much with my current rank and the involved costs. My first goal now is to be able to completely fill up my Gogeta team with own members - right now i can run Gogeta, Vegeto, Gotenks + a single N rarity there is alot to do until then.
Wow - i didnt know that the Christmas Banner worked like in total you can do the whole setup (1x5.3x15 and 7x30) three times ? Thats pretty cool. Are all Dokkan Festivals like that or is this a special treat ? Will the one with Buuhan be setup like this ? Thought i was done with pulling...but you make it sound like i should at least spend another 50 stones there. I need to look up how many Dragon Stones i can get via Story Missions and how long the 3xEXP Bonus will be up.
Can i look up the Dragon Ball positions or do they show up random in maps ?
I wish i had more Gogeta How long does it take for a friend leader to re-appear in your list after you used them ? Would love Chronos Gogeta to show up more often heh.
Get rekt, Trunks.
Since I'm a masochist I decided to reroll for SV and it took me forever, but got him finally!
Now I can finally start playing the game
Added my character ID to the list, will be using Gogeta if anyone needs him
The Xmas banner is the only one that has worked like this, if i'm not mistaken. You're getting 1+3+7 (11 characters) per 50 stones instead of the usual 10, and with the extra items it's a great deal. But since you already have 2 of the best characters anyway, if you want to keep saving that's fine.
No certainties, but the Buuhan banner might use a different kind of special system (which they have used for Gogeta and Super Vegito when they first arrived): If you do 3 multipulls (each one of those costs 50 stones and gives you 10 characters, although there won't be a guaranteed SSR so you can get all crap), then you get an extra multipull for free. So, 4 multipulls for 150 stones instead of 200.
For Gogeta they also did a discount on the very first multipull, 30 stones instead of 50, if i recall correctly, but this might not be the case.
I think 3xEXP lasts until December 31st, 9PM Pacific time.
You can definitely look up the dragon balls, their position is fixed. Try the Dokkan Battle Wikia, it has helpful guides for all events in the game and story missions. Reddit's page is also pretty useful.
Regarding friends, I think they only come up once a day? Not sure, though.
Since I'm a masochist I decided to reroll for SV and it took me forever, but got him finally!
Now I can finally start playing the game
Added my character ID to the list, will be using Gogeta if anyone needs him
Since I'm a masochist I decided to reroll for SV and it took me forever, but got him finally!
Now I can finally start playing the game
Added my character ID to the list, will be using Gogeta if anyone needs him
Thanks!! Yeah I did a little more research into it after you told me about it and decided I might as well go for it considering he's so good. Just happy I was able to get Gogeta along with him, lol.Congrats! It's going to pay off big time. As it is there still doesn't seem to be any unit that quite outdoes him on JPN so he's gonna come in handy for a very long time. He's going to make awakening your Gogeta extremely easy as well.
Congrats on that reroll - send me a invite if you have time...i need Gogeta friends :-D
I will add you. IGN is Bawlsaq. And yes, you have a great start.
Edit: I don't see ya on the list yet.
Also to anyone else that has been requesting adds in the thread, please add yourself to the Google doc. I like to favorite the GAF members so I don't accidentally delete them and it's hard without you being on the list.
On the list hidden at the bottom of the OP right? I put mine on there and I see cw_sasuke as well, weird. Is there another list I'm missing?