Sometimes other players just puzzle me.
Like just now a guest popped up in the friend char selection that had a dokkaned fused zamasu with SA2... Guy has a farmable character to raise his SA (Game explicitly tells you this), why on Earth would you dokkan him before you get him to SA10?
*shrug* so weird.
-edit: and now another one with SA7. So weird, it takes so little effort.
As people have mentioned in this topic already, if you really want a few new SSR now (or, at least, a guaranteed one), the Christmas banner is pretty amazing. I'm not one to say to "spend your stones!", especially this early on with a couple really nice banners coming out in the next few months, but it's nice to do 3x multi-pulls and get Santa Roshi training items (for increasing Special Attack) and a guaranteed SSR out of the final multi-summon, especially on a Dokkanfest banner. It sounds like you have a pretty solid team already though, and even if you got a couple new/amazing SSR, you probably wouldn't have the cost to use them all right now anyway. Since you already did one multi-summon for the Super Vegito/Gogeta, you might want to just complete the first set for the guaranteed SSR to see what you get. It's entirely up to you!
As you noticed, the Super Attacks in this game are pretty amazing. It really showcases the power that these characters have. I believe it's Golden Frieza who does this, but his Super Attack actually causes the entire planet to explode. There's a lot of really cool ones in here.
Battle rotation (when you first start the map) is random, but after that you can control when/where certain characters will show up (so you can keep the ones that link well together). It goes like this.
Slot 1 + Slot 2 will always be on the same turn. The character in Slot 3 will alternate between turns. It's probably easier to explain with an example.
As you noticed, the game allows six characters + friend in a team so it'll go through three of the characters in one turn, three more the next, and then the seventh in the third turn. Then rinse/repeat. There's a way to make sure the first two (in each turn) are always there though, and that's to make sure they're in the first/second slots. The character in the third slot is alternated between each "set" on every third turn.
Turn 1:
Gogeta/Super Vegito/AGL Goku
Turn 2:
Gotenks/SSJ3 Vegeta/Trunks
Turn 3:
Gogeta/Super Vegito/Friend Unit
Turn 4:
Gotenks/SSJ3 Vegeta/AGL Goku (rotated in from turn 1, since it was initially in the third slot)
Turn 5:
Gogeta/Super Vegito/Trunks (rotated in from turn 2)
Turn 6:
Gotenks/SSJ3 Vegeta/Friend Unit (rotated in from turn 3)
Gogeta/Super Vegito and Gotenks/SSJ3 (as examples) will always show up every two turns if you keep them in the first two slots. AGL Goku/Trunks/Friend Unit will switch between each set (over the period of three turns), if you keep them in the third slot. You can check the current order for the characters by tapping the character wheel in the bottom right.
I know it sounds confusing, but it's really not. You'll get used to it!
Sometimes other players just puzzle me.
Like just now a guest popped up in the friend char selection that had a dokkaned fused zamasu with SA2... Guy has a farmable character to raise his SA (Game explicitly tells you this), why on Earth would you dokkan him before you get him to SA10?
*shrug* so weird.
-edit: and now another one with SA7. So weird, it takes so little effort.
Lol look at what we have here. We have a non Sa maxer here. *snort*Several reasons for this.
1) Maybe the most important: maybe people are tired of the fucking grind and shitty drops in this game and just don't give a damn anymore. I know I am fast reaching that point, even for Strike characters, let alone other stuff like Turles or Xeno Trunks where you don't even have 100% chances.
2) Maybe they don't know that it does make a considerable difference to raise SA, they probably try to raise it once or twice and don't notice much improvement and go "yeah, fuck this grind". Especially if they don't frequent Reddit or other forums to check out spreadsheets and formulas.
3) With the new dupe system it's possible to undokkan characters and finish raising their Supers later, so maybe they just want to have a new character and work on it later.
I wll be honest, and it's nothing against you in particular since you weren't that bad, but I absolutely hate the "SA shaming" trend and how people get together to make fun of others, especially on Reddit which is full of that shit. Definitely my least favorite thing about Dokkan community. Let people play how they want, or at the very least try not to publicly make fun of them for not being so hardcore / playing it right / knowing what they are doing.
Sorry about the rant.
Lol look at what we have here. We have a non Sa maxer here. *snort*
Keep them till we get dupe Gogeta - okay im done with the Christmas event. Here is my box for now.
Shoudl i keep dupe Gogeta and Gotenks or should i use them to level up their Supers ?
From the units i have...on which one should i use Roshi to level their Super ? From the description i think Super Vegito has the best Super - but i wanna be sure.
Also any of the SR units worth leveling or useful in general ?
Keep them till we get dupe system.
Buutenks, Int Kid Trunks, Teq Kid Goten are all dokkanable to SSR.
Dont fuse the 2 kids card.
as once you have lots of time/medal, you can dokkan them to SSJ Gotenks and feed them to PHY Gotenks to skill up.
My Buu team for Ultimate Gohan gonna be lit af
lol....another Gogeta - okay im done with the Christmas event. Here is my box for now.
Shoudl i keep dupe Gogeta and Gotenks or should i use them to level up their Supers ?
From the units i have...on which one should i use Roshi to level their Super ? From the description i think Super Vegito has the best Super - but i wanna be sure.
Also any of the SR units worth leveling or useful in general ?
Maybe you will get buuhan.I'm so sad about not having SV/Godtenks despite spending hundreds of stones on SV banners that the only way I can salvage my love for this game is by spending money on stones and doing another multi, someone talk me down from this ledge because I KNOW that it can only result in tears
Maybe you will get buuhan.
but judging by your luck, you probably won't. *snort*
I have a friend that chased phy broly and ended up spending 3000 stones before he showed up.
You shouldn't chase any specific cards.
I'm so sad about not having SV/Godtenks despite spending hundreds of stones on SV banners that the only way I can salvage my love for this game is by spending money on stones and doing another multi, someone talk me down from this ledge because I KNOW that it can only result in tears
He's a whale. He just want to complete the collection but 3000 ds for a single card is still pretty insane. You can't brute force your way to a single card unless you have plenty of money.phy broly is not even good......... i have him but i can't even build a halfway decent PHY deck because I have no sealers and stunners, to add insult to my SV-less injury. Can't dokkan him either because the event's too fuckin' hard. Life is pain, friends.
I'm so sad about not having SV/Godtenks despite spending hundreds of stones on SV banners that the only way I can salvage my love for this game is by spending money on stones and doing another multi, someone talk me down from this ledge because I KNOW that it can only result in tears
Use roshi/kai on SVegito.Alright thanks - guess ill keep everything for now then.
What exactly is the dupe system ? And about those Roshis...shoudl i use tehem on Super Vegitos Super ?
So ill keep all SR for now right ? Last thing about those Friend Point Gacha - should i save up friend points for upcoming events or can i just pull now ?
Feels good not to be grinding SSBKK medals anymore. Finally taking the time to get the rest of Skinnytenks today, nice easy team with stunning/Gogeta for power. Should be moving onto Pudgy next. Easy day as I count down to the upcoming Buuhandisappointment
Edit: Oh. Ohhhhh. I messed up. Already dokkan'd my SSBKK and now I see the free xmas ones, when awoken, are a 50% chance. Damnit, that was bad on me.
Wait for the dupe system so you can revert him back to un-awakened and then feed the free units, he will still be good at SA1 in the meantime.
Oh that's right. I keep forgetting that about the dupe system. Is there a decent writeup about that, and the ability system, somewhere? I need to get familiar with it
Oh that's right. I keep forgetting that about the dupe system. Is there a decent writeup about that, and the ability system, somewhere? I need to get familiar with it
This set of super strikes is a pain in my ass. I'm getting awful Frieza drops after farming 15 of the wrong one before and I still need the medals for him and King Cold, and to max out fattenks and skinnytenks plus medals. There's just not enough stam in a day and these guys are going away again in a couple hours. They're the last ones I need to fight for LR Goku.![]()
So I guess once you run out of DS resources, the rest of the stuff you do is just wait for more stones and hoard them for great pulls, while farming Super Strike characters/going for LR Goku, right?
Godspeed. KC drops were some of the worst I've ever had to farm.
Luckily I already farmed the 15 character drops I just need his medals. He was a hassle to get, though Frieza has been awful. Even now I'm still one short on just his character drops.
Speaking of which, will a double SV Lead work on their Super Strikes or will the saibamen take too much damage?
Speaking of which, will a double SV Lead work on their Super Strikes or will the saibamen take too much damage?
Japan has two days of allowing you to run all the ability stone farming stages, 5 times each.
25 runs at 15 stamina... :S
And I had to run the SSJR Black Goku Dokkan Event 5 times to Dokkan the Zamasu I pulled earlier this week, so that's keeping my busy.
Man I'm still running the Zamasu stage to for SA farming. I've done 20 runs for 2 drops. I'm too scared to even feed it and watch me not get a single boost.
Happy to helpYou will indeed hit a bit of a stam wall at the end of the holidays but you won't feel it too bad at low levels. Once you break lv 200 though it might be a week or so between level ups so free stam refills will become rare. It will seem a little overwhelming at first due to the various different things all going on at once, more so than usual right now to the holidays too, but you'll be catching up to everyone here in no time with those cards in your team and while there's a tone of content it mostly follows very similar patterns and you'll know what you want to put your time into or save for another day pretty quickly.
But yeah, quest mode stones are probably your best bet right now since it gives you a ton of stones to pull some more great units and will help when the event does end since you'll have a bigger stam pool. This stone discount running right now is definitely one of the better deals they've offered, maybe even the best so it's hard to decline. I always go F2P and re-roll regularly instead but I felt the urge to buy some and hope for a good pull at that price.
Great stuff, thanks!Did you happen to get any of the cards you were going for? I know you were really gunning for SV and SSBKK, so hopefully you got something!
I'm seeing the stuff for the new events and I'm wondering if I should just save my stones for the future since I already have a pretty great start. Is there any good stuff on the horizon I should be saving up for in particular? It's probably going to take me awhile to get up enough team cost anyways to use some of these better units lol
I ended up pulling that PHY Gotenks sealer, no Godtenks on my last big 30 stone pull but I think I kind of made out like a bandit so I can't complain.
Added some more people from the new GAF list!
Great stuff, thanks!Did you happen to get any of the cards you were going for? I know you were really gunning for SV and SSBKK, so hopefully you got something!
I'm seeing the stuff for the new events and I'm wondering if I should just save my stones for the future since I already have a pretty great start. Is there any good stuff on the horizon I should be saving up for in particular? It's probably going to take me awhile to get up enough team cost anyways to use some of these better units lol
I ended up pulling that PHY Gotenks sealer, no Godtenks on my last big 30 stone pull but I think I kind of made out like a bandit so I can't complain.
Added some more people from the new GAF list!