Down the rabbit hole you go, welcome, we all suffer collectively here.
Thank you. I blame my gf. For once Papa John has blessed me. I got SSR Gotenks TEQ and Super Saiyan Bardock TEQ. My body is ready.
Down the rabbit hole you go, welcome, we all suffer collectively here.
Here's the SSR tier list, currently there's a banner with discounted pulls and a guaranteed SSR for 50 stones total that gives you 11 pulls and has the top two SSR cards (SSJ3 Gotenks and Super Vegito): https://www.reddit.com/r/DBZDokkanBattle/wiki/ssr_tier
Quests give extra experience, and a Dragon Stone each, go ham on that banner, it goes away tomorrow.
Sweet, thanks for all that info. I'm really enjoying it so far.
I powerleveled the shit out of myself for these events lol. Every time I did SS3 Vegeta it was a level or over half of one, was pretty crazy lol
Also can you help me setup a good skinnytenks group?
So I finally have the team to fight LR Goku and I have a few questions about it.
What's the process to max him? I take it by default I need 20 of him from the first round? Max two and feed?
Why Chilled over KV? It seems as if KV would give me a significant ki boost?
Finally any tips for stage 3? I'm not expecting success on it yet as my team isn't fully maxed. 4 are at SSR due to lack of medals and two of them are only SA10 due to the same issue.
The process itself is similar to the Super Strike characters, but ideally you would have used the old TEQ SSR Gokus from the old Tournament Rewards to max the first round Goku's SA, because the drop rate is unbelievably low: only the first completion is a guaranteed drop. I mean, people are having a hard time getting a second one to drop, let alone 20.
Chilled allows you to Nuke a little, so he's a popular choice. I haven't bothered much with the LR fight so I can't really offer much advice, others can help you there. I will probably say that having all characters Maxed / UR should be a priority.
Ah damn. Being a reroll I don't have any of those goku rewards so I guess I have some serious grinding to do there. Either that or find some other farmable SSJ.
But yeah I do need to finish maxing them. Didn't have time for two more sets of KV and Frieza medals last night plus need a few more elder kais so I'm probably just going to work on the stage 1 drops or stage 2 medals in the meantime.
I'm not sure but I think any SSJ Goku (I believe only base SSJ works, not SSJ2) will be able to raise this one's SA, so at least you have a few options (includind the farmable Epic Showdown one).
You could also funnel all your Elder Kais into it but I don't know if that's the best use for them.
I powerleveled the shit out of myself for these events lol. Every time I did SS3 Vegeta it was a level or over half of one, was pretty crazy lol
Also can you help me setup a good skinnytenks group?
I powerleveled the shit out of myself for these events lol. Every time I did SS3 Vegeta it was a level or over half of one, was pretty crazy lol
Also can you help me setup a good skinnytenks group?
Probably whatever Mono-element banner is next up to replace the current PHY one.What summon event is Wednesday I wonder.
Probably whatever Mono-element banner is next up to replace the current PHY one.
I use:Back from vacation, did you all miss me? Due to limited wifi and no data due to being in another country I could hardly play, but still got on for daily login. I did finish SSJ3 Vegeta enough times for my Vegeta and LR androids. Also I need 80 more Xmas coins to finish getting all the Goku's( unlikely) and 7k fruits for the second elder kai. I hate the new 3 tier banner. I got absolute trash two rounds in a row >=[<.
Anyways ideal team for LR Goku? Finally got time for him.
Supreme Kai lead
SS Vegeta (non-awakened one) have him sit next to Gogeta for links
Tarble (non-awakened)
Baby (non-awakened)
Buu piccolo absorbed (non-awakened)
Kid trunks (non-awakened)
Gogeta friend with SA10
Do you not have any Rs / got rid of them? If so, you should consider keeping the ones with useful passives like 30% dmg reduction on guard. i.e. int Yamcha R
I use:
INT Chilled Lead
INT King Vegeta
INT Android 16
PHY King Cold
PHY Frieza
STR Cyborg Tao
Friend INT Chilled or INT King Vegeta
I take Senzu, Dende, and PHY and INT Puars. You shouldn't have much trouble with the first two phases. It's ok to use one healing item if you get unlucky. For the third phase, focus on taking out as many green and blue orbs. When Chilled comes out, use your two Puars to get as many purple orbs as possible. With a mostly purple board and if you're able to time it with a Dokkan, you can take out Goku pretty easily.
Honestly you could probably use any other Strike character in his place. He's only really there for the stun, but in my experience, he barely ever Supers and his stun chance is low anyway. Your main priority is setting up for Chilled so don't be alarmed if you're not throwing out as many Supers with all characters as you would with King Vegeta lead, the more popular choice.Oki, thanks! I'll have to wait for Tao to come back I guess...he should be easy to destroy though.
I use:
INT Chilled Lead
INT King Vegeta
INT Android 16
PHY King Cold
PHY Frieza
STR Cyborg Tao
Friend INT Chilled or INT King Vegeta
I take Senzu, Dende, and PHY and INT Puars. You shouldn't have much trouble with the first two phases. It's ok to use one healing item if you get unlucky. For the third phase, focus on taking out as many green and blue orbs. When Chilled comes out, use your two Puars to get as many purple orbs as possible. With a mostly purple board and if you're able to time it with a Dokkan, you can take out Goku pretty easily.
Yup. Better to get the extra health Fattenks provides with the Chilled lead.Replace Cyber Tao with Fattenks for optimal team.
I don't recommend using the nuke method at all. I tried it out and it was ok at first but sometimes you'll just get into shit spots where you'd need to Ghost or Yemma and you can't.
I don't recommend using the nuke method at all. I tried it out and it was ok at first but sometimes you'll just get into shit spots where you'd need to Ghost or Yemma and you can't.
I'm really liking taking an Android 16 friend to go with Chilled lead. Gives a bit of extra DEF to the INT units for blocking, plus another A16 himself. Plus the one Chilled still gets the same +30% ATK as if bringing a Chilled friend.
I don't recommend using the nuke method at all. I tried it out and it was ok at first but sometimes you'll just get into shit spots where you'd need to Ghost or Yemma and you can't.
Yup. Better to get the extra health Fattenks provides with the Chilled lead.
Honestly you could probably use any other Strike character in his place. He's only really there for the stun, but in my experience, he barely ever Supers and his stun chance is low anyway. Your main priority is setting up for Chilled so don't be alarmed if you're not throwing out as many Supers with all characters as you would with King Vegeta lead, the more popular choice.
Replace Cyber Tao with Fattenks for optimal team.
Wow, the LR goku event is so much more of a pain due to users making really stupid decisions. Who the hell rocks a KV lead fully awakened with 3 SA?!
Chilled as a lead even with KV is better due to the extra health and damage modifier for both the INT and PHY units. Makes a huge difference in survivability over KV x 2 leads.I don't recommend using the nuke method at all. I tried it out and it was ok at first but sometimes you'll just get into shit spots where you'd need to Ghost or Yemma and you can't.
I actually like his Ki mechanic, although getting the shaft in a Dokkan stage must be annoying. I just think it's interesting to manage Ki rather than just maxing it out. Most teams will have the links, skills, and passives needed to Super, so I feel like a lot of events are brain dead when it's so easy to Super.Darkest Timeline is when you start the SSBKK fight and land on a Ki Powerup that gives your friend Godtenks +5 Ki which combined with your God Leads starts him at +11 Ki meaning you only get to use his shitty 12 ki super and thus lose the fight catastrophically.
I'd never play Mono green, managing Godtenks supers is so annoying. Give me Super Vegito where all I have to do is make sure Murasaki supers anyday
Chilled as a lead even with KV is better due to the extra health and damage modifier for both the INT and PHY units. Makes a huge difference in survivability over KV x 2 leads.
Then to take advantage of your links on the rotations, mine were the following:
16 / Mecha Frieza / Floater
Chilled / King Cold / Floater
I actually like his Ki mechanic, although getting the shaft in a Dokkan stage must be annoying. I just think it's interesting to manage Ki rather than just maxing it out. Most teams will have the links, skills, and passives needed to Super, so I feel like a lot of events are brain dead when it's so easy to Super.
Anyway, as far as LR Goku goes, I forgot about Fatenks, I'll definitely replace Cyborg Tao. I'm still a strong advocate of double Chilled + 2 Ki changing items though, haha. I've never had any problems due to the increased health Chilled gives, and I get to save my Yenma and Ghost Ushers. With double King Vegeta I often exhausted all of my items. With double Chilled, I usually have a Dende to spare (but saving Yenma and Ghost Usher is the bigger advantage of course; just highlighting how easy I find the event with double Chilled).
I think every run of LR Goku should give 20 medals. Or at least 15. Did 4 runs this week and only have 25 medals or so to show for it.
Darkest Timeline is when you start the SSBKK fight and land on a Ki Powerup that gives your friend Godtenks +5 Ki which combined with your God Leads starts him at +11 Ki meaning you only get to use his shitty 12 ki super and thus lose the fight catastrophically.
I'd never play Mono green, managing Godtenks supers is so annoying. Give me Super Vegito where all I have to do is make sure Murasaki supers anyday
You know you can close the app before the ki giving pop-up disappears and you'll be back to where you were before you moved, can land on it again, and it can give it to another character. Sometimes RNG is stubborn and gives it to the same character though.
I wouldn't mind him as part of a rainbow team but having two of him on a team to deal with in mono green doesn't sound fun to me at least.
Yes, and some more than others ~_~Down the rabbit hole you go, welcome, we all suffer collectively here.
Are you sure you're not looking at the three random characters the game provides? I really hope someone isn't that stupid.
Check the Baba shop, there's a Goku card for sale in the normal section for 3k Baba points![]()
Check the Baba shop, there's a Goku card for sale in the normal section for 3k Baba points![]()
Thanks, will do! Yeah I normally trash Rs, interesting how they get useful. I'll be on the lookout.