A Pretty Panda
fuckin' called it, man
Just avoid TEQ units since he has no AGL form. I'll fight him with Mono AGL first to get a feel for how the fight goes and then crush him with a regular team.
Just avoid TEQ units since he has no AGL form. I'll fight him with Mono AGL first to get a feel for how the fight goes and then crush him with a regular team.
Yup the free SSR are nice to have for beginner.
IMO, clear out those Gohan stages and GT event.
Farm GT event stage 7 for the 2 elder kai.
do the mission for those events.
Those events rarely return.
The farmable STR Buuhan is not really good.
He is more for increasing INT Buuhan SA.
Always nice to have more UR for collection
Once you are done with that, you can get the strike character to SA10. Then start super strike.
Super strike is where you will need to build a team with cost below 100 including friend captain.
Those character has special super attack when max at SA15
So you will need to get SA10 > dokkan with 7 medals.
SA5 > dokkan with 7 medals
Combine them both to SA15
They are required to battle LR Goku.
Since he is TEQ type, we will bring All 3 INT for him (KingVegeta, Android16,Chilled)
Have you Dokkan your SV/Gogeta?
Do Story when it is 2x/3x exp.
Do try to reach rank 210 where we have 120stamina!
And of course higher team cost.
Thanks bro - this helps a lot. I thought the 2/3x exp thing was a one-time deal for Christmas - if this happens more often ill just wait for those events and do Story Missions then.
I havent Dokkan any of my units, still on the first evo stage. Should that be my priority ? Havent farmed Awakening medals yet - because i thought the higher costs would be a drawback for teambuilding at my Rank.
Ill try to clear the Gohan stages and GT event first and report back. Maybe things will be more clear for me after that...
definitely try to get Gogeta Dokkaned.
Shouldnt be too hard with SV lead + another Dokkaned SV.
filled the rest with awakened AGI unit (Awakened unit do more damage/take less damage then non awakened)
you can also put your Gogeta in it for extra damage. just let him be slot 1/2 pair with SV.
SV dokkan event is abit harder.
Once you Dokkan Awaken, you will start with levle 1 againAlright thanks - i get it now. I will Z-Awaken my Gogeta with Awakenings Medals. Level him 100 and Dokkan him with Dokkan Medals i get from the Gogeta Dokkan Event.
Is their some type of schedule to when Gogeta Dokkan Event will be back ? I think i just missed it.
Will do the DBGT/Gohan Event stuff for now.
PHY monoWhat team are ppl using for buuhan?
And for gems what's better Supreme Kai, Angel Goku or new Goku?
1/2. I read on Reddit it's shit.mega Shenron(STR god lead)
His banner in Japan feature Gogeta, but will possibly be change in GL.
Definitely get those 2 Kai from GT event.
Anyone farming Buuhan? Those drop rate omg.
14 run still 0 drop.
Gohan went from insurmountably difficult to baby easy
Thanks Super Vegito!
Had enough medals for a future Buuhan so I pulled a multi...
Guess eventual buff Buu will have to do for now (plus dupe Janemba and new GT Trunks)!
EDIT: And soooo glad the other Buus only take 21 medals to dokkan as well. Was expecting the usual 35.
~ 3 months, maybe 2 if they put it before Black like it should have been.So, how long until we get that ticket summon event where you get 1 ticket for every 50 stones you spent?
So, how long until we get that ticket summon event where you get 1 ticket for every 50 stones you spent?
I need that TEQ Buu to finish my Majin Buu team. I hope I pull him if not Buuhan.
Awww yeah, look at this dope Buu team with the Buuhan I just got... >__>
Is this in regards to my post? Because I only meant it length wise and not challenge.Who started the notion that SV can't beat things super easy?
SV makes EVERYTHING he can participate in EASY.
If you lose with him, consider yourself a scrub.
Nah, there were a multitude of posts earlier that were like SV, so easy on a number of other events and it's like no shit Sherlock.Is this in regards to my post? Because I only meant it length wise and not challenge.
I've had three big Dokkan events lately and I prefer them when they're shorter.
Nah, there were a multitude of posts earlier that were like SV, so easy on a number of other events and it's like no shit Sherlock.
1/2. I read on Reddit it's shit.
WTF 4 full bars 28 run 0 drop...
with 50% chance to level up skill.
You kids have it easy these days. Back in my days, we had to deal with bad drop rate, awakening the SRs to ssr and then deal with 50% chance.WTF 4 full bars 28 run 0 drop...
with 50% chance to level up skill.
You kids have it easy these days. Back in my days, we had to deal with bad drop rate, awakening the SRs to ssr and then deal with 50% chance.
*yells at cloud*
Like you said.You kids have it easy these days. Back in my days, we had to deal with bad drop rate, awakening the SRs to ssr and then deal with 50% chance.
*yells at cloud*
Need some help clearing out my box. Some of these units I'm not sure if they're worth uping the SA of, or if I should just sell the dupes to baba, so help if you can in that regard too <3
edit: just noticed A16 isn't locked. I'm obv keeping him, I got him again for Strike events since his DAed cost is a buttload.