Guys, can you tell me what is the Requisite for the 24th level of the HERO Bad Guys event in the japanese version?
Can't figure it out.
Can't figure it out.
Guys, can you tell me what is the Requisite for the 24th level of the HERO Bad Guys event in the japanese version?
Can't figure it out.
Skeletenks lead
SSJ3 Vegeta
TEQ Vegetto
Golden Freeza
Friend SSJ3 Gotenks
Keep Vegetto and SSJ3 Gotenks next to each other and keep Pikkon and Whis next to each other at all times
I vote for mine
Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle |OT2| Passing Stones
Is something wrong the the JPN version? I keep getting network error when I try to log in.
Edit: Whoooo! Just pulled SV too. Think I'm done with these banners now. Ended with 2x SSJ4 Goku, SSJ3 GT Goku, Gogeta, SSJ4 Veggie, SV, and Rose Black plus a few less notable SSR's too.
Damn dude, you're set. but I can't log in to JPN either, so it's not just you. It's been down all day.
edit: I've decided to grind out 35 GF medals on Z-hard, 2 at a time. PLease pray for me.
Haha poor JPN servers going through bi-hourly maintenance practically. And even though I didn't pull SSJ4 Goku, I think I'm good with this rerolled account. My AGL is looking pretty hot right now. ^^
piccolo, as in WT piccolo who becomes LR?I've been beating him almost without using items (maybe one heal sometimes, two if i'm unlucky, and an Usher for emergencies), but Buuhan is essential for that, he recovers a bit of health whenever he pops up.
Other than that, defense and status effects rule:
Skinnytenks Leader
Friend Godtenks who does most of the damage
Whis for lowering attack and random stun
Piccolo for tanking and lowering attack (and he supers early, which is great)
Bardock for sealing
Buuhan for healing and helping with the TEQ phase
Super Vegito for tanking
Im doing it guys. Jp dokkan battle. Just gonna use it for pulls and to try out content ahead of time. Can't sink time into it due to duel links and English dokkan but it will be fun seeing what i get for jp.
Oh yeah, on that note I have a spare Rose account, Vegeto Blue account and SSJ4 Vegeta account if anyone wants it. Just PM me.![]()
Screw it, so I could have something else to play with while waiting on Stamina, I downloaded the JP version also. Let's see what the magic is. And the servers are down, pretty good game!
piccolo, as in WT piccolo who becomes LR?
Everyone is going to JPN/hybriding JPN & Global. I'ma just sit here in Global and be left out of the loop![]()
My Saturday night, lol.
Oh yeah, on that note I have a spare Rose account, Vegeto Blue account and SSJ4 Vegeta account if anyone wants it. Just PM me.![]()
Gotta finish the OT! xD But the SSJ4 on my ipad that I transferred over is the one I'm sticking with. My GLB AGL team is crying.You need to min/max by getting an emulator on that laptop too! Thought you got a roll you was sticking with btw?
Did you spend all the stones (inc today's) on the SS4 Vegeta account? I'll take if off your hands, I've done like a dozen rerolls on JP (the hard way, because I can't get the reroll app to work) but haven't managed to pull any SS4, and what's even the point of keeping a fresh account without one.
Um... I should have used all the DS on it, there might be one or two left over if you're okay with that. It was rolled a couple days ago, so you'd be getting those 40 extra if you took over.
Thanks for the code donkey. Network errors currently preventing me from doing shit though.
Here's a thought: what if they keep giving out DS for these errors, so people keep rerolling, so the servers keep going down, so they keep giving DS, so people keep rerolling, and we just get infinite DS forever?
New OT coming soon ?
RIP Fubar on your pulls. Its the worst feeling but I feel that good luck might hit you in the near future to make up for it.
New OT coming soon ?
One last test for OT2...
Fingers crossed.
I had ~200 saved up for the AGL Rose Goku but figured why not. Now I will have to grind just to get up to 150 by the time that fest comes. Could be worse I suppose.
Anybody have any idea on who/what will be the next big Meta-breaking characters? Gogeta > Super Vegito > Shenron > SS4s seem like a pretty decent progression.
It's gonna be Yamcha isn't it
Haha I could do that but I won't be pulling g until omega comes around a couple singles f2p here lolWe can get one in about 9 more pages so keep posting and lamenting about your pulls.
RIP Fubar on your pulls. Its the worst feeling but I feel that good luck might hit you in the near future to make up for it.
Gotta finish the OT! xD But the SSJ4 on my ipad that I transferred over is the one I'm sticking with. My GLB AGL team is crying.
Fingers crossed.
I had ~200 saved up for the AGL Rose Goku but figured why not. Now I will have to grind just to get up to 150 by the time that fest comes. Could be worse I suppose.
Anybody have any idea on who/what will be the next big Meta-breaking characters? Gogeta > Super Vegito > Shenron > SS4s seem like a pretty decent progression.
It's gonna be Yamcha isn't it
Nope, playing around with HP reliant passives is fine, that's what you sign up for when you use them.Also they REALLY have to make it so GF's block passive works if you heal him on the turn he appears, this is straight-up busted. What a dumb mechanic.
Nope, playing around with HP reliant passives is fine, that's what you sign up for when you use them.
Yeah if it worked like it says, ie. you reduce damage taken when HP > 50%. How does that justify the passive not working if you heal to full HP on the round he appears? It doesn't even say "at start of turn" or whatever, it just says HP > 50%. So it doesn't even work as described. Thanks for the condescending defence tho.
So it looks like awakening Vegito was the push I needed for Gotenks. Just took my now-stronger Agi team through it and got my first victory, only using a single item.
This is that good shit.
Also they REALLY have to make it so GF's block passive works if you heal him on the turn he appears, this is straight-up busted. What a dumb mechanic.
Because as a player we understand that passives proc at the beginning of the turn unless otherwise stated. We have some that say start of turn because other things like attack have variable proccing points.Yeah if it worked like it says, ie. you reduce damage taken when HP > 50%. How does that justify the passive not working if you heal to full HP on the round he appears? It doesn't even say "at start of turn" or whatever, it just says HP > 50%. So it doesn't even work as described. Thanks for the condescending defence tho.