Had a moment where I decided "YOLO SINGLE PULL, I'LL GET GOTENKS" and pulled on Frieza banner....got TEQ Cell. It's weird when a YOLO pull gets you an SSR but it's a random card you weren't even considering.
It's coming really good by the looks of it
You're picture change makes me uncomfortable, I thought we had a new person and then I looked at the name.
I had that happen with INT SSJ Bardock lol, but I love him :3
Almost a must for a Super Vegito Mono-AGL teams. His health regen is a saving grace that pairs well with SVs blocking and counters.How is the AGL Kid Buu? Any good for a villains team?
Almost a must for a Super Vegito Mono-AGL teams. His health regen is a saving grace that pairs well with SVs blocking and counters.
Are there more SSRs on friend pulls other than the statue? Just pulled a SSR Vegeta
You can pull awakened SR's, but there are no unawakened SSR's from friend pulls besides the trophy.
That's what we are here for ..Thats still Ok, I must post my box so you guys help me by making teams
Why isn't the Goku LR event 2 days instead of just one? Also I want 20 medals to drop instead of just 7 dammit!
I remember the at the start of Global how frigging hard it was to get a UR. I was super exited to even get a strong SR. Now I'm up to 90 UR's lol. So many event URs were handed out. Plus the drop rate on URs has been significantly dropped. So weird to look back in those UR barren days.
The story is a necessity. You get a stone from every single level you complete.I'm still not very well versed in this game.
These are the cards I currently have: https://dbz.space/box/reizo
Are there specific ones I should focus on for leveling/awakening?
Right now the only UR I have is the ssr agl goku.
Also is the story worth doing? Because all these time limited events keep sucking up my stamina.
Are multi summons the way to go, or is 5 stones per summon the better option?
Yup. But that was because SSRs were very limited, now there's an huge pool of SSRs but only a handful of good SSRs.
Yup. But that was because SSRs were very limited, now there's an huge pool of SSRs but only a handful of good SSRs.I remember the at the start of Global how frigging hard it was to get a UR. I was super exited to even get a strong SR. Now I'm up to 90 UR's lol. So many event URs were handed out. Plus the drop rate on URs has been significantly dropped. So weird to look back in those UR barren days.
I'm still not very well versed in this game.
These are the cards I currently have: https://dbz.space/box/reizo
Are there specific ones I should focus on for leveling/awakening?
Right now the only UR I have is the ssr agl goku.
Also is the story worth doing? Because all these time limited events keep sucking up my stamina.
Are multi summons the way to go, or is 5 stones per summon the better option?
Man, I still need like 5 SSBKK runs but I have zero desire to play.
I'm still not very well versed in this game.
These are the cards I currently have: https://dbz.space/box/reizo
Are there specific ones I should focus on for leveling/awakening?
Right now the only UR I have is the ssr agl goku.
Also is the story worth doing? Because all these time limited events keep sucking up my stamina.
Are multi summons the way to go, or is 5 stones per summon the better option?
You need to do pulls. The current dokkanfest is a good starting point.
Also now is the best time to plow through story mode on all difficulties for the free stones, the bonus EXP will let you play for a long time. It's tedious, but you'll wanna do it at some point for the free stones anyway, no better time than now, and it's unlikely that any of the events are doable with your box, so I'd just focus on that. Try to get Godtenks from the current banner, and if you do, maybe pull on the TEQ banner as well so you can build a solid mono TEQ team.
Does pulls mean multi or single summon?
multi seems better because of the guaranteed sr, but I think the goku animation before a summon means a better chance of getting sr and higher right? So wouldn't 10 single summons give you 10 chances of goku transforming?
Does pulls mean multi or single summon?
Thanks for the answers, guess I'm heading into story for a bit.
Does pulls mean multi or single summon?
multi seems better because of the guaranteed sr, but I think the goku animation before a summon means a better chance of getting sr and higher right? So wouldn't 10 single summons give you 10 chances of goku transforming?
Thanks for the replies.
Decided to do a multi, honestly can't tell if I got anything decent, the freeza's seem good?
Wow, awesome; guess I got lucky.
Seems I still got quite some time left on that battle of the gods event, so I guess I'll just do some more story mode for now for enough stones for another multi.
Thanks for the input once again.
Thanks for the replies.
Decided to do a multi, honestly can't tell if I got anything decent, the freeza's seem good?
I gathered 35 GF medals thinking to Dokkan AGI Frieza, but now that I think about it, I might do the INT one instead. My reasoning is that the AGI unit does not really become much better from the Awakening, whereas the INT unit goes from being complete trash to actually being somewhat usable, if not actually great. I just think the benefits are greater, since my INT deck isn't very strong yet. I just want someone to tell me I'm not crazy.
Thanks for the replies.
Decided to do a multi, honestly can't tell if I got anything decent, the freeza's seem good?
Yeah that damage reduction is pretty amazing, put him AGL freeza leader while going through story, and even as level 1 he was barely getting damaged.
I've also put the other dokkan able units on my team just so I at least level them up for when I try to go for the medals.
The teq freeza sounds very interesting for a mono teq team.
It really depends on your setup. If you have a use for INT members then go for it. That said, the extra 10% isn't entirely useless either, especially when he's being used to eat supers. If I had Buuhan I'd probably go for the INT one personally.