So do you have to beat zhard for the mecha frieza drops? If so I have been playing this game wrong...
Congrats! Two days of farming, no drop yet. :/
Frieza and his smug smile is really starting to get to me.
No. There's more of a chance but no guarantee at all.
It's probably like:
Normal - 1%
Hard - 5%
Z-hard - 20%+
32 runs on hard and not a single drop errrrrr
I just want one, damn it!
omg these dupe SSRs on rerolls hurt more than seeing SR cui on rerolls
Congrats! Two days of farming, no drop yet. :/
Frieza and his smug smile is really starting to get to me.
Oh yeah I got a lot of stuff for you guys once I get a dude I want to keep.
I don't think I'm lucky I'm just willing enough to waste my time doing this lol
Its really getting to me I haven't played anything else sense it started lol not a single dropI know that feel...
Thanks, hopefully I'll get him soon. ;_;Thanks! You'll get him for sure.
Man I don't know how some of you level up your SSR's so fast lol I just got mine to 40 and I've been using dupes of crappy enemies and awakening them at 20 to get like, 3 levels.
They are bragging. THEY ARE!people on my friends list are popping up with him
it's like they're bragging
Yeah, according to Reddit a lot of people are having issues having him drop. I know it's probably a flat percentage base, similar to past events, so it's probably just RNG.I got 1 as well and I'm proud of that 1. I don't even plan on getting more since it was so hard to get that 1. I'm sure they'll be something else that will help level characters specials.
Thanks man, I won't give up!Keep at it bud, I'm sure you'll get it soon.
Also mad props for getting that SSR Vegeta to 80, I'm starting to pump AGI fodder into my Goku but I'm only at lvl 58 wtf. Doesn't help that the friend rolls are giving me 1 agi per 10 rolls.
And yeah, basically all I did was fuse many...many Awakened N [thus R] into him. I was actually beginning to run low on Training materials when I reached that point, but I did it. I just wish I had a Supreme Kai. I've been running the dailies constantly [outside of this Frieza event] and can't manage to get one to drop. Not entirely surprising, given how rre they are. I'll get a guaranteed one in 8 days so I'll finally be able to awaken him then!
Train same color N to 20.. Awakened them to be fed for 50k exp..Did you fuse only the same type of N's into him, or did you just indiscriminately fuse them all? Is it a huge difference? If not, I might just start feeding my SSR Goku everything.
You didn't do the R Goku Z-Hard?I seen the korin tower event came up! I ran it on Z hard and won!first Z-hard mission won. It wasn't too bad but i still need to train a bit more to make this more easy. Any idea when that event will be up for the day instead of flash?
100 runs in Zhard awakening dailies.. 0 kai![]()
Do we get both old+supreme kai there?At least you get some for free on the 30 day and 100 day login bonus![]()
Yeah, I just fused whatever. Obviously, TEQ types gave me a bit more XP, but you still get quite a bit from the different element types.Did you fuse only the same type of N's into him, or did you just indiscriminately fuse them all? Is it a huge difference? If not, I might just start feeding my SSR Goku everything.
Yeah, I just fused whatever. Obviously, TEQ types gave me a bit more XP, but you still get quite a bit from the different element types.
Haha, I'm sure you will!Great, thanks! Hopefully I'll join you on the lvl 80 SSR crew soon hah.
You didn't do the R Goku Z-Hard?
It's always gonna be flash I think.
I didn't lol I figured since I already had Goku i didn't need another.... Now I see its a bad idea maybe I could have fused him into my SR goku from the tutorial.
That Goku you get is a TEQ Goku, and could be useful if your SR is another type. My tutorial pull is SR AGL Goku, but depending on matchups I swap in the TEQ Goku instead. I have him Z-Awakened now, so he's Super TEQ and SR now.
Yeah we're on the same boat mine was a SR AGL Goku. I couldn't fuse the TEQ Goku to the SR AGL Goku to get his special higher?
All your questions are answered in op.How does rerolling work? (On Android) I have about 25 dragon stones, trying to get another 25 to get the multi pull. I wanna be able to reset and roll again if I don't at least get 3 SRs.
I have 3 SRs and 3 Rs, my rarest is Frieza first form SR with Roshi and Kid Goku making the other 2. Rank 17 atm.
Going through story to make bank on the dragon stones. Also have no idea what awakening does to my characters besides adding the stars and a stat increase.
Has to be an exact duplicate I believe.
aw I'll just wait till an alternative way of special leveling arrives.. or SSGSS Goku.I hope that's soon.
All your questions are answered in op.
That's why a bunch of us grind the Strike events hoping for multiple drops. A lot easier when the drop is guaranteed, like the Gohan event where you can easily max out, otherwise you just keep playing and how for the best. I've gotten 3 Freeza drops so far on the current event.
Yes, if you re-roll you delete your current progress/account. You could always issue a transfer code before you do it, so you can temporarily save your account for a week and return to it if you want to. However, re-rolls are usually done in the beginning before significant progress is made, so if you're already deep into the game you'll probably want to stay with your account [unless you don't mind starting over from the very beginning again].Most of them are so thanks but what if you are already deep into the game? Doesn't deleteing data reset you back to the beginning? That is what I'm mainly worried about.
Oh shit, seriously?! So it's not guaranteed like the Nappa and Vegeta missions?! Damn I've been playing the game wrong too! Been wasting my energy just running the Awakening Medal events every day.No. There's more of a chance but no guarantee at all.
It's probably like:
Normal - 1%
Hard - 5%
Z-hard - 20%+
Oh shit, seriously?! So it's not guaranteed like the Nappa and Vegeta missions?! Damn I've been playing the game wrong too! Been wasting my energy just running the Awakening Medal events every day.
Kind of starting to hate this game because of Mecha Frieza. Can barely beat him on hard with my one crappy SR Phy. It's pretty much just pure luck if I do and I have to use 2-3 items everytime and hope I get a good PHY friend roll. Even used like 2 dragon stones to revive out of pure anger because of him beating me with like 1% health left (not even visible on the bar).
anyone know when the korin tower will come up?