Permanently A
Junior Member
Finally got mecha frieza! Yay... time to grind 9 more
In an hour.
Are all SRs better than Rs? Or are some characters so good that their R can outshine an SR? My starter, an SR Nappa might be my worst character. I did my first multi pull and got a red SR Jeice but at lvl 17 his stats are atrocious compared to my lvl 39 red R Vegeta from the event. I'm wondering if it's even worth putting Jeice into the rotation, whether he'll even eventually scale properly as he levels into the 30s. Is there a site that shows what their max stats are?
Is your SR Nappa PHY? Cause I have that one too at level 51 and yeah, he just kind of sucks. He does a lot of damage at 100% but that's about it. My R #18 was so much better even before she was awakened.
I have literally that same setup going on. 18 completely outshines him.
Just got a PHY vegeta, I'm wondering should I use my level 53 Super Strength Vegeta to train him?
I wouldn't.
Basically, wipe the app data and start completely over (reinstall, go through the tutorial again), then use the dragonballs you get at the start to try and get a starting card that you want. Android is just the easiest because you can access the files and skip the tutorial.Could someone explain the concept of a reroll to me? Is it Android only or is this something an iPhone 6 could do? I see it constantly referred to but just am not sure what it means/entails.
Basically, wipe the app data and start completely over (reinstall, go through the tutorial again), then use the dragonballs you get at the start to try and get a starting card that you want. Android is just the easiest because you can access the files and skip the tutorial.
Everyone getting their Mecha Frieza. That's what I like to see!
To those still trying, don't give up hope.
Lucky bastard. Z-Hard or Hard?![]()
It's 3AM, last run of the night too, yay.
I've done Hard so many times and nothing. 😤Hard. Z-Hard is impossible unless you have a near-full PHY team. He Death Beams any non-PHY for over 40k damage and has two adds. Impossible to beat.
Is your SR Nappa PHY? Cause I have that one too at level 51 and yeah, he just kind of sucks. He does a lot of damage at 100% but that's about it. My R #18 was so much better even before she was awakened.
How often is it that I get to summon a SR character? I just noticed that your Goku will have SSJ Hair when doing it?
Yaaas. Would have settled for STR Goku too.
Gonna watch RoF tomorrow so it's fitting
Congrats, looks pretty awesome. How long did that take you?
Maybe 5-6 hours spread over 4 days. Each roll took about a minute and a half. Pulled 9 other SSR which I'll give away soon. Might keep one tho
I rolled the multiroll today..............
I got 3 SRs and 7 Rs, the issue is that 2 of the SRs are both Android 16! SwiftRage!
While the last SR was Form 2 Frieza. Another issue is that all 3 are STR while I already have Frieza First Form and Vegeta STR, very annoying imbalance on my team.
I wouldn't have minded the double STR if I got some other type of SR for my 3rd one but noooooooooo, it just had to be #16 AGAIN!
;_; Pretty salty about it since I worked so hard to get all 50 stones from missions and see it not work out in a good way. Stupid RNG. I should have just attempted 10 pulls individually.
I have literally that same setup going on. 18 completely outshines him.
I believe the PHY chars are more defense heavy.
IIRC, they are random typed.Haha wow. Yeah so I dunno. I'm still leveling him because he's my only natural SR PHY unit,but I'm confused why his stats suck so bad compared to R's as well. Hardly seems worth awakening.
Are Mecha Freeza's 2 assistants in Z-hard also INT?
IIRC, they are random typed.
Without stoning? 0%Well that's just fucked. Think I'm gonna try a Z-hard run in a bit. My team is...
Super PHY R Krillin (lvl. 44)
Super PHY R #18 (lvl. 53)
Super PHY R #19 (lvl. 43)
Super PHY R #17 (lvl. 40)
PHY SR Nappa (lvl. 52)
Super AGL SSR Goku (lvl. 63)
Think I stand a chance?
I wish I could say yes, but you're going to want to farm 20 of them total, so you can level each to Super Level 10, evolve one of them to Golden Frieza, and have both in your team. Doing so essentially guarantees both being able to unleash their Super each time they're up, regardless of orbs. They do insane damage.Woke up,first mecha Frieza try of the day and he drops, finally I can do something else in this game, bless thy rng gods u tricky bastards!
I wish I could say yes, but you're going to want to farm 20 of them total, so you can level each to Super Level 10, evolve one of them to Golden Frieza, and have both in your team. Doing so essentially guarantees both being able to unleash their Super each time they're up, regardless of orbs. They do insane damage.
But yeah, might not be feasible for many of us right now, since the drop on Hard is so low and Z-Hard is so difficult to reliably farm [for many of us, anyway]. I'm hoping to get one more, for a total of two, so I can at least level them.
Oh! Once you evolve/awaken to Golden Frieza the only way to level the Super is to fuse more Golden Frieza into it. So you'll definitely want to max out the Super before you awaken.
Haha, sorry. I didn't mean to deflate your excitement. You should be totally happy, it's still an accomplishment!:'(, I was happy for that one minute. It does sound crazy op but I think it will have to wait for an eventual return of the event >>. Perhaps then I will be able to do him on z-hard. Farming on hard feels like ur just throwing away ur stamina.
Oh man. XDhaha Yeah I'm on the same boat, I fused my Nappa into 18 for the exp. I was think now its a bad idea but seeing as 18 is superior I'm happy![]()