Intermediate Jobs:
These jobs all level up a little slower than Basic jobs (150% XP or so?). Mastery abilities are learned at 32 opposed to 26 as basic classes.
Mage and Priest at the same time. A Wizardry Staple. They still get ID, and still learn all Mage and Priest magic -- but very, very slowly.
Class: Dispell. Ghost/Demon enemies are destroyed without giving XP.
Class: ID. Items are IDed. To ID the highest level gear from the bonus dungeon with good success, you need a level 200+ Bishop.
Mastery: Mage spell damage up (Max 562.4%, weaker than Mages)
Mastery: Priest spell power up (Max 843.6%, again weaker than Mages)
Special EX Skill: 100 Knowledge
Starting Class: B. They learn magic really slowly. The Japanese wiki suggests that the XP to learn all the spells as a bishop is equal to the XP required to learn all the mage spells as a mage + the XP required to learn all the priest spells as a priest... times TWO.
Ending Class: A. They're the only class that gets ID and 9 casts of both Mage and Priest magic. Going Alchemist -> Bishop is a great way to make an endgame caster.
No Class Change: B. Innocent Gear is ok.
ID isn't as important early on as in other games in this genre as there is no way to donate money to gain XP in this one like in others. (This was re-added in the 3DS version.)
Thief + FIghter.
Class: Swift Attack. Has limited uses but lets you attack first. You can use any weapon.
Class: Pursuit. Does an extra attack to a single enemy at the end of the turn if they have a status ailment (Might require a Bow to be equipped.) Uses up SP, which is like MP but just for this skill.
Class: Thief skills
Mastery: Phys Damage Up (232.0%)
Mastery: Machine Gun Pursuit: Pursuit can hit an unlimited number of enemies.
Starting Class: C. Doesn't pass on anything.
Ending Class: A. It's hard to use Alchemy to make L range gear, so bows are now attractive. Enemies cannot dodge pursuit so it's useful for high evade enemies. And for some reason if they classchange from Alchemist they keep all 9 casts of those spells.
No Class Change: C. Bows are useful but there's no Innocent Bow.
Apparently Pursuit spam is really quite useful.
Unarmed combat specialist. They have a special ability that lets them hit up to 4 times in a row, and if they do, they nerf the heck out of the enemy's resistances. Important for getting the later summons.
Class: AC Decrease. Like Ninjas, if they are unarmed they get better and better natural armor. There are some armors that do not count and can be used to give resistances. Every three levels they get -1 AC.
Class: Renu: 50% chance of attacking again. If they hit 4 times in a row, they can do a "clean hit" which mauls enemy resistances.
Mastery: Physical Attack Up (222.2%)
Mastery: FIghting Instinct. Clean Hit chance increases (up to 100%)
Starting Class: C. Doesn't pass on anything.
Ending Class: A. Renu is still strong although they've been nerfed somewhat.
No Class Change: B. No need for innocent gear due to AC Decrease, but the Innocent Cape does count as one of the armors they can wear. However, they really can't waste time casting spells so...
There's no drop weapons for them for a long time. They nerfed enemy gear by basically forgetting to give non-boss enemies drops to steal, which really nerfed Brawlers. They also didn't include much in the way of AC: YES gear they can use. In short, they're not the one man wrecking crew they were in Elminage Original.
A fighter / mage that can use Tarot and thieving abilities. They can use surprisingly good gear. Basically your all-in-one superclass.
Class: Tarot: They can use the Tarot abilities.
Class: Musical Instrument: They can use special musical Items
Mastery: Physical Power Up (Max 226.9%)
Mastery: Tempt Fate: Tarot draw success rate up
Starting Class: B. They can pass up mage spells, but learn them very slowly. They can't pass up anything else, so why not just play as a mage?
Ending Class: B. Tarot is nice, but very very random. They can equip better gear than quite a few hybird frontline classes. They get better towards the end of the game as they get more and more gear.
No Class Change: B. They have a lot of utility, but they gain even more if they have Alchemist and Priest spells.
Apparently in Elminage 3 you could replace all your slots with Musical Instruments. You cannot do that in Gothic.
They don't get Magic Up, so they're not as good as Bishops or Mages, but can be your spellcaster till the final boss. Postgame, you'll want to replace them. Level 24 to get all 9s.
The more you use Tarot, the worse your success at it is. You can repair this by using the Inn or some of the Herbs. There's apparently
a way to abuse this. (Of course!)
Goblin Mages drop or can have swords stolen from them that are useful for Bards in the mid game.
Shaman / Kannagi
They do NOT get priest spells. (Ack.)
Class: Dispel. Soul or Demons are banished, no XP.
Class: Soul Strike (霊体攻撃

: Can hit ghosts, and ignores armor of everything else? Half armor? Not sure.
Class: Musical Instruments: They can use special musical items
Class: Barrier: Erect a barrier that weakens attacks. High priority.
Mastery: Physical attack up (226.9%)
Mastery: Old Fashioned: Equip seals instead of clothes to attack up to 8 times in a row. Insert your own joke about ancient Kannagi knowing how to party here.
Special EX Skill: Sacred Lot: Switch XP and Gold values gained at the end of the fight are changed (switched?)
Starting Class: C. They do not pass on anything.
Ending Class: A. They do great damage, and with Old Fashioned, they can do a lot of damage AND do a ton of status effects as well.
No Class Change: C. No magic, innocent gear isn't worth it, etc.
They're basically a glass cannon like a wizard. They are absurdly powerful against ghosts, undead, and demons. With Barrier now having a number of uses, they're not as super great as they were. In Original (and 2 / 3?) they had an ability called "Oro Curse" that caused them to do a straight double damage on top of everything else to Demons / Undead / Ghosts / etc... that's gone. Still, almost every one of their weapons do double damage to those, so, woo.
Old Fashioned basically makes the class. They can do an absurd amount of damage. They need the EX Skill "Swallow Killing" which lets them ignore the Samurai's counterattack ability, though, since
enemies can be Samurais now. Using Alchemy to make their weapons powerful against other races is good too. Also, most enemies aren't immune to sleep (but are to say, Beheading or Petrification) so adding Sleep to your Shaman weapons works well.
Supposedly in the postgame dungeon there's Shaman gear that's super effective against EVERYTHING, so... yeah. And while they focus on their special weapons, nothing says they can't use clubs and whips in their hands (and equip their seals to their heads / feet / etc).
The amazing super k-rad awesomeness. They don't get spells as normal, instead they summon a 7th party member, and can hold one monster type (including bosses) for each spell "level."
Mastery: Oath of Blood: Summoned monsters increased (Max 1221.5% -- so a level 40 Demon would become a level 488 nightmare.) Their abilities are adjusted and some become absolutely absurd. If I'm reading this right, monsters that have classes (like Samurai or Ninja), when modified by Oath of Blood,
gain their enhanced class abilities.
Special EX Skill: Masutatterion (Summon... everything at once? Merge summons into one big summon? Not sure.) and "Oath of Soul" (turn summons into permanent PCs, making them into absurdly broken ... things)
Starting Class: B. They can pass on summons but why in the world would you -- without Oath of Blood, it's worthless.
Ending Class: A. Holy god, summons are insane. And the Oath of Blood thing is nuts.
No Class Change: C. They don't get much from innocent gear and really they're meant to be doing other things after summoning, without other spells they really are just sitting around wasting time.
Gothic added a lot more really good summons in the early/mid game. This is now an attractive class to use from the start instead of being an Alchemist/Bishop's retirement plan. Best to be 10 levels higher than your summon targets to ensure success. You will NEED a Brawler if you have this class, most of the good monsters have 100 or 98% resistance to summon contracts.
The PSP version has a bug where a Summoner can use Oath of Soul on summons from ANOTHER character. This was fixed in the 3DS. Oath of Soul party members are much better in Gothic than they were in Original, mostly due to them not getting Innocent Gear not being a huge disaster anymore.
Female only (barring special class change situations). They're basically a more offensive / well balanced Lord.
Class: Dispel
Class: Soul Strike (霊体攻撃

: Can hit ghosts, and ignores armor of everything else? Half armor? Not sure.
Mastery: Physical attack up (224.0% max)
Mastery: (3DS Only): Priest spells up (unknown max). You can simulate this in the PSP by giving them that one EX Skill that gives them healing bonuses?
Mastery: Lady of the Spear: They can equip spears as sub-weapons (dual wield)
Starting Class: B. They gain priest spells very slowly, but have good HP. However, if you want a neutral character with priest spells, this is your only option. (Outside of changing alignment.)
Ending Class: A. Dual Wielding spears is GREAT. And they get 9 casts of all priest spells! That's amazing!
No Class Change: A. There's an Innocent Spear that's really great. If you're going to use one Innocent Class, this is the one to use.
Lady of the Spear really increases their damage output, especially by the end of the game. Since they can stay in the rear they can be really, really amazing. And Gothic added a TON of spears.