Wait...am I missing something or can you only select pre-made characters from the start?
You need to visit the Training School to make your own characters.
OK, well that's one question down.
What do the stats do?
I see no place in the manual were they explain this..and the UI doesn't give any hints when mousing over them.
STR - Assuming this is your melee damage stat
INT - Assuming this is max MP plus mage spell effectiveness
Piety - Assuming this is clearic/healing spell effectiveness
VIT - Assuming this is max HP and increased HP earned on level up (also damage mitigation?)
AGI - Assuming this is your ranged damage stat plus hit evasion (plus damage mitigation?)
Luck - Assuming this is your critical hit chance plus miniscule bonuses to other areas
Kinda got stalled in this. Going to switch my Bishop into a Mage - the leveling is too slow and Teleport is too useful. I should have known better than to start with Bishop like I did, heh. Its what, level 32 or so before teleport on a Bishop, when its 14ish on a mage?
I miss being able to spam Flameberges for a great free fire spell early on. You can still do that but they break very quickly.
How to do the faceload? Or cant you add custom images?
And whats a good party?
I wonder if there's a way to put faceload images into the compressed ISO or whatnot that the game's emulator uses? If so, then it would be as simple as a small Java utility or somesuch, ran outside the game, to handle it.
I mean the game's looking for faceload files in a certain directory in the virtual file structure, right? If we can open the compressed image file the game's using, we could put files in there, right?
Review has been up for a few days now: http://steamcommunity.com/id/pepsimanvsjoe/recommended/291960
In the first post-game dungeon but I'm going to take a well-earned break. Put a stupid # of hours into this game in a very short time.
How to do the faceload? Or cant you add custom images?
And whats a good party?
Is anyone else getting this kind of graphics corruption in game? I'm starting to worry I have a dying video card or something.
hmmm i personally have not seen that myself. is it occurring all over?
Backgrounds, monster and character sprites. It's sporadic and sometimes just stops. =/
Since I no longer have any access to my old PC controller, how is controlling the game with a trackpad and keyboard on a laptop?
Works great with just the keyboard, mouse is barely used.
I never used an alchemist or bothered with the workshop.![]()
Just got around to completing the main game.I mostly ended up besting him by using Immortarati (or however you spell it), a Fighter with High King's Sword from a quest for high physical damage, and liberal use of Miracle spells (healing and obtaining best AC status, and regaining spells use for more Immortarati casts). My mage lost several levels but it worked out!Cyclanos is a jerk with his high HP regen, statuses, beheadings..
Probably not going to go through post-game content right now, as I've put way too many hours into this game since release. I did end up cheating using the maps on the Wiki for the latter half of the game, as managing maps just became a little bit of a chore rather than an interesting limitation.
This was my first foray into a wizardry style game and I enjoyed it a lot. I'm having a difficult time putting it into words though. Every battle has a chance to be tense; You get basically absolute control over your party make-up; there are a lot of quests to keep on top of to reward going out of your way. It's the type of game you have to approach most things quite meticulously or deliberately, and requires a bit of patience in most regards. It doesn't hold hands in any manner.
The game became a lot easier when I gained multiple casts of Diomente, which made it much easier to move around and complete quests. It allowed me to heal up before boss encounters and to take them on with rested characters.
I never used an alchemist or bothered with the workshop.![]()
nice little write up (*´ω`*)
how i usually describe it is the fear of death is what keeps these games fresh and exciting!
First forgive the faux pas but I'm wondering if anyone know what Ghostlight said about a PSP/V Release? Or if this game is perhaps usable via shield?
Reasons: Usual ones, I have less time to actually sit down in front of the computer and play, I'm always around and about :/
I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but does the game have native controller support?
I'm sorry if this has been asked and answered before, but does the game have native controller support?
Yes it does![]()
Not sure Id have to ask Ghostlight_Ross about that. On the steam page says "partial controller support" but am not too sure what that exactly means. On top of the manual does not list anything about controller support. When I hear back from him Ill do up a new post. Sent him a mail so will be waiting for a reply.
Yes it does![]()
Is the modding community up to anything special, i.e. custom OSTs and such?
Making some new progress. Into the 4th dungeon in between games.
Man, there's a ton of some dungeons you never NEED to go to. I had my breakthru when I realized this.
Who knew little red riding hoods could out-wreck ninjas?
Quests are happening, some good stuff for rewards without it feeling like they're burying you in loot.
Finally getting some real increases in my materials with those 3rd and 4th dungeons, so my gear upgrades and alchemy feel fully "realized" now.
I need a backup healer. This one cleric setup is really playing with fire (Br/Fi/Cl/Al/Ma/Ra)
Id say it would depend if the original code which allows that and things like the portraits is in the build or not. Since if its not implemented then there would be no real way for them to easily mess with the game in the same way as with the psp version that had the feature.
Though since am not sure how its all made up internally its all speculation, though once again if the specific code was left out, most def would make it a lot more work for anyone trying to do something like custom music.
Am not sure if Ghostlight Ross would be in a position to answer the questions as it has to do with internal related details which generally is not shared in the public outside of simple answers such as the whole custom portraits / status pictures not being in the current PC release.
Yeah most def having back up characters in the event of "accidents" is a huge must with the series. lol. The age system puts a bit of stress on you too with the lower life span races since once you hit a certain point their effectiveness will start to go backwards and you will need to replace them. But that depends on how long you take with the game and such.
And I've already deaged that Fairic twice with traps.![]()
One of the dungeons later in the game has a bunch of de-age traps. I abused them and kept my original team the whole way through.
If anyone was waiting (I know I was), Elminage Gothic was released on GOG.com yesterday:
Which adds Starfish SD to the small list of Japanese developers on GOG (cheers ghostlight).
If anyone was waiting (I know I was), Elminage Gothic was released on GOG.com yesterday:
Which adds Starfish SD to the small list of Japanese developers on GOG (cheers ghostlight).