Deleted member 125677
Unconfirmed Member

WEDNESDAYS 21:30 - 23:00 CEST
SUNDAYS 21:00 - 23:00 CEST
GAME PASSWORD (quote to see):
Participating players:
Roboleon | Uzbek
Spirited | Mamluks
Kabouter | Pasai
Fitz | Milan
Red Arremer | Bahmanis
Fanboi | Ming
Uzzy | Aragon
KingSnake | Burgundy
Jwitjes | Papal States
Jazz | Bavaria
Morfeo | Sweden
MGO | Livonian Order (?)
Steeven | Hungary
Stefan | Brandenburg
Crab | Qara Qoyunlu
1. If you consistently cause the game to drop below speed 2, you will be kicked for the duration of the session.
2. One rejoin per session, if you crash out multiple times, wait for someone else to drop out and then you can of course also rejoin.
3. Pausing only allowed when DoW happens to you. Then during the war it isn't acceptable. Players can pause once to make peace deals, but only for the allotted 25 seconds or so before others can unpause. PvP wars are not exempted.
4. Players may not guarantee, ally, or be guaranteed by more than 1 other player nation prior to 1500, 2 other prior to 1600, or 3 others prior to 1750. A coalition may not have more than 3 player nations prior to 1500, 4 player nations prior to 1600, or 5 player nations prior to 1750. This rule does not count for any player controlled subjects a player might have. No enforce peace in wars involving human players on either side. Indirect involvement in wars (for instance threatening someone with an attack unless they don't engage in a war against human players) counts as an alliance for the player being helped and thus is only allowed if the player being helped does not exceed its human ally limit in this fashion.
5. Player nations are open to attack once they miss three straight sessions, you can attack during that third session. If the AI attacks another player in his absence, they can demand up to 50% war score, but no more. If an AI playing for a human nation joins a war against a human player as a third party, up to 25% war score may be demanded from that country.
6. Maximizing the ticking war score means that the losing side must automatically meet the demands of the winning side. Achieving an overall war score of 80% also means the losing side must automatically meet the demands of the winning side. Peace demands can not exceed 100% war score. People can't be forced to peace out separately in a PvP war, to avoid peace demands from being truly excessive. Similarly, don't circumvent the war score cap by declaring multiple wars as a single alliance. If you do this, the total demands can't be more than 100%. If non-aligned human players both attack another human player, this obviously does not apply.
7. Can't attack a player nation with more than 50% tech group disparity, unless through a non-subject third party. Rule expires in 1600.
8. A general anti-exploit rule. Basically, if it looks like an exploit, then don't do it. Don't try to circumvent rules through trickery. If you're unsure if something violates this rule, ask.
Country Selection:
9. Don't pick someone else's vassal/personal union partner.
10. No more nation switching after the first five sessions.
11. Poland and The Ottoman Empire are not available to human players :'(
Normal Difficulty
No Bonuses
Historical Lucky Nations
Dynamic Province Names On
Locked Ledger
Only Host Can Save
Editable Save
Conquest of Paradise
Wealth of Nations
Res Publica
Sword and Crescent
Purple Phoenix.
Art of War
El Dorado
Common sense
(And a bunch of cosmetic stuff)
SERVER INFO (quote to see):
Player Ratings for Session VI
1. Mgoblue201 - 4.9
2. Roboleon - 4
3. Spirited - 3.96
4. Morfeo - 3.42
5. Red Arremer - 3.21
6. Stefan - 3
7. Uzzy - 2.5
8. KingSnake - 1.58
9. fanboi - 1.43
10. FACE - 0.92
Average Player Ratings for Country Selection
1. Jazz - 4.92
2. Mgoblue201 - 4.76
3. crab - 4.31
4. Kabouter - 4.31
5. Fitz - 4.30
6. Spirited - 3.96
7. Steeven - 3.88
8. Toma - 3.76
9. Roboleon - 3.63
10. haly - 3.47
11. Gamma - 3.19
12. Morfeo - 3.18
13. Stefan - 3.10
14. fanboi - 3.06
15. ZZMItch - 2.96
16. Jwitjes - 2.92
17. Uzzy - 2.82
18. Red Arremer - 2.75
19. Mleugie - 2.50
20. KingSnake - 2.45
21. Valhelm - 2.23
22. FACE - 1.35
23. RickDeckerSpiegel - 1.28
New players start with a rating of 3
Previous sessions:
Session I
Session II
Session IV
Session V
Session VI
End stats for last session: