So the three nations I was looking at are all neighbouring another player now (intimately), would anyone mind if I pick Milan? They're 0.07 out of my range. Otherwise I'll just go for one of my original selections.
So the three nations I was looking at are all neighbouring another player now (intimately), would anyone mind if I pick Milan? They're 0.07 out of my range. Otherwise I'll just go for one of my original selections.
It's getting awfully cosy in Italy.
It's getting awfully cosy in Italy.
So the three nations I was looking at are all neighbouring another player now (intimately), would anyone mind if I pick Milan? They're 0.07 out of my range. Otherwise I'll just go for one of my original selections.
I don't mind, although I'm convinced it will hurt my game. But 0.07 is really a small margin.
Maybe for the next game we should have it as a general rule, to allow choosing up to 0.1 above the limit.
We've had worse.Our first game had three Italian players, myself in Naples, Morfeo as Savoy, and I believe Arch as Venice. Anyhow I've got a few other nations I'm perfectly happy to play as if the people in that region would rather stick to the rules.
edit: oh right, we would technically have three as you're playing Aragon, doh.
We should do a game where everybody had to pick an hre minor - that would be cosy indeed!
We've had worse.Our first game had three Italian players, myself in Naples, Morfeo as Savoy, and I believe Arch as Venice. Anyhow I've got a few other nations I'm perfectly happy to play as if the people in that region would rather stick to the rules.
edit: oh right, we would technically have three as you're playing Aragon, doh.
That'd be crazy fun. Rocking Ravensburg for life.
Technically! Harumph, Italy's a natural place for expansion/feeding my pet.
I don't mind you picking Milan though.
You going hindu directly?
Well that's a dissapointment.
Nuremburg for life.
Quixotic Qara Qoyunlu
Good, Kab has chosen the country. Who's next?
Is there still time to get in?
Fuck it, let's rumble Fitz.
I'm okay with your pick.
Sorry guys, I can't play this session after all. Life has happened.
Have fun, gl.
Sorry guys, I can't play this session after all. Life has happened.
Have fun, gl.
That's a shame, I was looking forward to being buddies in Africa!
Lol, "being buddies" untill you are suddenly at his border with your army you mean?
For their own protection, of course! Wouldn't want any nasty AI countries like Portugal or Castile moving in on them.
Lazy cunts tbh
All the rest of us over eager nerds shot our loads faster than fanboi crashed out of last session
I picked Uzbek in record time. It was only for Dai Viet that I literally waited until the last moment before the start of the game. Anyway, I haven't put any thought into what I'm doing. Jazz can go ahead and pick before me if he wants.You don't get to 4.7+ rating without spending a few days picking nation.
Participating players:
Roboleon | Naughty Uncle Uzbek
Spirited | Massive Mammaries Mamluks
Kabouter | Peachy Pasai
Fitz | Milfin' Milan
Red Arremer | Bitchin' Bahmanis
Fanboi | Missy Ming
Uzzy | Asskickin' Aragon
KingSnake | Bangin' Burgundy
Jwitjes | The Stinky-Pinky Papal States
Jazz | Booty Harassin' Bavaria
Morfeo | Sweet Sixteen Sweden
MGO | Luscious Livonian Order (?)
Steeven | Hungry Hungary
Stefan | Balls Out Brandenburg
Crab | Quixotic Qara Qoyunlu
Europe looks hot!
So since everyone has more or less picked, should we aim to begin Wednesday 13th?
Code:Participating players: Roboleon | Naughty Uncle Uzbek Spirited | Massive Mammaries Mamluks Kabouter | Peachy Pasai Fitz | Milfin' Milan Red Arremer | Bitchin' Bahmanis Fanboi | Missy Ming Uzzy | Asskickin' Aragon KingSnake | Bangin' Burgundy Jwitjes | The Stinky-Pinky Papal States Jazz | Booty Harassin' Bavaria Morfeo | Sweet Sixteen Sweden MGO | Love Makin' Livonian Order (?) Steeven | Hungry Hungary Stefan | Balls Out Brandenburg Crab | Quixotic Qara Qoyunlu