In my eyes, there is very little difference in terms of traditional control methods between the Wiimote + nunchuck combo and a traditional controller split in two. The Wiimote + nunchuck provides you with 10 accessible buttons (A, B, +, -, Z, C and 4 d-pad directions) and a left thumbstick, plus the motion sensor and pointer that can be mapped to actions where they make sense. (The pointer for example fills in for the lack of a right thumbstick for some genres.)
This is supported IMO by the fact that both Twilight Princess and Resident Evil 4, with control schemes made for the Gamecube, have better controls on Wii. RE4 goes without saying, but for TP I prefer the Wii due to pointer slingshot/bow/hookshot aiming and an extra quickmap item button, which outweighs the lack of complete camera control. (It might not have done so had it not been possible to autocenter the camera and toggle free look.) Motion sword swinging is neither better or worse; sometimes it's annoying and sometimes it's satisfying.)