I did not mind the death of Joel. It was a bit shocking at first when the leaks came out, but I got over it relatively quickly.Killing off Joel immediately destroyed my interest in the franchise, sorry ND.
What a gigantic middle finger to people that played the first and got attached to the characters. It's like they missed the point entirely of why a large portion of the audience liked the first.
Never played the second after hearing the route they took so definitely don’t have any interest in a third
I wonder how many people trash this game but never actually played it.
People should try forming their own opinions on things rather than jumping to group think.
The tail end is easily the best part of the game.It died to me after the first one. Couldn’t even finish the 2nd game.
The dark path sounds like it could easily be as good as TLOU.It's tempting to want to hope for a prequel showing what happened to Joel and Tommy after the loss of Sarah highlighting the dark path it took them both leading up to where the first TLOU started.
Neil just needs to bring back the guy who was so crucial to TLOU.Wouldn’t mind Neil just going away. Have somebody new come in, keep the Naughty technical talent there. The overall interest level in Naughty dog goes down for me the longer he stays.
Joel died did he not? So don’t care about the story anymore to bother.
No kidding. I'm not sure what Druckmann was thinking with TLOU2. It was like a "How to tarnish a brand/franchise" speedun any % record. Went from being widely cherised in its first entry, over to widely divisive in the next. Its baffling to be honest. They could've done a relatively "safe" sequel with more of Joel and Ellie. Everyone would continue to be satisfied, give or take. Instead, TLOU2 completely flipped on that.The franchise died with Joel.
Not at all. If you consider it in terms of the heroes journey arc than part 2 is the low point, part 3 should be the atonement and redemption for EllieThey wrote themself into a corner with lou2 with that idiotic modern relativism - aka there is no heroes and everything is morally gray.
Additionally "what if neither Ellie nor Joel's sexuality/religion/politics ever get brought up because they're so busy staying alive (like TLOU)" game.Part 3 could be a "what if Joel wasn't killed off?" game.
They wrote themself into a corner with lou2 with that idiotic modern relativism - aka there is no heroes and everything is morally gray.
Well, in the tv show I think Druckmann will continue helping with the writing and maybe directing one or two episodes per season. At some point he'll decide that they are done with the tv show and will end there with no spinoffs.Good thing Warner Bros has no influence whatsoever on what games Naughty Dog produces
Druckmann has stated in the past that the TV show would never go past the games. If TLOU tv show continues to be a massive hit, HBO will most likely order spin off shows, which Druckmann could be apart of or not, but he won't continue the story of Ellie past the games
When it comes to TLOU games, I think Naughty Dog is going to wait another 10 or 15 years for another one. Bring back Ellie when she is in her 40s. That character is a lot more compelling than another game with young adult Ellie. She doesn't even have to be the main character either