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Official April 2008 NPD thread of massive disappointment if you're not Nintendo


I can't wait for Shane's typical crow-dodge in tmw's npd podcast, then make another claim for when PS3 will start outselling 360. " Nintendo is just destroying everyone, but PS3 will pick up and start selling more than 360 when blah blah blah blah happens."


The Everyman
UncleGuito said:
Many of which are for all the wrong reasons.

Hype, hype, hype.
hype can only last so many years.

it might be hard for some people here to believe but first timers love it. i've seen it for myself.


pizzaguysrevenge said:
I support the death of the HD consoles.

PC gaming shall rise again!
Or, more likely, console gamers just won't be able to cry out how much better their games are just because they sell more.



Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
UncleGuito said:
No, it really isn't. Shows that the industry is pretty screwed up.

Anyways, since when is such widespread, blatant trolling permitted?

I was half kidding. (even though I don't care for GTA)


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
donny wins the motherfucking thread :lol :lol :lol

brilliant stuff


Concept17 said:
I really hope 360/PS3 pick up more steam during the second half of the year. I would much prefer they lead the way. Either way, as mentioned, I'm gonna go with the guess that the HD consoles will simply live longer than the Wii. Its just a matter of WHEN the Wii loses steam.
Your Bitter Tears are going create an ocean at this rate. :lol :lol

HD consoles need a price cut, at this rate I fully expect MGS4 to underperform.
And to anyone thinking the Wii is not effecting the others and using the economy being slow as an arguement are just mad fools.




traynuvthawt said:
there isn't a single thing you can do in the game that you wouldn't be able to do with a traditional controller?

It's interesting you say that. Years ago I argued that the remote didn't need to make every game unique, but that it could help them think about designing games differently. The problem with the remote is that there's no (or a very archaic and ineffective) way of rotating the camera in a 3D game. That was where the challenge for SMG came from: design a 3D platformer without a camera.


Jokeropia said:
No there isn't. In fact, in most of the world it's price advantage is equal or lower than the GC's was last generation. Wii is more expensive at this point in time than the PS2 was after the same amount of time last gen.

But the PS2 didn't have a 400 and 350$ consoles to compete with.


VALIS said:
Oh, and it just bears mentioning again, Pachter bungles another month. If I ever feel like investing in video game stock, it won't be with Wedbush.
Mind finding one analyst who did actually come close too these numbers, particularly the low ps3/360 ones? Pretty much no one expected these numbers. I'm tired of people hating on the man. Pachter is right more often than he is wrong. Obviously he does his job well for the most part, otherwise, well, he wouldn't have his job still now would he?

And for the record, I would definitely classify PS3 and 360(particularly the pro and elite) as normal goods, they are just too expensive for people. The Wii does appear to be inferior as well. It's something the whole family can enjoy at a cost a lot less than other forms of entertainment. It also doesn't help that most people are overwhelmed, yet at the same time, uneducated about the features of the HD systems.


Ohh I didn't even know NPD was today... and now I kind of wish it wasn't :lol Man what a disaster for HD gaming.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Jtyettis said:
Yea his upgrade theory is totally out the window at this point. I do hope he has come to see this from here on out. It will get better, it will get better. Actually not anytime soon. His updated figures were better, but I wonder at what point he went from 500k to 290k. However, the bigger point is people are not upgrading to PS3 with GTA IV and they are definitely not upgrading to a point of selling 500k in May or June and on down the line.

He can't move the goalposts, he has to tear them down for good.


force push the doodoo rock
Nutter said:
Your Bitter Tears are going create an ocean at this rate. :lol :lol

HD consoles need a price cut, at this rate I fully expect MGS4 to underperform.
And to anyone thinking the Wii is not effecting the others and using the economy being slow as an arguement are just mad fools.

I'd say the economy does have an effect, though.


« generous god »
Nutter said:
Your Bitter Tears are going create an ocean at this rate. :lol :lol

HD consoles need a price cut, at this rate I fully expect MGS4 to underperform.
And to anyone thinking the Wii is not effecting the others and using the economy being slow as an arguement are just mad fools.

Me too, but Im doing my part MGS4 day 1 bitches!!!! And I only got 3 day to finish it since Im going back in duty ( army)
-COOLIO- said:
hype can only last so many years.

it might be hard for some people here to believe but first timers love it. i've seen it for myself.
No, the hype can last as long as Nintendo wants it to. If they keep sending minimal amounts of Wii's to stores each month, people will continue to snatch them up without even thinking.
HD gaming is fine. GoW2, Fable 2, Viva frikin pinata (can we call it microsoft's okami?) for crying out loud is getting a sequel. Jeez people there is nothing to get carried away over just yet.

Yes nintendo is pushing massive amounts of hardware but until developers actually stop making games there is no need to panic. Speaking of which, cant wait for persona 4.

P.S. sorry about not mentioning ps3 games, ill keep up more with the news when i actually get one.


Sony and Microsoft cannot just drop the prices of these consoles indefinitely. Particularly in the case of Sony, you can't just keep lopping hundreds of dollars off at a time. Sony and Microsoft have lost billions -- literally billions -- of dollars already trying to get these things into people's homes. There is a limit. This is about money. It has to end.

I think many people in here simply disassociate marketshare and gaming completely from economic realities. For example, for many people, the reason they prefer the PS3 and 360 in the first place was that they were more powerful systems, and that is the exact reason why they cost so much money. If the PS3 and 360 launched at lower prices, they would have also been much less powerful systems. In which case you probably wouldn't have liked them in the first place.

As a person who frequents a great deal of technically oriented forums, this isn't a malady particular to gaming afficianados. Whatever the cutting edge of technology is in any market sector, there is a small, technophile group that insists that if [insert high tech device here] was 100 dollars, it would be outselling [insert low tech device here]. Which is true, of course, but the reason it costs so much more is because it's so high tech.

And when the product in question finally reaches that 100 dollar level, it's no longer high tech anymore. It's now the low tech product. Something new has been created that costs a ton of money, and now the technophile crowd is insisting that the new product would be outselling the now-old product if it was 100 dollars, too.

The conversation is completely disassociated from economics and reality.


While games not targeting kids, soccer moms, and Nintendo fans will continue to be made by 3rd party devs on the HD systems (3rd party devs want the hardware that allows them to bring their visions to life), I'm am sort of glad this is happening.

I am only getting older, and video games is not really the most productive hobby in the world. While the good games will still come, MS and Sony will shift the focus in the future.

It might be the deterrant I need to game less, or stop completely.


j-wood said:
That's just it man. Wii is not gaming to me.

I don't why but I find this post very funny. Guys seriously lighten up, all those big budget games we all loved last gen will continue to be made. Last time I checked the next FF, MGS, and so on games are being released. Not counting all the big games that have already dropped like GTA, Halo, Smash Brothers, HSG5........well you get the point. Hell the worse thing that could happen is some of those big budget games might show on on the Wii, no biggie.


UncleGuito said:
No, the hype can last as long as Nintendo wants it to. If they keep sending minimal amounts of Wii's to stores each month, people will continue to snatch them up without even thinking.

700,000 is a minimal amount?


UncleGuito said:
No, it really isn't. Shows that the industry is pretty screwed up.

Anyways, since when is such widespread, blatant trolling permitted?

I didn't know it was up to the industry to purchase GTA4.


If I may make a suggestion...

Playing "Don't Stop Believing" while reading this thread makes it about 100x better.

And I really hope the 1 Up Yours guys get ahold of these numbers before they record... if only Luke Smith could have lived to see this... oh wait...

Rad Agast

LJ11 said:
Sharpen your knives.

In all seriousness, MS/Sony can't afford to take huge hits to the bottom line when launching their next consoles, it's just not feasible. They're definitely going to hold back in order to keep costs in check. MS seems reluctant to take hits to the bottom line right now, and Sony wants to be profitable this fiscal year. They're definitely going to cut back in the future, no two ways about it.

HD crowd is tapped out at the current price points. Next month will be even more interesting.

I have a feeling this generation will last longer than previous ones with Sony and Microsoft both holding out on releasing new hardware till 2012-2013 while Nintendo releasing an HD console around 2010-2011.


Darunia said:
insane I tells ya

btw I want World Ends With You bomba numbers

Me, too, but it's possible the bomba might not be as bad as we thought- Amazon sold out of their entire stock. And, for a while, it was the top-selling DS game on the site, even selling higher than the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games.

Sonycowbell... please?


GAF's Ed McMahon
Phantast2k said:
So yeah I'm starting to develop hate towards Nintendo.
(the money printing gifs don't help...)

:lol :lol

Why hate Nintendo ? If anything you should hate MS and Sony.
Pachinko said:
so is it wrong to hate nintendo and it's stupid crappy console more with each passing month? I mean don't get me wrong I've had a blast with mario galaxy, metroid prime 3, twilight princess and no more heroes but seriously 700,000 + consoles sold in a month with absolutly fucking nothing worth buying on it ?

I think we can consider april 2008 as the official toe tag for real videogames. Thanks nintendo, go fuck yourselves for ruining real games with this casual bullshit.

I allready barely consider the wii a game system, to me it's a toy that happens to play games whereas I look at the 360 as a videogames machine and the ps3 as a multimedia hub. I can atleast take comfort in the fact that 3rd parties release tons of shit that doesn't seem to sell on wii so they can still put real games on 360 and ps3.

Mario Kart wasn't worth buying? Well you sure bought a lot of hatorade.

LCGeek said:
Nintendo should yank the chains on the big 3rd parties now. Been calling for this action for months either start putting real titles consumers want both casuals or hardcore nintendo gamers or no Wii/DS. Publishers would shit their pants if they knew they had to rely ps family and the hd for money considering the state of games. Even if nintendo don't take action the publishers are screwed if they keep putting crap on Wii then in 2k10 finally get real stuff as they by then most nintendo consumers casual, non game, or hardcore won't give two craps about what's coming out from them. So knew this generation like the psx era was gonna be getting rid of a lot childish and immature publishers who don't bother to deal with nintendo because of bad blood. This time their own inept and conservative behaviors are gonna be their deaths bout time as it should cleaned out a lot the first time.

The publisher meltdowns would be worth the price of admission.

timetokill said:
Insanity. Beautiful, delicious insanity.

I gotta say, I'm loving this ride. There are CEOs screaming at the top of their lungs right now, and then weeping quietly.

Companies like EA, etc... had basically ZERO planned for Wii when it was first announced. "Revolution? Nintendo's gonna get third, no need to make anything for it." And they signed all the big budget games to the "safe bet" platforms, 360 and PS3.

Over the next year you are going to see a lot of big games heading to the Wii. Stuff like Mad World is just a taste. Companies are going to be leaping onto Wii and Wii Ware. The next-next Dragon Quest (after the DS one) will probably be announced for the Wii. We've already seen that Monster Hunter has been. With sales of Wii Guitar Hero, Activision is going to be focusing pretty heavily on making sure that cow keeps producing milk. EA already jumped on board with a pretty big-budget title in Boom Blox, and we'll definitely keep seeing more from them.

At this point, ignoring Nintendo platforms is just leaving money on the table.

I approve of corporate tears. They are the sweetest.

vilmer_ said:
I think I'm going to vomit.

Some will vomit. Some will jizz. Others will sit back and enjoy.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Videogames had a good run. I'm happy I wont die while they are still around and evolving.
AniHawk said:
700,000 is a minimal amount?
If Nintendo fully stocked store shelves and kept up with demand, the hype would decrease, and so would sales (as the Wii becomes more mainstream and people realize that it's no longer a rarity).


AniHawk said:
700,000 is a minimal amount?

Yeah, when was the last time a console sold 700k in a month that wasn't November/December or launch?

UncleGuito said:
If Nintendo fully stocked store shelves and kept up with demand, the hype would decrease, and so would sales.

Hm, that's probably the problem. Iwata didn't flip the switch to "produce even faster".
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