j-wood said:I'll disagree with you there. MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, and then next year GT5 and Killzone 2.
This fall? All they have is R2 and LBP. One original game. Where the fuck are the games, Sony?
j-wood said:I'll disagree with you there. MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, and then next year GT5 and Killzone 2.
Jibber Hack said:So are we still expecting that MGS4 is going to be a turnaround of fortunes for the PS3... or is it because the title is exclusive that it's going to do just that?
sprocket said:no it hasn't :/ Some people try group ALL the third party games to one lump sum but that isnt how it works. Third party games sell better on the 360 and ps3 "."
Jag22 said:She's not 10, she's a porn star.
C4Lukins said:What really blows my mind are all the analysts who seem to be encouraging both Sony and MS not to drop their price. As if it is not needed, and they will just continue selling indefinitely.
dammitmattt said:Why in the hell would you be glad that HD consoles focused on the hardcore gamer (aka us) aren't selling well?!?
dammitmattt said:GTA4 will double the sales of the other 8 combined next month, and that 8 includes Mario Kart, Smash, Wii Play, and GT5P.
sprocket said:no it hasn't :/ Some people try group ALL the third party games to one lump sum but that isnt how it works. Third party games sell better on the 360 and ps3 "."
MiamiWesker said:Yep you were right, I forgot we are living in the upside down gen. :lol
Another weird thing, Halo 3 gives the 360 a MASSIVE boost in sales. GTAIV does nothing for either system. What does it all mean?
The-Switcher said:Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?
And that HD consoles went DOWN in sales in April?
The-Switcher said:Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?
And that HD consoles went DOWN in sales in April?
Toy Soldier said:To my surprise, I've enjoyed PMD more than I have all but one or two other 2008 releases. It's fun.
JB1981 said:PS3 is fucking shot.
Actually ... I don't know now ..... 360 seems like it's in pretty dire straits as well. Not much going on this summer and the only big title they have this fall is a sequel.
At least Sony can say they have blu-ray, although their fall lineup is fairly paltry too. Hell, they had more appealing 1st party titles last fall. And look where that got them ($600 tho).
Im sure GTA will go on to sell 5 million on the 360, and over 2 some million for PS3, but as far as pushing hardware goes, apparently only Halo has that power.MiamiWesker said:Yep you were right, I forgot we are living in the upside down gen. :lol
Another weird thing, Halo 3 gives the 360 a MASSIVE boost in sales. GTAIV does nothing for either system. What does it all mean?
norinrad21 said:I've been saying this for months.
The Wii has become a nightmare for 3rd parties. It just won't go away no matter how many shitty games/ PS2 ports they direct towards the wii.
davepoobond said:maybe if you idiots stopped buying shitty wii games (read: all of them) we wouldnt be in this conundrum!
schuelma said:I am pretty positive that is not true re: PS3.
The-Switcher said:Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?
And that HD consoles went DOWN in sales in April?
davepoobond said:but i'm kind of surprised at the PS3 version of GTA IV selling better than the 2:1 ratio we were led to believe.
MS could afford a $50 drop, but Sony can't. They are already losing massive quantities of money on PS3.C4Lukins said:What really blows my mind are all the analysts who seem to be encouraging both Sony and MS not to drop their price. As if it is not needed, and they will just continue selling indefinitely.
The-Switcher said:Wait, so instead of GTAIV being the shining beacon of hope for HD consoles zealots, it's release had the exact OPPOSITE effect?
And that HD consoles went DOWN in sales in April?
Penguin said:Hey they can continue to justify it as long as it sells.
But at some point, someone has to realize it is pretty damn dumb to not sell your game to approximately 45% of the market.
JB1981 said:This fall? All they have is R2 and LBP. One original game. Where the fuck are the games, Sony?
Slavik81 said:I clicked on 'view post' thinking "this is your time to shine. Say something witty and intelligent; I don't like having people on my ignore list".
Yes, I was really more surprised about the 360's sales (given the supposed GTA4 attach ratio and such, not to mention the price difference, etc).Concept17 said:Do we really need to quote your tag AGAIN?
Its doing fine. The Wii is just doing rediculously awesome. PS3 is also doing very well in Europe.
eatyobeans said:Once everyone recovers from their Wii-induced heart attack, could we get some more #s?
Like Okami Wii and The World Ends With You? Pretty please?
PhatSaqs said:Wow :lol
Wii is really on a different level in all aspects.
How many days of GTA sales were tracked?
by death of gaming i think most people here mean the death of hardcore gaming. not that thats gunna happen anyway since most devs wanna make those kinds of games.DeaconKnowledge said:The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.
Gaming didn't need my melodramatic ass to be successful, and it doesn't need yours. So let's keep the tears flowing; keep thinking you're important and that the industry will care when one person leaves when another 10 take his place.
DeaconKnowledge said:The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.
jacobs34 said:You mean the last shining beacon for people who care about console sales, for me it just an amazing game. That's really all I care about, it could have sold two copies, and I'd be happy.
Plus, Rockstar made millions of dollars within and hour of its release, so I'm sure they are not complaining. I mean, unless you are a M-Soft/PS PR guy in this thread, who cares how many systems GTA sold for either company?
NeoUltima said:MS could afford a $50 drop, but Sony can't. They are already losing massive quantities of money on PS3.
Narcosis said:I was actually expecting, based just off of installed base numbers, that GTA IV would sell even higher than 2 to 1 on 360. i'm not even gonna try and speculate how the PS3 version stayed so close.
I was being sarcastic. Relax.PataHikari said:Why is GH3 Wii in the top ten then.