e-gamer said:does anybody have doubts about a motion sensing controller comming to xbox 360???
lawblob said:Holy Sweet Jesus!!! Incoming 360/GTA fanboys incoming!! Brace yourselves, PS3 owners!
PS3 owners' greatest concern is the 360 owners.lawblob said:Holy Sweet Jesus!!! Incoming 360/GTA fanboys incoming!! Brace yourselves, PS3 owners!
That's crazy.Odysseus said:2.7 million, december 2002
e-gamer said:does anybody have doubts about a motion sensing controller comming to xbox 360???
Many of the doubts are usually because it just would be...dumb for them to release an add-on, just for the sake of competing with the Wii; when there are over 9 million Xbox 360 users in the US alone with "no waggle" which they have to convince to get it, and also convice the new public by either an attractive price for it or bundling it with every console...., vs. over 9 million Wii users in the US that all have "waggle controllers".. (when they can do the same and even improve it, for their next console)e-gamer said:does anybody have doubts about a motion sensing controller comming to xbox 360???
Thunder Monkey said:That's crazy.
Now do one for non-holiday months!
Link said:"Great Wii third-party game" includes what, exactly?
Bizzyb said::lol
I wonder if Luke Smith can still see the tail
Quick, somebody get Luke Smith
We Must Know where that tail is!
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.civilstrife said:There's just no way that Nintendo will release a Wii revision of any kind in this console cycle.
Wii's success really does prove that the current mainstream consumer doesn't care about HD resolutions.
Wii 2 will likely be HD, and somewhere around PS3 spec-wise. Sony and Microsoft will release moderately more powerful consoles and have some kind of "hook" to combat Nintendo's motion control, be it innovative controllers of their own, or something new.
Whatever the case, I think that the graphical leap between Wii and Wii 2 will almost inevitably be greater than the leap from PS3 and 360 to whatever comes next for them.
soldat7 said:![]()
Okami. That's spelled O-K-A-M-I. Here's a link for more information:
One of the best games made in the past 5 years.
MisterHero said:It would be a miracle if they could make a profit doing it too!
Because MS hasn't yet!
chemicals said:I have one question.. What in god's name was moving PSP's ?? Wow! I mean, I want one, but I'm a geek on a videogame message board. Who in god's name are buying so many of those things??? Jeeez!
On the other hand.. I'm a HD console fan, so the numbers as a whole are quite disappointing... in a way I'm glad to see the Wii leaving us in the dust.. maybe that means more niche (rpg, shooters) titles will start coming to next gen consoles as Wii creates its own fucking category.
_leech_ said:The Wii wins in sales, the PS360 wins in quality. Not much has changed.
Nintendo spent all kinds of money setting up the NWC infrastructure, making the software that uses it, making services that use it including new Demo channel, and having a damn good DLC library of retro games. They did this in the last 2 years. What's the problem?Tristam said:Yes, I'm sure that the associated startup costs would far exceed the astronomical numbers Nintendo pulls in.
But who cares: this isn't about customer satisfaction, this is about how many Wiis Nintendo is able to sell. Today is a day of celebration! Rejoice, my fellow ninthings, for the world shall soon be cleansed of sensible solutions to storage and online services.
Reilly said:Good.
People. Next-Gen gaming sucks. Patches, $60+ games, shit framerates, shitty EVERYTHING.
schuelma said:A few months ago he owned up and admitted he was wrong.
Whipped Spartan said:How much did halo 3 sell it's first month?
hokahey said:HD sandbox games aren't really gaming to me. As someone that grew up in the arcades in the 80's Wii is gaming in it's purest fucking form. Sorry. Thanks to Nintendo I didn't stop gaming this gen like I thought I would.
Bren McGuire said:The PS3 and 360 numbers are really low. Why was there no GTA boost at all?
soldat7 said:![]()
Okami. That's spelled O-K-A-M-I. Here's a link for more information:
One of the best games made in the past 5 years.
me pages ago that you obviously didn't read said:Take a step back for a second.
Here's what you're saying.
1. 3rd parties have every right to be angry at their Wii sales.
2. Proof? Poor sales of what many consider to be an inferior port of a 2 year old PS2 game that also sold like crap on the PS2.
Do you see the ridiculousness of what you're saying?
Edit: Beaten, many times.
huhWoo-Fu said:hardcore title and the hardcore already bought their nextgen consoles.![]()
Woo-Fu said:hardcore title and the hardcore already bought their nextgen consoles.![]()
DeaconKnowledge said:The absolute best part of this is that i'm hearing people spout the same ridiculous shit I bellowed in my teens about the "death of gaming" when Nintendo's dominance was on its way out and Sony came to power. It's all garbage.
Gaming didn't need my melodramatic ass to be successful, and it doesn't need yours. So let's keep the tears flowing; keep thinking you're important and that the industry will care when one person leaves when another 10 take his place.
Tristam said:But who cares: this isn't about customer satisfaction, this is about how many Wiis Nintendo is able to sell. Today is a day of celebration! Rejoice, my fellow ninthings, for the world shall soon be cleansed of sensible solutions to storage and online services.
Eteric Rice said:Yes, because people should lap up a port of a game that didn't even appeal to people on a 100m + userbase.
Brashnir said:3.3 Million I believe
That was within the NPD reporting period. So give it take a week and few days.Brashnir said:3.3 Million I believe
soldat7 said:Wii owners are whining about lack of third-party games when they have one of the best third-party games made in the past 5 years.
Don't complain about lack of third-party support when games like Okami are sitting on shelves staring you in the face.