1) Apparently Pokemon Mystery Dungeon can do what the main series never has, which is to sell about on par with both of its versions. Strange.
2) Poor DS.

The best library of this gen, but its sales are slowing in Japan, its sales are slowing in NA, and the situation isn't likely to get better since Nintendo has shifted development away from it in favor of Wii and gone remake-only with Pokemon Platinum, Kirby Ultra Super Deluxe, and Fire Emblem DS. Day one for all of those, absolutely--Pokemon being my favorite series, and Kirby Super Star being my favorite overall Nintendo sidescroller of any breed--but still, this sucks.
3) GTAIV's lack of hardware bump gives one serious cause to wonder how sales of MGS4 and FFXIII will affect anything.
RBH said:
Some software numbers from thesimExchange:
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000
Not unexpected, but still... Burn, baby, burn.

My favorite Square non-Enix title since Chrono Trigger, likely killed off by some unholy anti-synergistic combination of being a new IP and carrying the Square-Enix Tax. (And, hey, it's worth mentioning that I didn't buy it until May either.

In an attempt to redeem myself, I did sell two other GAFers on it, and wrote
three separate and increasingly flipping huge posts of praise and dedication to say just why it rocks so freaking much.) Just thinking that it would have actually sold if they'd called it "Final Fantasy: The Word Ends With You" without any particular reason is practically a heart wound.
Hcoregamer00 said:
In the media-create thread I said screw you Japan for Valkyria Chronicle sales.
In this thread I say this, Screw you America for not buying The World Ends With You
And screw Square for not promoting its awesomeness.
george21000 said:
The World Ends With You (DS) 43,000
Are you watching SE? $40 DS games don't sell, you can't charge more just because the game has your name on it, you're not Nintendo and they only add $5 not $10
Yes, precisely.

$40 for their games only works when they have "Final Fantasy" on the front. (Or "Dragon Quest," but that's only in Japan and this is the NPD thread.) And even Nintendo doesn't hit the $35 price point on all of its games; I'm pretty sure that every game or very close to every game out of Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Advance Wars: Dual Strike, Clubhouse Games, Elite Beat Agents, Kirby Squeak Squad, Magical Starsign, Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2, Nintendogs, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Pokemon Ranger, Star Fox Command, Super Mario 64 DS, Tetris DS, and Yoshi's Island DS cost $30, for example.
With only a few odd exceptions like Kirby Canvas Curse and Super Princess Peach, they generally reserve their highest price for their most proven, most successful series: like Pokemon Diamond/Pearl, New Super Mario Bros., Mario Kart DS, Animal Crossing: Wild World, and Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass. And when all of those are sitting at the $35 mark, any game being next to them at $40 just looks like horrible form. It'd be like releasing an $80 non-peripheral game next to Halo 3 and Gears of War. Even if it was actually a better game, the price point would still look obscene to the majority of buyers.
DiddyBop said:
Maybe SE will learn its lesson and stop pricing its DS games at 39.99.
Nah, they won't. And the real problem is that I can't legitimately say "go ahead and keep sabotaging your own games, guys, you're only hurting yourselves," because that's not true. It indirectly hurts gamers' potential future when S-E's new experiences don't pan out. :/ I've never been more ticked off at the Square-Enix Tax than now.
Tristam said:
[The VC is] a less-than-impressive collection of retro titles
What? Not at all. In under twenty minutes you could dig up probably a good 80-100 posts involving me complaining about the future of VC with NOA's borderline mental slowed-down schedule from the VC thread alone--I more or less dominate that thread with more or less daily criticism--but even I'll give them credit for having dozens of great games already available. Virtual Console was kicking serious tail for very nearly all of 2007. There are loads of reasons that Wii's online is horrible, but what VC has done so far isn't one of them.
Bastion said:
My biggest concern is not what Nintendo is doing. Let them do it and make tons of money. I do not have to buy those games. What I am very concerned about is the ripple effect the Wii has on the other companies. Why would any company invest in new tech when they can just slap some gimmicky control on it and repackage an old system as new with a bigger pricetag.
I want the games I like. I feel the Wii is going to really effect that in the future.
Don't worry. I hated when 2D adventures and 2D platforming were killed off because people came to believe that 3D gaming was the only thing that would sell on a home console, and just look at how things are n--
--oh. I see your worry.