Zerachiel said:
We'll just have to agree to disagree here, but are you really of the opinion that no advances in technology can help developers establish a tone or a modd for their games which makes the overall game better?
On the contrary, I am a firm believer in technology allowing for new experiences that have not been possible before.
Unfortunately for the HD consoles, the new gameplay mechanics are coming about on the Wii with its controller technology, not on the HD consoles with their system technology, which are being almost universally used to present the same gameplay experiences that were present last gen but with better resolutions and shader / post processing effects.
Again, not
all games are doing this, just the very vast
majority. When people talk about things like physics or lighting being superior on the HD consoles, they're correct, but they're missing the point that most games are using that power as bulletpoints for the back of the box, not as something genuinely innovative, and I suspect the major reason for that is precisely due to the exponential rise of cost of producing an HD only title.
You can't really take too many risks on a multi million dollar costing title, which is something I would consider a detriment to the self-proclaimed 'hardcore' gamer, despite all their bluster over 'casuals' killing gamer -
they're not.
Now, if their was a game out there that was something like Pitch Black, where there was no static lighting anywhere in the level, and you had to survive by creating your own dynamic light sources which would inevitably fail when the games calculated fuel / air / heat triangle depleted and flickering shadows created illusions of movement to keep you on your toes in a large and expansive environment where calculated winds would put your light sources at risk without careful choice of location, I would be
all over that.
That's something that really could not be done previously in terms of AI (of the creatures calculating your light 'reserves' and biding their time / risking a rush / distracting you), lighting (which due to the dynamic nature of gameplay would be very processor intensive) and physics (as you pile rubble to act as wind shields against your light sources or whatever).
Hell, just brainstorming an example of the kind of games we
could be seeing using the tech level of the current HD consoles makes me depressed that what we actually get is a bunch of sequels with some shader effects, often sacrificing framerate just to provide that.
unomas said:
So each month this conversation will continue on and on like it does every month with all the same answers until the numbers start to change or we reach next gen again.
Now you might think that, but for the Wii to dominate so very heavily against both PS3 and 360
combined in hardware sales in the month of the largest title this year means that any third parties not seriously thinking about changing their focus to be primarily the Wii are heading for a financial disaster of their own making.
Seriously; GTA4 is the single biggest HD release of this year, I don't think that is even arguable. And it has had almost no impact on hardware sales.
I think there are going to be some epic meltdowns come E3, because this isn't a case of 'the Wii is winning' anymore, this is an unqualified statement that the Wii has already won.