Question: When I switch over to an iPhone from Android next month, do I lose my saved Devil Fruits (you know what I mean)? I seem to remember reading that somewhere, but can't find it now.
Question: When I switch over to an iPhone from Android next month, do I lose my saved Devil Fruits (you know what I mean)? I seem to remember reading that somewhere, but can't find it now.
Well crap. On the bright side, at least I'll be forced to try to roll for Robin.
Nah you took them all.![]()
BUT I have a Lv 50 Buggy/ 4* Nami/4* Don Krieg/Brain Point Chopper/4* Mr 3 so it's close enough to the (currently available) perfect INT burst team.
It's actually pretty crazy how most of my Rare Summons were INT or PSY. Not complaining, I like the fact that nothing halves their damage.
Do you guys think I can do Elite Buggy with:
Lv 28 : Tornado Tempo Navi
Lv 23 : Bazooka Luffy
Lv 22 : Three Thousand Zoro
Lv 17 : Don Krieg Poison Gas Bomb
Lv 24 : God Ussop.
Any recommendations for friend captain if i have a chance?
Do you guys think I can do Elite Buggy with:
Lv 28 : Tornado Tempo Navi
Lv 23 : Bazooka Luffy
Lv 22 : Three Thousand Zoro
Lv 17 : Don Krieg Poison Gas Bomb
Lv 24 : God Ussop.
Any recommendations for friend captain if i have a chance?
It's going to be really hard to clear Elite with that team, most likely. God Usopp will help out a lot though. I think your best bet would be to try it with a really high level Vivi friend Captain.
There is no much synergy in your team: you have 4 different types and 4 different classes. If you don't have Buggy at all I suggest farming the easier island until you get it (8h left, hurry up).
However, if I correctly understood how Don Krieg's poison works, you should be able to farm Alvida's Elite island with no much trouble. Alvida has 17.500 defence so you won't be able to damage her with your team, but thankfully she has just 1000HP. This needs confirmation, but to my understanding Don Krieg's poison deals 50% of his ATK in damage each turn. If your Krieg has more than 666 then his poison should deal more than 333 damage each turn so Alvida will be dead in 3 turns, just what Usopp's delay will give you. So basically, for the boss battle: Unleach Usopp's and Krieg's specials, kill the minions and watch her die on her own.
As for friend captains, Vivi will be your best bet since her ability doesn't depend on classes or types. Buggy is a second alternative as he'll boost both Nami and Krieg.
Oh alright, got it, damn I had buggy my first day playing but fed him to don krieg., time to find another one.
Wow, what a noob, never throw away named characters that aren't Coby.Did the same with Alvida and Helmeppo when I first started. ><
And I confirmed Don Krieg's strategy on Smoker (0-stamina island), mine's has 604 ATK and his poison deals 302 damage per turn. So basically almost anyone can use a friend's Krieg and smoothly defeat Alvida.
Are you suppose to get a devilfruit for finishing elite buggy?
Are you suppose to get a devilfruit for finishing elite buggy?
He already is in the final evo, the one with diable jambeeWell to be fair DJ Sanji one hits Alvida anyway... So if you can get to his last evo it will be even easier.
That's my crewJust tried the trainibg forest for the first time... Used Zeff team an won lol. Maybe I can use it for the Buggy event as well.
Still waiting for that pirate penguin
Wow your Sanji is already near lvl 50
Helmeppo as well...nuts.
got helmeppo early and he was one of the only fighter guys i had (now i have moji,paty and kuroobi)..kept him becase of that and because he was easy to level up using all those purple guys you get from the bagy elite
and also because when i checked on the wikia it said it would have been useful against alvida
p.s. that sanji goes up to lv 99 anyway
You don't even need Helmeppo for Alvida. Sanji one shots her.
well i'll level up kuroobi with the red turtles in that event and then put it there
do we know how the whole pirate penguin works and how often they drop?
I' mean, we are gonna need to try logue town 50+ times to get one of those (and maybe not even of the right color),or it's easier to get those?
Are you suppose to get a devilfruit for finishing elite buggy?
No, you get a fruit for clearing all 3 islands.
You sure? IIRC you get one for each Buggy event you complete, except maybe the rookie one but I'm pretty sure you get on for that as well.
Haha, this is great. Nicely done.Captain's Log, 2 Days after release.
"I pulled a Fire Pearl and a Ace and decided that that was good enough, no more re-rolls. time to set sail. Our only mission, gather a crew and get to the grand line, I've heard that Usopp is a great character so we'll be keeping an eye out for him. I've not fully understood how the system works yet but the thread on GAF seems helpful."
Captain's Log, 5 Days after release.
"The first couple of islands where easily conquered, We're making good progress on the crew, Usopp is being leveled and Luffy, is closing in on evolution as well. I've heard that you can farm some really good crew members on the next two islands and I'll be looking to do just that."
Captain's Log, 10 Days after release.
"For what feels like weeks we've been hunting him, the head chef of Baratie, Zeff. However he is nowhere to be found. Yesterday we almost had him, bu alas all we got was a bag of gold. I'm getting desperate, I've decided to publicly execute several members of his crew trough cannibalism, you made me do this Zeff."
Captain's Log, Today.
"It worked! Zeff could no longer stand by and watch the suffering of his crew and has been taken prisoner. Eventually he will be converted and put as the captain of my Brawler team but for now, having him in the hold is more than enough... However, his unwillingness to join me can not go by unpunished. as a last act of redemption he will be forced to eat the remains of his old crew."
100+ tries on getting Arlong... TT_TT
Every 90min I give it a try... I just want to move one...
I need those pirate penguins...
Do you get the same arlong or jury no matter what chapter you try to get it from? Or one gives you the evolved from and the other doesn't?
I'm not sure the exact amount, but I'm lucky to get two levels with five big turtles.The same happened to me, started to get way less turtles since last week, which is why I've been doing more productive stuff lately like Golden Cave and unit farming.
How much EXP are those last 3 levels worth? Alvida will bring turtles too and we should get another free elder turtle tomorrow si that should help.
Done know what color for the elder turtle? I still have the two purple ones... Seems a shame to use them since I have no high level purple guy.The same happened to me, started to get way less turtles since last week, which is why I've been doing more productive stuff lately like Golden Cave and unit farming.
How much EXP are those last 3 levels worth? Alvida will bring turtles too and we should get another free elder turtle tomorrow so that should help.
I'm not sure the exact amount, but I'm lucky to get two levels with five big turtles.
So quite a bit.![]()
Done know what color for the elder turtle? I still have the two purple ones... Seems a shame to use them since I have no high level purple guy.
If it's a red one I've gonna use it on luffy when I evolve him probably...
When it comes to breaking high def characters is it base on the total damage done or damage done in one hit?
The latter.
Just did an Elite Alvida... yep. If you could beat Elite Buggy, you shouldn't have a problem. Normally Buggy 7 took me maybe 4-6 turns. Alvida 7 was easily just one. Nothing difficult. Didn't even get a chance to proc any of my special abilities.
I had to kill time until Helmeppo's special was charged but that was fine. With Vivi I can just plink off the crab forever if I want.
Did all three Avlida's back to back, came out of elite with one of everything except Alvida herself.