Did the first 5 Loguetown levels and only got one Pirate Penguin to drop. Basically in each chapter there's one fight (3rd or 4th one) with one penguin and 5 mobs.
As expected, the Pirate Penguins have a low drop-rate. The fact that only one of them spawn per "stage", and among other mobs, means the chances of them dropping are even lower. :/
It can't be worse than Arlong or Zeff![]()
I received a 4 star Zoro book from Elite stage.Veteran Alvida drops 4* Zoro skill books, so I hope Elite drops 5* ones.
Haha, that is so true.It can't be worse than Arlong or Zeff![]()
I received a 4 star Zoro book from Elite stage.
Wow i underestimated Elite Alvida.
Coby did 2k damage to my team
The Sea monster(chapter 1 boss) appear at 6/7 and did 3k damage.
As i didnt charge God Usopp power, only managed to do 500 damage with Arlong team.
The 2nd turn both Arlong get the negative orb. Didnt do enough damage nor have any meat spawn. Alvida killed me
I blamed this on drunken Usopp for failing my ship upgrade @9colas for the 4th times!
Also, how the hell am I supposed to do Damage to Elite Alvida? I beat her, but it took me like 30 turns (and lots of lucky meat spawns). I used Usopp God's ability like 3-4 times. Also, my captain is a level 31 Asura Zoro, my "friend" was a level 47 Sawtooth Arlong, I have a level 32 4-star Kuro of Hundred Plans, a level 38 4-star Buggy the Clown, and a level 35 Bazooka Luffy. I was doing 1 damage per hit, am I doing something wrong?
Yeah these Pirate Penguin drops are rare lol. Also getting the blue one seems easier than getting red/green since the blue only accompanied by 2 other units.
And yeah Alvida is a joke. Will focus on Loguetown story for now though.
Any reason to do all. The Alvida island once and not just the elite?
They don't give devil fruites, so nope. Just Elite over and over again.
You were not supposed to evolve thatPirate Penguin!!!!!!!!
You do get one fruit if you clear them all (just like Buggy), don't miss it! As for the update, 18:00 PST.
Pirate Penguin!!!!!!!!
Uh-oh, you fucked up big time, friend.
why?Uh-oh, you fucked up big time, friend.
It seems like Tashigi is pointless against elte Alvida, except for her special move, which destroyed her.
xDUh-oh, you fucked up big time, friend.
Well he can still farm a new Usopp and get evolve him...but its gonna take time.
In the first place,N30RYU has evolved his Usopp to the non-crab version.
So It doesnt really matter anymore and it is better to evolve to Sogeking.
But to N30RYU, The hammer evolution Usopp(Instead of normal evolution, swipe the character left/right, you can find alternate evolution, which required Crab for most of the Strawhat Crew)
For Usopp, to become a god, you should have evolve him with the Yellow Crab Evolution.
His Stats are weak so it doesnt matter between that evolution and Sogeking.
He is the god of this game because of his skill to stall 3 turns.
For the Crab Evolution, It took 5 turns less to charge his skill compared to Sogeking.
So people dont evolve him to that.
Anyone know what does XXx Damage with XXX Attribute means? (For eg. Tashigi 25x ATK with Speed Attribute)
How much is that damage with SPD Attribute?
This was 15 stamina well spent: