This thread is the opposite of encouraging in my eyes.
Nothing but a constant stream of men talking in a public(ish) space about their preferences around women's bodies. Whereas if you ask in the "Girls Answer Questions" thread what our preferences are you'll get a myriad of answers, often seeing the old refrain "personality is important", here it's just constant interjections about butts and boobs and maybe faces too sometimes and also "thicc" and maybe thighs and and and...
I know this is the whole point of the thread, but damn, man. Nothing about this makes me feel good. I don't exactly enjoy the idea of being judged on my sexual attractiveness above all else from the start. Especially given that I'm not exactly attractive by any of the measures in this thread. Bleh.
There's a real "boy's club" feeling I get from threads like these. Very common around here. Not exactly a welcoming feeling.
Men are less evolved sexually (for lack of a better term).
Expecting, wanting, or even hoping for straight men to not act like animals when it comes to ass 'n titties is like throwing a shiny toy for a dumb little puppy and hoping he won't chase after it. Maybe in a few hundred thousand years men will have evolved beyond desiring physical attractiveness, but at that point women will still be several hundred thousands years ahead.
If this was an open thread about what I look for in a partner I'd personally have a very different sort of response. If it was a thread about what I like most about my current partner, it would be a different response from that last one.
But this is a thread about an article positing that men are less interested in boobs because of porn search terms... guess what people are going to talk about?
Thick thighs and legs are also great.
Men are less evolved sexually (for lack of a better term).
Expecting, wanting, or even hoping for straight men to not act like animals when it comes to ass 'n titties is like throwing a shiny toy for a dumb little puppy and hoping he won't chase after it. Maybe in a few hundred thousand years men will have evolved beyond desiring physical attractiveness, but at that point women will still be several hundred thousands years ahead.
Milllennials are ruining everything good in life, like boobs, pooping, and God. Those kids are the worst.Lets be honest here, what aren't Millennials ruining?
I mean, am I right?
Damn lazy, boobie-hating kids.
Just me saying that a nice pair of legs beats brests and ass for breakfast.
Thick thighs and legs are also great.
Hips aren't inherently ass tho. Fuller asses have no bearing on fertility
Larger breasts are associated with greater fertility.
there is a disappointing lack of evidence and counter-evidence in this thread
there is a disappointing lack of evidence and counter-evidence in this thread
I don't think it's fair to say that only men get turned on by attractice bodily features. In the UK at least there's so many advertisements and TV shows where women are ogling at man booty too. It's a part of our biology as mammals. Nothing about our bodies exist for no reason (well apart from something likke the appendix which actually has no physical use any more as far as I'm aware).
I also get turned on by many different things. A good personality is one of the biggest turn ons there are, but this at the end of the day is about porn searches. I will say though, who would even search for boobs or butt in a porn search? What's even the point in that? It's like going to google and searching for "books" rather than the name of a novel or a genre.
you monsterAss is overrated
I thought you was a 90's baby?
If only Japan would get with the program as well.
Anime still has an outdated fascination with unappealingly, massive breasts.
Breasts do nothing for me personally. Never understood the appeal.
Life sustaining milk comes from breasts
poop comes from ass
That's just science.Life sustaining milk comes from breasts
poop comes from ass
Pooping is just as life sustaining.
I don't think I'm communicating my issue here well enough, because this kind of talk is kind of besides the point.The other day there was a post of a buff model looking biker guy on Facebook and a lot of the nearly 5000 comments are pretty obscene and they're from *gasp* women. I don't blame them though lol I'm a dude but the guy was clearly a looker. So it goes both ways.
And your sexual attractiveness is literally what you will almost always be judged on from the start if you're meeting in person. There isn't really any getting around that. You just need confidence and to not compare yourself to these people you see who look like/are models. You do not have to be that to be sexy/beautiful. Get that through your head. It's 100% truth.
You can be confident, you can be nice, you can be fun, you can have a good personality, you can be funny, you can have a cute smile... and so on. There's a million ways to be sexy/beautiful without looking like a model.
None of this is anything I don't already know.I get what you guys are saying, but this is literally a thread about boobs and ass, specifically porn searches. Most porn revolves around kinks and things that men and women find sexually arousing.
Just because a man says they like boobs or ass, doesn't mean that they are judging women solely on their boobs and ass.
I met my wife through a mutual friend, and we certainly haven't been together for fourteen years for looks or sexual chemistry alone.
I understand that it's easy to be cynical and jaded when a man says they value more than physical traits in women, especially on a gaming forum, but I at least try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I find a lot of qualities attractive in a woman besides her bust size. I'm a sucker for someone with a sense of humor (I have the hugest crush on Tina Fey, Amy Poeler, Kate McKinnon, and Rachel Dratch for example, because they crack me up). I love someone I can talk to about anything, from religion to politics to Final Fantasy and everything in between (me and my wife talk for hours about racism and sexism in the gaming industry , for example, and how we feel as an interracial couple who has worked in said industry, and how our experiences have shaped us). Confidence is attractive regardless of your gender, and I love confident women as well.
The point is that I'm not judging people posting in this thread too harshly, but I also feel bad if some of the comments make you feel unwelcome and insecure. I'm the last person that would want anyone feeling uncomfortable and like they don't belong.
Fun fact: vaginal sex is actually one of the less pleasurable sexual activities a woman can engage in. In addition, comparing genitals to breasts and butts is a pretty solid example of a false equivalency. And while we're at it, this is a shitty attitude that needs to die. I won't support it. Guys with small penises are fine, too.Exactly.
Anyone arguing otherwise should ask a woman what she thinks of a man with a small penis.
Ass is overrated
Pooping is just as life sustaining.
Go back to watching human centepede
Thick thighs and legs are also great.
Anime still has an outdated fascination with unappealingly, massive breasts.
What is an outdated fascination? If characters with big knockers are still at the top of the most popular female characters, it would be the opposite of outdated.
I think it's more of an issue in threads where it's not on topic. In fact, it's bannable.I guess it depends on the public forum and how comfortable the women around are with it. I've known women to put up Twitter polls on the subject because it's amusing to them.
That said, obviously the women here are uncomfortable with it... So maybe that implies we should be more tactful? Idk.
How guys look at me is kind of less important to me when I'm reading this thread as much as the fact that guys feel the need to tell everyone and argue over their preferences and it's just... like... think about it. It's really weird, isn't it? Like, what is even the point? What is the end goal? And while we're at it, isn't it a little, kind-of, sort-of worrying that this sort of thing is just casually acceptable on a forum that can be read by anybody? Isn't this the sort of thing that should really be saved between friends behind closed doors and not just put out there for everybody to read?
Men are less evolved sexually (for lack of a better term).
Expecting, wanting, or even hoping for straight men to not act like animals when it comes to ass 'n titties is like throwing a shiny toy for a dumb little puppy and hoping he won't chase after it. Maybe in a few hundred thousand years men will have evolved beyond desiring physical attractiveness, but at that point women will still be several hundred thousands years ahead.
Have you been over to gaming side? Or a movie thread? Or a politics thread? People argue over their personal preference on everything, all the time. There is no end goal just like there's no end goal just like there's no end goal in arguing over the best Final Fantasy (clearly 6). Tbh if pointless arguments don't appeal to you, Neogaf isn't really the place to be.
I guess we're pretty good on news updates, too? (To pointlessly argue over)
I don't think I'm communicating my issue here well enough, because this kind of talk is kind of besides the point.
My problem here, with this thread right now, is that:
How guys look at me is kind of less important to me when I'm reading this thread as much as the fact that guys feel the need to tell everyone and argue over their preferences and it's just... like... think about it. It's really weird, isn't it? Like, what is even the point? What is the end goal? And while we're at it, isn't it a little, kind-of, sort-of worrying that this sort of thing is just casually acceptable on a forum that can be read by anybody? Isn't this the sort of thing that should really be saved between friends behind closed doors and not just put out there for everybody to read?
- There is this bizarre, incessant need to loudly share with everyone else what one's personal sexual preferences are, something you, again, don't see as often (note: I'm not saying this never happens, give me a break) from women, for fairly obvious reasons. As soon as a thread even mentions boobs or butts, guys, for some reason, see that as invitation to tell everyone else what they prefer, as though it actually mattered (it really doesn't). I'm saying it's egotistical and patriarchal as fuck, and it's incredibly annoying to read an entire thread that's nothing but that.
- On top of that, you guys then go into an incredibly stupid, endless, possibly sarcastic argument over which preferences are superior, which is SO DUMB you guys, I can't even begin to explain how stupid that looks! Why, why, why do we need ten pages of people explaining why this part or that part is better or more attractive? Why do we need "examples" when said examples are easily found with a simple google search or, god forbid, by looking at forums where this sort of thing is the whole point? Why do we need to turn a thread about statistical research, however flimsy it might be, into yet another stupid dumping ground for one's personal sexual preferences?
And before you say "but we're trying to prove the article wrong", anecdotes are USELESS for this sort of thing and you already know that that's just an excuse anyway, so please don't start with me.
None of this is anything I don't already know.
Take a step back and think about why I'm posting in this thread. It's not so I can have basic human tendencies explained to me as though I had no experience with cross-gender social interactions whatsoever.
Fun fact: vaginal sex is actually one of the less pleasurable sexual activities a woman can engage in. In addition, comparing genitals to breasts and butts is a pretty solid example of a false equivalency. And while we're at it, this is a shitty attitude that needs to die. I won't support it. Guys with small penises are fine, too.