markot said:Demo sucks >_< im already stuck on the third thingy, the tutorial isnt very good...
taoofjord said:I'm hoping for an iOS release, perhaps that's too unlikely though...
Oneiroscope said:It was a little annoying right off how the game didn't really TELL you directly what you're supposed to be doing, all it had was a couple of half-assed mechanic explanations, while I think all it really needed to make it easier is a quick text screen with a short explanation of what your mission is in the game, since it already takes a while just to get accustomed to the interface.
What you are trying to do in the game, or at least what is the extent of the single screen levels, is take stuff from input to output. How the elements spawn at input and how they should arrive on output are described to the left of input and to the right of output. It's important to note on that third one, if you look at the icons for red and blue, that red can only initiate input for alpha and blue only for beta specifically, and similarly for output. Also, you can move the start location and can change the starting direction of the lines immediatly with the arrows.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry for finding a single-reactor solution to No Ordinary Headache without knowing this. (LOTS of Sync statements...)19Kilo said:If you right-click on the input symbol you can switch to either input, regardless of color. Likewise for output symbols.
Oh yeah, only discovered this a day later or so. Should have gone back and edited that part of my post maybe.19Kilo said:If you right-click on the input symbol you can switch to either input, regardless of color. Likewise for output symbols.
Castor Krieg said:Anyone had problems with buying from the website and inputting the key into EU Steam? Because 15$ vs. 15EUR makes a difference, plus all the money will go to developer.
lorebringer said:I haven't gotten around to buying it from their site yet but I'd think it would probably work. I remember I bought all the AI war games from the dev directly and they unlocked in EU steam no problem.
I probably spent about 3 hours with the demo last night and still don't have it finished. Game is so much fun. Got up to world 3-1. How much longer is it? Going to buy this as soon as my money shows up in the paypal account.
Yackie said:I can't believe this thread is so small. More people need to be playing this game.
Primate Ryan said:I find it hard myself to explain to people what this game is about
buffi said:Yeah, this game is pretty amazing. I'm at the last planet now, and it's crazy hard
I actually find it pretty easy to explain.
It's essentially simplified parallell programming as a game (only synchronization mechanism is SYNC which acts as a Barrier).
You are asked to produce a desired output from an input while using as few resources as possible. To do this, you may use multiple factories piped to each other, where each factory represents a two-core CPU. Each CPU has two loops representing concurrent execution threads. These threads are programmed by a small instruction set which operates on the input data.
Primate Ryan said:!
I do see the parallels with programming, but that's exactly the kind of thing that I don't want to mention to most people that I know as it would rather put them off than make them interested. And what I more or less meant was that I don't know how to explain it and make the concept sound exciting at the same time. I tried, but it didn't have any effect at least.
buffi said:This is pretty much as far from a casual game as any game could be though.
The game is amazing, but it's probably not for everyone, and I'd even say that I think most people probably wouldn't enjoy it at all.
Darkflight said:I'm not very far into the game yet (Sleepless on Sernimir IV), but I did just work out Moustachium 604 from the just released update if anyone is stuck, 608 is making my brain hurt real bad -
yeah, it's the whole fun of the game for me to find your own solutions to the puzzlesYackie said:This game! Some levels are soo hard! I'm tempted to look up a solution, but I really don't want to...goddamn.
Primate Ryan said:So, there is a Steam discount for the game: -50%.
Buy it. Now. Or else.
You don't think you need this game? You're wrong. You do. Just read through this thread and realise that practically everybody loves, adores and worships this game. With good reason. So yeah, buy it and play your future game of the year.
SalsaShark said:this game looks like a job
Just played through the first world and first level of the second world from the demo.Primate Ryan said:You should definitely play through the demo, which offers quite a bit of content.
SpaceChem is now available for 50% off until May 16th at 10AM Pacific Time!
Now includes the ResearchNet update with a level editor, Steam Achievements, Leaderboards, and special TF2-themed puzzles with rewards!
Just join the GAF steam group. You can quickly see who's been playing.Toma said:Anyone willing to share his leaderboards scores with me?
Adding on Steam pleaseDont have enough people playing this game on my friendslist.
save is in Users/<Your windows username>/AppData/Local/Zachtronics Industries/SpaceChem if you're using win7TheBez said:I bought the game but I have a question before I start playing. My main computer is down right now so if I start this up is there cloud saving? If not is there an easy drag and drop save file I can just transfer via some form of memory stick?