6 Eurodollars is the right price for this shite, the fucking gall they had releasing this at 60, lol, LMAO even...
Listen, everyone has his preferences - and especially tolerances when it comes to bad games , but, between the atrocious and REPETITIVE VO's ("GrEnAaAaDE !!!"/"CoMe hErE FuCKaaHH!"), mediocre as fuck graphics, mediocre, limited and repetitive gameplay (you're gonna be using the same, 2 most efficient combos all the time), bad direction and general jankiness, there's not much to like here, in fact 90% of the game's budget must have gone for the Maserati logo usage and licensed tracks.
Said it before but this game feels like a money laundering scam, to think this is anywhere close to "good" would be just for the sake of being a contrarian, there's nothing "endearing" about it, there's nothing fun nor funny, it's not even a "so bad it's good" type of game , it's just a C- product and that's being generous.
For 6-10 bucks max I suppose you could have 1-2 evenings of "fun" (ie, satisfying a morbid curiosity).
To even propose that this is anywhere near good like Ninja Gaiden 2 though is pure blasphemy