Narag said:THere was a COH mod that added just that iirc.
NukeDukem said:I'm playing through the Castor campaign and liking it alot, how much time (Roughly) does it take to complete a campaign w/o doing optional missions?
Its been out for a week.godels rotating universe said:I haven't touched DoWII for so long. It got very boring very quickly, for me.
ROFL, that's too great.Jinaar said:WARGGGGHHHH!
Honestly, Ork Campaign is best campaign.
SnakeswithLasers said:I just started playing DoW 2 (haven't decided on Retribution yet) and am playing some skirmish to try to get used to the multiplayer systems. I've played at lot of CoH (never great at it, but I understood it), and I think that may actually be my big stumbling block since this appears similar, but I think it's actually completely different.
I've watched some of those Harlequin casts and I appreciate what they're doing with the L2P stuff; however, I need some "real" basics and can't seem to find any.
You know, when I was learning to play SC2 there was Day9 saying, "always spend down your money and always have a worker being built--doing this alone will get you to gold or platinum." And that was REALLY effective.
So what is the BASE level of this game, regardless of race or map, what are the stupid basics?
Should you really only ever have like 5 total units?
Who should you upgrade?
Do you keep your squads together, or separate?
How do you spend your requisition and energy once you have those units--which upgrades do you prioritize?
If you get your commander an armor upgrade and then buy a new one, do they stack?
Same with anyone else--if you buy a squad an anti-vehicle upgrade, and then, I dunno, shotguns, do they stack? Or do you only have the last one?
What should you ALWAYS be doing?
Is there a good guide out there?
Thanks for your help, it's appreciated. However, the bolded made me laugh. Those are the problems with my understanding of this game! It's all up to judgment and knowing the situation. I find that I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out the situations and I really don't learn from being smashed--hard to learn when you don't know what to look for (or whether your opponent beat you because they played well, or they're just a bit better than you, but still terrible).Des0lar said:You should have as much units as you see fit. There more units you have, the less income you get.
You should upgrade what you need to upgrade. Some things are no brainers, like the eternal war upgrade for Chaos Space Marines.
If you buy a new armor, the old one gets replaced. Most of the units can't respec, so once you bought shotguns for the scouts you can't give them sniper rifles.
Exception are the Tactical Marines.
Map control is important as well as squad wipes. If you manage to kill a whole squad, that is huge.
There is no guide for a new DoW player, you have to know all the stuff by heart and it can be frustrating to learn. Most importantly: Never engage melee squads with ranged units in melee. The only exception are the Catachan Devils, which sometimes can kill dedicated melee squads in close combat.
Use stuff like the ability to engage with you tactical marines in close combat against imperal guardsmen or guardians. Space Marines are very strong even in melee.
The best way to learn is to play and lose a lot. But it is more fun if you have a teammate for 2v2. IMO the game is designed for 2v2 and not 1v1.
DoW is very noob-unfriendly and takes a lot of patience to learn. But once you get it, its very fun because it's so action packed.
SnakeswithLasers said:I just started playing DoW 2 (haven't decided on Retribution yet) and am playing some skirmish to try to get used to the multiplayer systems. I've played at lot of CoH (never great at it, but I understood it), and I think that may actually be my big stumbling block since this appears similar, but I think it's actually completely different.
I've watched some of those Harlequin casts and I appreciate what they're doing with the L2P stuff; however, I need some "real" basics and can't seem to find any.
SnakeswithLasers said:Thanks man--glad I'm not the only one who finds all of this a bit mind boggling.
Each time I boot up DoW2 I just want to retreat back to CoH..........But I'm trying to stick in there and learn it!
Well, I didn't just buy vanilla--a friend of mine found it for super cheap and gave it to me as he already owned it, so it is what I have. =DGully State said:Honestly, you should've just gotten Retribution if multiplayer was your plan. The multiplayer community is there right now. Not to mention the matchmaking works a lot better. I can only imagine that the few people playing vanilla DOW2 are the diehard veteran players that know every nook and cranny of the game yet hate any of the changes made.
As vanilla as possible--Space Marines, Offensive. Really trying to learn the basics here. I'll start my game like that then--cap my energy and head over to harass their natural energy point.K.Jack said:What race and hero do you play? I haven't jumped into Retribution's MP yet (waiting for new laptop), but one thing I found effective in vanilla, was to start early hero play like this:
Cap your one point, then immediately begin the harass of your opponents first squad on field. If you send your hero early, you'll almost always find the default squad capping a power node, and you can force them to pull back early. This will delay their tech. Some players even stop paying attention to the first squad, so you may even pick off half of the units.
The one thing to balance is that you don't want to take to0 much hero damage early, so who you play with and against dictates how well the early harass tactics works.
Example: You don't want to melee harass Nids too hard with a Farseer, while a Chaos Lord or Warboss will walk through a squad of Gaunts, but will be kited by Eldar or SM Scouts.
I can't wait to jump in and get my butt handed to me. I'm like a week or two away from my new machine, so we should get some GAF matches up and going, sometime soon.
SnakeswithLasers said:Well, I didn't just buy vanilla--a friend of mine found it for super cheap and gave it to me as he already owned it, so it is what I have. =D
As vanilla as possible--Space Marines, Offensive. Really trying to learn the basics here. I'll start my game like that then--cap my energy and head over to harass their natural energy point.
Awesome!Gully State said:So Force Commander.. I forgot which patch it was but FC was severely nerfed awhile back b/c his damage/knockback was too good. The problem with Space Marines is that they're at a disadvantage at tier 1 due to their speed as well as unit cost. You're always going to be fighting from behind when starting out. The common strategy is to try to tech up to tier 2 as fast as possible as their units (especially tactical marines) scale really well into late game. The common build I see is Force commander+ scout +shotgun /Tactical marine squad/ Armor of alacrity (for sprint) and power sword (infantry damage). Then stall and advance to tech two as quickly as possible. Keep your tac marines behind cover, suppress when needed with scout + shotgun and flank/chase with your FC.
SnakeswithLasers said:Awesome!
How does the late game develop here?
In T2, do I just decide whether to build a vehicle or anti-vehicle squad based on what the opponent has?
Daigoro said:all this base level strategy talk makes me want to man up and actually learn to play this game online.
its such a great game, but the learning curve for vs is just so daunting to me.
SnakeswithLasers said:Thanks for your help, it's appreciated. However, the bolded made me laugh. Those are the problems with my understanding of this game! It's all up to judgment and knowing the situation. I find that I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out the situations and I really don't learn from being smashed--hard to learn when you don't know what to look for (or whether your opponent beat you because they played well, or they're just a bit better than you, but still terrible).
At this point, I want to say skip it but the campaign was so awesome.Dreavus said:I'm a huge fan of the series, but never got around to CR's campaign... which is preventing me from getting this game. I gotta get on that as soon as possible.
ixix said:They gave a preview of the new Last Stand wargear.
It's a very melee-centric update. The Farseer and Hive Tyrant each get a new ranged weapon, but everything else looks to either be a melee weapon or something that enhances melee performance.
They don't say what the DPS for the weapons or the armor rating for the armor is, making it pretty hard to guess at exactly how useful the individual pieces will be.
Mrbob said:Can someone post the details here? For some reason it says access denied when I click on the link.
Mrbob said:Can someone post the details here? For some reason it says access denied when I click on the link.
In addition to a variety of bug fixes and balance updates the 3.14 patch will include new free Last Stand DLC in the form of 12 new achievements, each of which unlock a new wargear item. Each hero will have 2 new pieces of wargear, but expect some steep challenges to unlock the corresponding wargear! The new wargear will be immediately visible in the Last Stand inventory for all players and each items tooltip will describe the achievement youll need to unlock and how close you are to unlocking it.
The new wargear items aim to both augment existing roles for each hero and also to add new roles as well. The Imperial Guard Commander will receive the Duelist Honors accessory which greatly increases his effectiveness in melee which should result in his melee weapons becoming more viable. At the other end of the spectrum, the Farseers existing casting abilities will be significantly improved by her Laughing Stave, a staff which decreases the energy cost of her abilities and knockbacks back enemies with ranged damage.
Space Marine Captain
Thunder Hammer
Melee Weapon
Traits: Stuns Vehicles, Knockback
Achievement: Fury of the Primarchs
Description: Neither flesh or machine shall give the wielder of this hammer pause, for its thunder rends through both with ease.
Lightning Claw
Melee Weapon
Traits: Lightning damage over time
Achievement: The Warrior Born
Description: Those unfortunate foes wounded by this lightning claw are further ravaged - a lingering charge of energy saps whatever strength is left.
Eldar Farseer
Laughing Stave
Ranged Weapon
Traits: Ranged Knockback, Reduced Ability Energy Cost
Achievement: Advanced Multiplication
Description: The psychic energy that rolls from this staff are tainted by a will foreign to its wielder, bouncing and rattling it's foes with every blast.
Mantle of Malantai
Traits: Lightning damage over time
Achievement: Grab Me the Paddles
Description: The battered souls that possess this helm cry out against their fate, bolstering the Farseer's abilities.
Imperial Guard Lord General
The Black Plate
Traits: Improved melee resistance
Achievement: Unshakable
Description: Designed for improved protection in close combat, the manufacture of this armor has given it an eerie, black sheen.
Duelist Honors
Traits: Increased melee damage
Achievement: A Trail of Blood Behind Him
Description: Significantly increases the General's melee damage. Only the most talented and skilled swordsmen of the Imperial Guard are ever afforded such an honor.
Tyranid Hive Tyrant
Behemoth Claw
Melee Weapon
Traits: Improved Armor, Armor Piercing
Achievement: Heavy Hitter
Description: Along with incredible capacity for destruction, these massive claws also provide an extra measure of protection.
Rending Stranglethorn
Ranged Weapon
Traits: Ranged Suppression
Achievement: Megakill!
Description: In addition to suppressing and strangling, the barbs fired from this cannon crystallize into diamond-like shards, rending through any armor the target might have.
Ork Mekboy
Leaky Armor
Traits: Chance to drop mines when attacked in melee
Achievement: Cant Touch Dis
Description: The poor maintenance of this armor has left this Mek's gear riddled with holes. When hit, the Mek often "loses" the explosives he's carrying, to his attackers misfortune
Zzap Knife
Melee Weapon
Traits: Chance on successful attack to teleport the target away
Achievement: The Sharpest Wrench
Description: Wired up to the Mek's personal tellyporta, those wounded by this weapon can be cast aside with a quick tellyport.
Chaos Sorcerer
Accursed Idol
Traits: Enemies take damage when attacking the Sorcerer
Achievement: Magic Missiler
Description: An accursed bauble which causes enemies who assail the Sorcerer to receive damage.
Cataclysmic Hellblade
Melee Weapon
Traits: High Damage, Energy cost per hit
Achievement: There Can Only Be One
Description: This daemonic blade was a gift from a Lord of Change. How that Greater Daemon wrangled the blade away from a servant of khorne in the first place is not known. This blade inflicts immense catastrophe, but at the price of the bearer's own mind.
More info to come!
Well there goes my evening.Anno said:To all Harlequin/DoW2 commentary fans, a livecast is going down for a 128-player tournament hosted by GameReplays.
Edit: Apparently the tournament round is over for today and will pick back up tomorrow at 11 EDT. They're still casting random for-fun games though.
cooool thanksAnno said:stuff
3.14 Release Notes
Fixed an issue that could cause victory points to display the wrong team colours in observer mode
Fixed an issue that could cause the Kommando Nob to drop stun bombs at inappropriate times
Fixed an issue that was preventing Providence from affecting Fleet of Foot
Fixed an issue that prevented the Carnifex from being able to charge while group selected with a Tyrant Guard
Fixed an issue that prevented Farsight from revealing units cloaked by Tzeentch Heretics' worship
Fixed an issue that allowed the Lictor Alpha with Feeder Tendrils to regenerate health while attacking a Sentinel
Fixed an issue that prevented Warp Spiders from teleporting when group selected with the Warp Spider Exarch
Fixed an issue that caused Autarchs killed by a Plague Champion's Plague Sword to be revived as Space Marine zombies
Fixed an issue that prevented the Lord General from playing his melee animation after being upgraded with any weapon wargear
Added a missing power point icon to the (2p) Ashes of Typhon preview map on the loading screen
Waaagh! is no longer rewarded for killing a Stormboy with Bommaboyz
Fixed an issue that was preventing the setup icon from appearing on the decorator for Noise Marines who have been upgraded with a Blastmaster
Added new effects to 'Ard Boyz and Use Yer Choppas!
New Content
Added 12 new Last Stand achievements
Added Thunder Hammer Last Stand wargear to the Space Marine Captain
Added Lightning Claw Last Stand wargear to the Space Marine Captain
Added Laughing Stave Last Stand wargear to the Eldar Farseer
Added Mantle of Malan'tai Last Stand wargear Eldar Farseer
Added The Black Plate Last Stand wargear to the Imperial Guard Lord General
Added Duelist Honors Last Stand wargear to the Imperial Guard Lord General
Added Behemoth Claw Last Stand wargear to the Tyranid Hive Tyrant
Added Rending Stranglethorn Last Stand wargear to the Tyranid Hive Tyrant
Added Leaky Armor Last Stand wargear to the Ork Mekboy
Added Zzap Knife Last Stand wargear to the Ork Mekboy
Added Accursed Idol Last Stand wargear to the Chaos Sorcerer
Added Cataclysmic Hellblade Last Stand wargear to the Chaos Sorcerer
Balance Updates
Space Marines
Force Commander
Force Commander Iron Halo reduced from 120/30 to 100/20
Force Commander Teleport energy cost reduce from 60 to 50
Force Commander Flesh Over Steel energy cost reduced from 80 to 40
Apothecary Sanguine Sword power cost reduce to 100/20
Master-Crafted Bolter Full Auto ability now does decrease damage when knocking back enemies from 60dps to 50dps.
Scout Sniper upgrade req cost reduced from 150 to 90
Scout Sniper reinforce to 35/6
Tactical Marines
Tactical Marines Cost Reduce from 500 to 450
Land Raider
Landraider cost increase from 700/180 to 800/200
Spore Mines
Spore Mines now give 5 red resource points to a player who kills them
Spore Mine Detonation recharge time increased from 4 to 5
Venom Brood
Venom Brood Cost Reduced to 300/10
Swarmlord Reduced hitpoints from 2000 to 1700
Kommando Nob
Assassinate can no longer target Sentinels
TankBusta Cost reduced from 300/15 to 300
Stikbomb Waagh! Cost reduced from 16 to 10
Stunbomb Waagh! Cost reduced from 40 to 20
Looted Tank
Changed damage type from pvp_autocannon to pvp_explosive
Plague Champion
Increase the range of the decay aura from Icon of Nurgle from 12 to 22
Chaos Lord
Let The Galaxy Burn ability range decrease from 50 to 40
Chaos Havocs
Havoc Autocannon damage type change from autocannon to pvp explosive
Havoc Autocannon cooldown reduced from 3 to 0
Havoc Autocannon area of effect increased from 2.5 to 3
Altered area of effect damage modifiers on Havoc Autcannon
Imperial Guard
Inquisitor will switch to ranged stance when upgraded with her Crossbow or Inferno Pistol
Inquistor Health increase from 640 to 720
Inquisitor Crossbow damage increase from 45 to 50
Inquisitor Inferno Pistol damage increase from 80 to 100
Lord General
Lord General Grenade Launcher increase cooldown from 2.25 to 3.50
Heavy Weapons Squad
Autocannon damage type changed from autocannon to pvp explosive
Removed on-hit effect that reduced cooldown from Autocannon
Autocannon cooldown decreased from 1.5 to 0
Autocannon damage increased from 45 to 55
Altered area of effect damage modifiers of Autocannon
Catachan Devils
Catachan Devils Explosive Shot Increase energy cost to 50
Catachan Devils Ol Reliable energy cost reduce to 55
Catachan Devils Shogun Damage reduce from 25 to 20
Catachan Devils Upkeep reduced from 0.01275 to 0.0085
Ogryn Squad
Ogryn Cost Reduce from 500/100 to 450/90
Storm Trooper Squad
Stormtroopers now have infiltrate by default, recon kit upgrade removed
Manicore Rocket against building modifier reduced from 3 to 0.7
Leman Russ
Leman Russ Cost Reduced from 600/150 to 500/125
Warp Spider Exarch
Warp Spider Default range damage reduce from 46 to 40
Warp Spider Exarch Improved Targeters cost increase from 100/30 to 130/35
Warp Spider Exarch Phase Shift ability now disables retreat for him till the ability is done
Farseer Spirit Stone cost increase from 100/25 to 120/30
Farseer Fortune Armour cost increase from 100/25 to 110/25
Farseer Ghosthelm now displays a helmet on the Farseer when purchased
Ranger Pathfinding Gear cost increase from 45/10 to 55/15
Ranger Infiltrate ticks more energy from 1 to 1.5
Autarch Fusion Gun moved to tier 3
Autarch Shield buffer changed from 0.2 to 0.25
Autarch spawning grenade damage reduced from 260 to 180
Warp Spiders
Warp Spiders Teleport now begins on cooldown
Warp Spiders Teleport cost increased from 30 to 35
This is obviously because Relic has moved the best writers to the team producing Homeworld 3. Sorry, W40K!Lime said:I do not understand why they even put a story into this, it only made the experience worse. It's weird Relic once made well-crafted RTS stories and now only produces W40K pulp.
Lime said:Finished the Imperial Guard campaign last night. It's too bad the story sucks donkey balls, while the gameplay is so fun. I almost facepalmed through my skull when that demon at the end arose from the lava. It couldn't be more generic and terrible. Otherwise it was a fun addition to the DOW2 campaigns and I look forward to playing some Last Stand later on.
I do not understand why they even put a story into this, it only made the experience worse. It's weird Relic once made well-crafted RTS stories and now only produces W40K pulp.
epmode said:This is obviously because Relic has moved the best writers to the team producing Homeworld 3. Sorry, W40K!
Gully State said:If narrative is what you want, I'd suggest picking up Chaos Rising. I myself haven't played much of singleplayer this time around but I hear that depending on the campaign, the story varies (supposedly the space marine one is pretty good from what I hear- although there's a bit of plot continuity issues if you had a certain ending for Chaos Rising).