Did you see it? The first purchasable DLC for Dawn of War 2. I think they made step in the right direction.
The_Player said:Did you see it? The first purchasable DLC for Dawn of War 2. I think they made step in the right direction.
>.> Warhammer?Metal Gear?! said:Wait, it's just a space marine reskin, not a new race? And it costs $7.50? Why?
So the big fans can pay that day 1 while the rest of us pick it up further on down the road for $2.50 on sale. Seems pretty reasonable to me for a detailed reskin of an entire race that looks to be really well done.Metal Gear?! said:Wait, it's just a space marine reskin, not a new race? And it costs $7.50? Why?
That was pure awesome and fun. Wish I could play like that.Anno said:Harlequin recently cast probably the most epic 2v2 that's ever happened for someone with 40 minutes to kill.
Try pressing backspace?Mrbob said:Is there any way to adjust the camera if you are playing Very Hard? Finished a campaign on Normal and Hard now starting a 3rd campaign on Very Hard. I don't like the way the camera is moved in so close on Very Hard. It is at an over the shoulder viewpoint. Adds an artificial layer of difficulty to make it tougher to do things. I went back to Hard on the Ork campaign I started because of it. I need my overhead view.
I finished once with the Eldar and Space Marines the the light heartedness of the Ork campaign is a refreshing change. The Ork Commander demanding The Inquisitor's hat to help out had me rolling! Writing is hilarious with the Orks!
Mrbob said:Is there any way to adjust the camera if you are playing Very Hard? Finished a campaign on Normal and Hard now starting a 3rd campaign on Very Hard. I don't like the way the camera is moved in so close on Very Hard. It is at an over the shoulder viewpoint. Adds an artificial layer of difficulty to make it tougher to do things. I went back to Hard on the Ork campaign I started because of it. I need my overhead view.
I finished once with the Eldar and Space Marines the the light heartedness of the Ork campaign is a refreshing change. The Ork Commander demanding The Inquisitor's hat to help out had me rolling! Writing is hilarious with the Orks!
Nobiru said:Started playing a bit more of this game, and after being a huge fan of DoW2 and Chaos Rising, im really not feeling the fact that they added in all the multiplayer stuff. I already had a hard enough time controlling 4 dudes really effectively, and tactically and now I have to control 8 at a time? fuck me.
They need to add a BioWare pause system so I can set all this shit up!
I like how they added other races to play as during campaign, but I would rather go back to just space marines, if it ment I would get more loot like the last 2 games, and feel like I need to be more tactical with my movements.
Maybe I should play more of the Space Marines, but so far this is my experience with the Eldar, and im not enjoying it half as much as DoW2 and CR.
ArjanN said:Umm.. the camera isn't related to the difficulty.
You don't have to create more units, you can also just buy the upgrades for your 4 heroes. I mostly just play with the heroes myself.
ArjanN said:You don't have to create more units, you can also just buy the upgrades for your 4 heroes. I mostly just play with the heroes myself.
Nobiru said:I will have to start doing that I guess. Its just when these missions are telling me to build some dudes or little tanks, or they just start me with a tank, I feel like I should listen to them. Im still really early in the game, so maybe that changes, or I can just stop listening to what the tell me to do in some cases.
Zeliard said:Been playing as Chaos in the campaign, good fun so far. They're a fun bunch of evil bastards.
Anyone try the Tyranid campaign? Heard that's the most disappointing one of the bunch.
ArjanN said:Umm.. the camera isn't related to the difficulty.
Mrbob said:Last Stand update live sweet.
I didn't think so either but I've started the Ork campaign 5 times now on Very Hard and every time it gives me an up close viewpoint. I start it on Hard and I can get the over the head view. I must be hitting some sort of odd glitch.
It also isn't only me. I've been co oping with a friend and the same thing happened with him starting a game.
Looks like it's just at the top of the "New Releases" list unlist my top sellers list hasn't updated or something.markot said:New skin DLC is top sellar on steam
ixix said:The Farseer's new staff in Last Stand pretty much makes all her other weapons obsolete. It has the highest ranged attack power of any of her weapons by an order of magnitude, it deals melee damage on par with the Witchblade of the Crone, it knocks back whatever it hits, it cuts all energy costs by 25%, and even though it doesn't mention it in the description it also makes her Unshakable.
It's kind of a huge paradigm shift for the elf to actually be able to kill things without Storming them.
MedIC86 said:Can you play with dark angels in the campaign ? or is it only for skirmish and such
ixix said:The Farseer's new staff in Last Stand pretty much makes all her other weapons obsolete. It has the highest ranged attack power of any of her weapons by an order of magnitude, it deals melee damage on par with the Witchblade of the Crone, it knocks back whatever it hits, it cuts all energy costs by 25%, and even though it doesn't mention it in the description it also makes her Unshakable.
It's kind of a huge paradigm shift for the elf to actually be able to kill things without Storming them.
Fëanor said:Man, I'm glad we switched to steam over from GFWL!
*plays rank with his friend*
*steam dies*
*steam does this every week*
*misses GFWL*
Nope, no more LAN. Forget about it. It's even need an internet connection to watch froggin replays.Iskander said:LTTP on this Last Stand looks neat but I'm going to be away from reliable internet for about a year. Any chance you can do Last Stand on the LAN? Doesn't look like it after poking around in the menus, but a guy can hope.
The_Player said:Nope, no more LAN. Forget about it. It's even need an internet connection to watch froggin replays.
$7.50 for a new force commander and space marines. What a rip off.The_Player said:So, here is Harlequin's review of the Dark Angel DLC.
But what if you love'em very-very much? I, for instance, ready to buy authentic Soul Drinkers even for 20$.Draft said:$7.50 for a new force commander and space marines. What a rip off.
Draft said:$7.50 for a new force commander and space marines. What a rip off.
HeadlessRoland said:As opposed to giving the content and cosmetic stuff for box price?
Nvidia or AMD?dollartaco said:
Any idea why I might be getting this weird dithering/color banding? It's like I have it in 16bit color mode. Drivers are up to date, this happens at all graphical settings.
Hmm, I'm not sure.dollartaco said:AMD, 6950, latest driver