this thread is now officially sullied by tales fans.
this thread is now officially sullied by tales fans.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Ys is good. I never said it was bad. It's basically Tales but with a crappier story.
I prefer Tales because I like the visual styles of Tales. Characters look cooler and I like the visuals of town. Super nice.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Ys is good. I never said it was bad. It's basically Tales but with a crappier story.
I prefer Tales because I like the visual styles of Tales. Characters look cooler and I like the visuals of town. Super nice.
This is very true but unlike Tales games the game's story is particularly boring. Like... really boring.
EDIT: Also, dagger girl OP. I can attack and move? Wat.
EDIT2: Just got to Primeval Lands. Loved some of the interior designs. Reminded me of Golden Sun a bit. This game is definitely a nostalgia play for me but I don't find it particularly special. The weird glow/visuals, lackluster narrative, and okay OST is sort of hard to ignore. The game has pretty great combat though. I also love the character design, save Ozma cuz he looks like crap.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Ys is good. I never said it was bad. It's basically Tales but with a crappier story.
I prefer Tales because I like the visual styles of Tales. Characters look cooler and I like the visuals of town. Super nice.
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Ys is good. I never said it was bad. It's basically Tales but with a crappier story. least in Tales, it tries to do stuff, has thematic tie-ins, philosophical statements, etc. Granted a lot of times it's bad but I appreciate it nonetheless.
The Ys 4 music arrangements are awesome, but I admit that I can't be sure I'm separating my appreciation for the original songs from their new iterations.
For a person that has never played a Ys game but is into RPGs, is this game a good place to start?
You guys are playing Ys for the story? I just enjoy the heck out of the gameplay.
Not sure why you're all flipping out because I said the story was crappier. I never said it was hot garbage and I never said Tales story was excellent either. I made a comparative statement. That's all. Also, the story in Ys is just bland. There's no character synergy. The characters themselves are boring, bland, and hollow. Also I feel there's really no drive to the overall narrative. Celceta is just a boring narrative experience, granted I didn't go into this game wanting a good narrative experience anyway. I do enjoy the fact that Adol is part of the worldbuilding process and in that respect, the narrative is actually quite neat in this regard. Beyond that, the narrative in Celceta is just there and doesn't really stand out. (EDIT: It's just a way to connect one waypoint to the next for me.)
At least in Tales, it tries to do stuff, has thematic tie-ins, philosophical statements, etc. Granted a lot of times it's bad but I appreciate it nonetheless.
ah, I had some "fun" when I heard that for the first time. the english dub is to blame, japanese version is fine.
Dude i played all tales series ever except hearts and tempest (and i heard nothing but bad things about tempest) , but i am telling you that tales series biggest weakness is its story and character development. So when you compare story of ys and tales series people will be upset.
Why are we comparing Ys games to Tales? I don't get it.
Is there any DLC planned for this game? I have imported the US version. Is DLC region restricted? If so may have to double dip later on down the line.
Aye, talking about the big guy on the area north of the first camp. After a few minutes dodging and doing crap damage I had to stop to get back to work, but his lifebar was laughing at me.
Weird Ys question for you Ys veterans in the thread: are the TG16/PCE Ys games still worth playing now? I have recently acquired a RGB and region modded PC Engine Duo-R and am currently building my game collection, and I know the Ys games on that system were highly regarded but I'm wondering if they still hold up well today.
On top of that stuff, how exactly do you learn new skills, is it random?
So how about learning new skills, is that random or is there some way to trigger it? I've got one new skill for Adol so far and nothing for Duran
From what I gather, it is indeed random, though your characters also need to be a certain level in order for there to be a chance of the skill being learnt. From what the game says, and my own experiences, anyway, it just seems as if there's a bigger chance of getting them when you're fighting off harder monsters such as those 'boss' ones around the forest and what not.
i guess same with tales... and pretty much every jrpg franchise these days![]()
I like the weapon and armor upgrading system in theory, however, it seems like by the time you are able to designate what sorts of upgrades you want on whomever's equipment, you can buy something new that clearly outclasses it. Maybe this is a less of a problem on a harder difficulty when you have to take things a little slower.
I agree on the status-ailment part. Very useful relative to pure stat upgrades.
Oh, on a side note, is this game using Gurumin's sound effect bank? All the emoticon/menu sounds sound exactly like the ones from Gurumin. I can't be imagining this, lol!
Alright sorry this is a selfish post, but I scooped up the silver edition without ever playing a Ys game, and my only action RPG experience was Final Fantasy Crisis Core.
What do I need to know? And I do like RPGs.
I've heard about the Ys games, and the fact that they're on Steam (I think?) makes them very appealing to me. I know absolutely nothing about these games though. What other RPG franchise is this similar to? Just looking for something to reference.
I switched my limited edition for the regular one at the last moment...was the CD collection really nice?
So I'm pretty sure I'm stuck at something stupid
The brief tutorial implied this was a drag and drop puzzle, yet none of the pieces do anything when I try to touch them. Small blue circles just appear that trace my touch path. I assumed maybe the pieces were red because I hadn't found them yet, but I think I've canvassed the dungeon twice and found nothing else. What am I missing, gaf?
Perfect, thank you. I was beginning to assume my touchscreen was failing.You are missing... the pieces! They are indeed red because you haven't found them yet. All three are present in the dungeon, though, in treasure chests, so... really, you just need to search some more!
Getting back into this after Thanksgiving weekend. It's like there's Estelle clones all over the starting town, I'd blow this off in a game from someone else but from Falcom I can't help but imagine at a minimum someone piped up "hey that girl NPC model kind of looks like Estelle."
Anyways, it definitely brings back Ys Seven memories so far. Is there any reason to bother upgrading equipment though, at least early on? Seems like the benefit you gain is pathetically small compared to just saving up and getting newer weapons, are new weapons spaced out further apart akin to every pre-Seven entry at some point, or is it better just to stock pile and go crazy either with late weapon buffs or at least special properties when useful for the point in the story you're at?
It depends on the game, since the Ys games aren't always all that similar to themselves. The most consistent element of the series is probably the awesome music.
I can't think of any popular RPGs that are quite like Ys. Most of the games are more action and less RPG, but Seven and Celceta balance it out a bit more.
Ys Origin has a demo you can try, and Oath in Felghana plays similarly to Yunica's playstyle in Origin. Felghana has a field/overworld between dungeons with sidequests, while Origin is more dungeon crawler-like and is just dungeon after dungeon with story elements throughout.
Chronicles is entirely different, using the bump system where you run into enemies to deal damage. Hitting from the front causes you to take damage so you have to run into them at angles or from the side. They're pretty fast paced and fun, but not modern enough for some.
Seven and Celceta aren't on PC in any relevant form (or at all in Celceta's case). But they add party members, more special attacks, and more items/equipment and crafting. They're also longer and more story heavy.
There are other games, notably Ark of Napishtim which runs on the same engine as Oath and Origin, but the PC version isn't in English (yet? XSEED will probably do it eventually). Konami ported the game to PS2 and PSP, but couldn't help but make some unnecessary changes in the otherwise decent PS2 version and the PSP port is bad from a technical standpoint (framerate problems and long loading times), but can be salvaged with CFW (CPU speed up and run it from the memory stick). The PSP version is also not on PSN.
Just beat this.
It's 3am and just got off 14 hour road trip so this will be brief..
This game does feel a little less "Ys" and more "Tales", I see where kayos is coming from. The addition of a party (relative to Origin, I and II, Oath, haven't played others), larger focus on story, more dialogue, just feels like another functional jrpg with above average combat. It feels a bit more homogenized, I guess? Maybe more by the numbers. I can't explain well. I've only played limited Ys games and maybe once I get into the others I'll see that it isn't such a departure.
As for the quality of the story, there's nothing remarkable about it for me to consider it better or worse than a Tales game on average. I don't want to strangle any individual party member for whatever reason so that already places it on a rung above most Tales games. Plus they offer different ways to play within the combat system, which is the far far more important part.
Have you played any of the Trails games (another RPG series by Falcom)? Because this game is basically Ys meets Trails. The questing and story structure (albeit MUCH less wordy here) in Celceta is ripped wholesale from those games.