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So basically, this is Tales of Ys: Trails of Celceta?
It probably feels like Falcom decided to cram some Trials elements in Ys.
Ew, Nayuta...Funny that they already try Ys elements in Trials.... Nayuta no kiseki anyone?
Funny that they already try Ys elements in Trials.... Nayuta no kiseki anyone?
I got my LE!
Funny that they already try Ys elements in Trials.... Nayuta no kiseki anyone?
I'd really like for them to return to "actual" Ys someday, as I really like the mythology built up by 1/2/Origins. For some reason, the other mythologies simply haven't resonated with me
Received my LE this morning and I really like the extras. Everything just oozes awesomeness.
Unfortunately, my Box got crushed during shipment, so I have some pretty nasty creases. Is there a way to purchase or obtain a replacement box in the flat and fold it back out?
I'm playing on nightmare and I have a friend who is playing on normal. He asked "What's the difference?"
I looked it up and I can not find a description of the differences for the various difficulty levels.
Is there a breakdown anywhere?
Good question, actually. If it's anything like Ys Seven, the biggest difference will be HP -- you have less of it, enemies have more of it -- and possibly the number of healing items you're able to carry at one time. There may also be some added attacks from certain bosses, or larger swarms of enemies during certain scripted fights (I know of at least one occurrence of this).
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Ys is good. I never said it was bad. It's basically Tales but with a crappier story.
I prefer Tales because I like the visual styles of Tales. Characters look cooler and I like the visuals of town. Super nice.
Thanks for the quick reply! Do you know if experience is handled differently? I'm at about twice the play time as my friend and we're about the same level.
And a quick side note, does anyone have any info on Ys: The Art Book? I found it listed on Amazon and it's 280 pages including all games up to Celceta. I'm very interested but there's no reviews. Does anyone here have it?
Some of my favorite songs from the game:
Burning Sword
Tower of Guidance
Harlequin's Temptation
Underground Ruins
The Morning After the Storm
Ancient Legend
You know I don't think I've ever had anything I've imported opened.Still waiting for mine, it shipped Monday last week but US customs are probably busy licking it all over in search for illegal drugz from Canada -.-
This seriously always happens to me, "This package has been opened by the US customs" oho well thanks WHY THE HECK DID YOU UNSEAL IT?!?!?!
Is there someone I can roshambo to get this fixed?
Just out of curiosity how long on average does it take to complete this game?
It's pretty amazing -- way better than you'd expect it to be. Haven't seen Udon's version of it yet, but they usually just bring things over straight-up without any alterations beyond translation, so I assume that'll hold here as well.
Definitely worth the money, though, if you're an art book fan.
~20 hours ballpark, depends on the usual things (difficulty, how much of a completionist are you, etc)
It's pretty amazing -- way better than you'd expect it to be. Haven't seen Udon's version of it yet, but they usually just bring things over straight-up without any alterations beyond translation, so I assume that'll hold here as well.
Definitely worth the money, though, if you're an art book fan.
No one answered earlier, but any tips for Glucarius on Nightmare? D: (end boss of thearea).Sacred Burrow
He's one of those bosses where it felt more like a Zelda fight, at times, than Ys. I basically kept rolling around him and hitting the legs, while trying to simply move away from most of his attacks. Eventually he'll go into that one where he rolls against the party, and if you simply move away he'll hit a wall and expose his weak point. Personally, I'd say the best to do is just keep this going until you have your EX Skill and then unleash it on his weak point when it is revealed.
He really isn't a hard boss if you just play it safe, and on Nightmare there'll be quite a few battles where playing it safe will be your best bet. I'm going without healing items, as well, so in a way I'm just being extra careful, but if you haven't put any sort of limit to your playstyle like this, I'm sure you can be a little more audacious there, haha.
Just out of curiosity how long on average does it take to complete this game?
Is playing on Nightmare with offensive AI even possible? I just got through the first boss and I ended up carrying Duren around as dead weight for 90% of the fight since he always dies in the first few seconds. My playstyle relies heavily on flash-guarding and occasionally dodging but even in those instances he seems to get hit.
I think it's worth noting,(before wyrdwad takes the wrong impression to his overlords) that for many of us, the whole "Ys meets Trails" is not a bad thing as we anxiously await the next localized Trials.![]()
Trails is my favorite RPG series these days. Absolutely love it to death. But I don't really want Ys to go in that direction. I'm pretty disappointed with what they've been doing with Ys 7 and Celceta in terms of pushing exposition and general chattiness, since Ys was never about that before.I think it's worth noting,(before wyrdwad takes the wrong impression to his overlords) that for many of us, the whole "Ys meets Trails" is not a bad thing as we anxiously await the next localized Trials.![]()
I agree, Ys is better when it's just Adol, minimal exposition and fun dungeon crawling. I really liked Celceta, but playing through it I kinda wish there was no party system (which is kind of useless IMO, I played a grand total of 10mins as someone other than Adol), and a lot less dialogue. At the same time, it was nice playing such a traditional-ish JRPG on the Vita. Just hope Ys doesn't keep moving in this direction. Hope it goes back to it just being Adol against the world.
They'll never outright do that unless they announce a game and are unable to bring it out for whatever reason.Are we talking about Nayuta or what? I don't care about it's writing, it's story, or anything. I want gameplaaaay (and I guess music). As soon as XSEED gives the "not happening" signal I will probably import and suffer through playing the game via a message board to figure out what the heck I'm supposed to do.
They'll never outright do that unless they announce a game and are unable to bring it out for whatever reason.
With that said, it's a PSP game in the year 2013 when they've got bigger fish to fry and pay the bills with, we're probably lucky to get Trails in the Sky SC on PSP as it is. Combined with the fact the story's apparently not all that great I'd just go ahead and import, I'm considering that myself eventually. Our best hope now is probably a port to another system, maybe an "HD" update for Vita or testing the waters on 3DS, though I figure they'd do that with either the original Trails in the Sky or Ys Seven.
To be fair, the addition of party members isn't really any different than the addition of swords in Napishtim, bracelets in Felghana or artifacts in Origin. Just like you'd switch among three options on the fly as needed in those games, you switch among three options on the fly in Seven and Celceta too -- and just like you're far more likely to favor one sword, bracelet or artifact over the other two, you're also far more likely to favor one character over the other two.
So to me, the addition of party members is just a natural progression for the series. And while I do think Ys needs to be less about story and more about gameplay, I also think Falcom balanced the story to gameplay ratio a lot better in Celceta -- and managed to write a pretty GOOD story, too!
I can understand the addition of party members to some extent since there's only so many times that Adol's near constant companion Dogi can conveniently be busy doing something else.So to me, the addition of party members is just a natural progression for the series. And while I do think Ys needs to be less about story and more about gameplay, I also think Falcom balanced the story to gameplay ratio a lot better in Celceta -- and managed to write a pretty GOOD story, too!
And a quick side note, does anyone have any info on Ys: The Art Book? I found it listed on Amazon and it's 280 pages including all games up to Celceta. I'm very interested but there's no reviews. Does anyone here have it?
Official way to pronounce Ys is eece. Right?
Sounds like E's.....like you have more than one E
True, but as noted Nayuta probably has more text to deal with and they may have to go with a dub depending on whatever deals Falcom mad VA-wise, so I think something like Brandish as a cheap DL title looks more likely than Nayuta. I may be surprised, or they will port it to 3DS and we'll get both versions because "why not?"Tom has said that there is still some possibility (however small) that they could still release Brandish for PSP, and Trails SC is still coming in 2014. And they have said they aren't localizing the second Unchained Blades and that other Corpse Party PSP game. I don't think anything has been mentioned about Nayuta, it probably has quite a bit more text and would take more time (= money) than Brandish, so I wouldn't be surprised if they do throw a confirmation they don't intend to pick it up.
But yeah, I wouldn't mind missing out on the story at all. It would just be annoying to try to play it and not have a clue where I'm supposed to go or what I'm supposed to do. But it might come down to that.
It's definitely not that. There's probably a bit of preference but I think it's eece officially. Tom would know for sure I assume.