Just finished this at around 22hrs on normal. Good stuff, although the story and exposition later on are so ridiculous that I couldn't button through them fast enough (Roos?). New skills, new gear, new refinements, new monsters, new areas, exploring the map, and putting together those awesome AoE and mega damage chains are the real draw for me.
I don't think I actually used the guard button the entire game, but doing lots of dash rolls due to the +SP scarf allowing me to have an almost always full SP bar. By the end of the game my go to party for rolling was Adol for Blade Barrage, Karna for Homing Daggers & Napalm Shot, Calilica for Gravity Bomb, and Frieda for Ice Drop and the nightmare circle one. I'd usually take Adol out for regular combat and put him back in for boss fights, more fun to run with all women. Major refinement pushes were +heal, +evade on armor and then +poison, +para, +freeze on weapon. By the end of the game I had these as +20/+30 enchant setups on all three weapons and it made rolling through just ridiculous. But fun ridiculous

I missed the final artifact and a few percent of map complete, I had thought there was a post-game but it looks like it's just New Game+? That's a bummer, I don't really feel like playing the entire game, I just want to putter around and finish up the remaining bits of missed map. Or did I somehow misparse the endgame? There was some complaint about not being able to save after heading to the lava mountain, so I have a save before that, is that considered 'endgame', or is endgame only on NG+?
Back to Dragon's Crown which I never finished...