Adol x Feena OTP
well, supposedly Feena is the only girl that Adol has been in love with "canon" wise.
Adol x Feena OTP
best girl
Adol x Feena OTP
I thought everybody knew at this point that Adol only has eyes for Dogi!
My Vita has once or twice failed to respond to a few buttons after coming from sleep mode. Like, all the buttons to the left wouldn't work for several seconds.Happened with both Vita and PS1 games.
I remember Aeana saying it wouldn't work for one reason or another.![]()
I thought everybody knew at this point that Adol only has eyes for Dogi!
Finally beat the game. A bunch of cute girls only to not choose any one of them.
You call yourself a man, Adol!?
Of course! It is mad fun and this one will make sure you aren't lost.
Normal is very easy if you have any capability with these sorts of games. I kept around 10 bitter potions on hand and never got below five in the worst fight. Didn't die once in maybe 22hrs of play.So what's the consensus on the difficulty on this?
Normal is very easy if you have any capability with these sorts of games. I kept around 10 bitter potions on hand and never got below five in the worst fight. Didn't die once in maybe 22hrs of play.
Still fun though, it becomes about the meta-game/aesthetic of maximum damage over shortest time via combos, etc.
Yeah, I played through it on Nightmare and was thoroughly entertained. Sometimes it was a bit easy but still.Thanks, looks like I'm gonna restart before I get any more invested. I love a good challenge and higher difficulty on Oath in Felghana and others was very satisfying.
Thanks, looks like I'm gonna restart before I get any more invested. I love a good challenge and higher difficulty on Oath in Felghana and others was very satisfying.
Yeah, I played through it on Nightmare and was thoroughly entertained. Sometimes it was a bit easy but still.
thid game is easier on nightmare than OiF was on normal fyi
stilllove ity though p[rob my goty 2013 @_@
I also want to state that this game was robbed of GoTY by Gamespot, Zelda won, and this game is better than it in just about every possible way. Not that I dislike Zelda, I'm enjoying it quite a bit, but after all the talk about how it had the fastest combat ever, and how it was just speedy and amazing I realized that not enough people played Ys to see what REAL action-adventure combat is like.
I just picked this up today.
Anything I should keep in mind as I'm playing?
I see that apparently nightmare is the way to go. I just got out of thein the beginning so I don't have any issues with starting over.mine
I'm mostly concerned about obscure things that are easy to miss that I won't realize till I'm near the end of the game.
Depending on what you just said about two or three, the final dungeon is alot longer then the others.Can you tell me about how many hours I have left?
Depending on what you just said about two or three, the final dungeon is alot longer then the others.
If you care about getting the platinum trophy, there are several trophies that are easily missable, so I'd recommend checking out the trophy guide. Don't worry about starting on Nightmare, since two playthroughs are required if you want every item anyway.
Sometimes I wish this game had an auto-roll button. I mean, 90% of the time I seem to be rolling around like circus performer.
The treasure chest record is one of the few things that doesn't carry over.Does the chest progression carry over into NG+? So if I happen to get my missing chest(s) it will give me the trophy.
In video games it's only natural!
Or is that just zelda
The treasure chest record is one of the few things that doesn't carry over.
You have to get 100% in one play through.
Adol is constantly doing this. Every girl he meets is totally wet for him and he might as well just give them a crotch kick the way he ignores them. But that's what makes him hilariously badass.
Finished the game and I want to tackle the rest of my backlog, but this game is too goooood. I'm going in for another playthrough. =(
Random question about Y's in any of the games' battle systems allow you to execute combos? Does this one have it?
Is Napishtim (PC) similar, difficulty-wise, to Oath? I loved Oath on Hard mode, but I kinda wish I played Origin on Nightmare instead because Origin Hard seemed a bit easier than Oath Hard.
Maybe I'll just jump into Nightmare for VI, but am I right in guessing that the difficulties in VI line up with those in Oath?
I apologize for getting a little off-topic but I figured it wasn't worth a new thread.