pretty done
In just 1 hour?
couple hours. I was lost for a little and the map is kinda confusing at times.
In just 1 hour?
Huh? I guess I should have been more clear in my comment that I finished the game on Nightmare already. I found two or three Sun Stones, but I didn't find where to use them. But I'm not going for the platinum, the list didn't seem to be any fun.
so i just started playing the game. Is it worth upgrading weapons as you go or at the end?
Play on easy and try to go as far as you can without upgrading. You will get more powerful/buy more powerful weapons along the way.
Get as much money as you can for the 1 million dollar trophy.
And then use your resources to upgrade the ultimate weapons created through the sun stones.
so i just started playing the game. Is it worth upgrading weapons as you go or at the end?
But you know we are going to play it again on nightmare!Don't play an Ys game on easy. That's taking all the fun out of it.
Just import it like the rest of us.Why does England have to wait so long for this, we speak (mostly) the same language as USA !
No. But it's a must if you like Action RPGs.So this game is a must if you like jrpgs right?
No.Is the story at least decent?
So this game is a must if you like jrpgs right? Is the story at least decent?
So I'm on Hard and it's basically Baby Mode.I think I'm right before the final dungeon now. I've got around 30 hours logged on Nightmare while trying to clear all quests and exploring everything as thoroughly as possible before I move on. I'm a bit disappointed with the second half of the game. The three "dungeons" in the second half were a bit of a let down. All three were a bit short and hardly contained any new ideas. The biggest disappointment is the fact that all three dungeons shared the same track! Nothing's worse than arriving at a new dungeon only to be greeted with a track that you've heard three times already. So unexciting. =/
So I'm on Hard and it's basically Baby Mode.
I'm guessing that Nightmare isn't too much better?
Also, that's disappointing to hear regarding the second half, a lot of this game feels surprisingly half-cooked.
Is not bad, dude. Cliche driven but at least doesn't feel as kitsch as other JRPG. At least you don't end hating someone of your party.
Is not bad, dude.
What's wrong with that?
What's wrong with that?
Adol doesn't talk. Ever.
lol but seriously, I have no clue. Seems perfectly justified to me for an amnesiac to question who and what he is.
I'll echo what jdkluv said: Everything.What's wrong with that?
I'll echo what jdkluv said: Everything.
Anyway, on the topic of Adol talking or not, that was not really cemented as "a thing" until modern Ys, starting with Ys I & II Eternal. Of course that's now out of the window with Celceta, he's talking up a storm in the awful flashback scenes and, let's face it, Duren is simply Adol's mouthpiece in all other cut-scenes. His dialogue is so hamfisted, they really should have just Adol talk if felt that they needed to force so much "story" into the game. Putting all of Adol's words into Duren is just awful writing.
Also, "This is a special door that does not unlock from the inside."
Falcom should be embarrassed.
The accessories which give boosts to drops/xp/money do the entire team benefit from them?
Well, I mean do you have to be controlling the person with the gold boost/item drop boost to get the boost? I just asked because I wanted to know whether it was pointless me giving a gold boost to one of my party members and a drop booster to another.Exp: no. For the rest, I guess you mean, when the one who has them equipped is not in your party? I'm not sure, but I don't think so.
what made the tonkin game better? you make it sound like hudson's was superior.
Mask of the Sun is universally considered worse, but it stuck closer to Falcom's plans so it was considered canon.
nooooooo how do I get this treasure?!?!
in the spore forest...
it shows on my map but I cant actually find it! -_-
yes it's a bit late!Bit late and you might have gotten already but warp to the marker to the right of your screenshot then just head north follow that path from there and it be directly out in the open.
the only thing I didn't like about the game was the horrifyingly awful music track that plays in the first town Canan (spelling?). Just an awful track and of course it play in the biggest most confusingly layed out town :/
"Casnan, The Frontier Town". The original was just awesome.
I thought 'I Want To Be Kind' was much, much worse. Weakest town theme in both Ys IVs, Celceta and pretty much Ys history IMO. Doesn't help that it is actually a plagiarism of Ultraman Leo.
"I want to be kind" is ok, not great, but I think I like because it reminds me of a track from FFVII
The original version that you posted of "Casnan the Frontier Town" is SOOOOO much better than what was in the Vita version